---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 19:04:46 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and they affirmed once more that your wife
Lori Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
David "for the public record" you are wrong. Lori was not fired from
American Eagle. I challenge you personally to show any e mails or blog
entries or evidence that she was.
Get your cock out of that little boy's ass, and prove your imaginary claims.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 18:50:20 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and they affirmed once more that your wife
Lori Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Oh dear more "for the public record" prevarications. Just like all
those imaginary law suits.! lol lol
"C'yall in court" Davey baby. So why don't you hire a lawyer, file
papers and hire process server and sue me asshole.
I challenge you to do so. I challenge you to actually call Lori. Do it asshole!
You are all talk and bullshit.
Tell Laura the Butt I want to give a few golden showers!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 18:38:09 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and they affirmed once more that your wife
Lori Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Oh dear you are in your stalking and harassing women mode aren't you?
David, no one at the store you made your imaginary phone call to, ever
heard of Lori.
Consider this, a complete whack job calls a store where no one has
heard of who the crazy man is calling about.
Are they going to listen to his wild rantings about a person being
"fired awhile ago."
David, have you been in touch again with Alison Menard, and Linda
Duffett-Leger? lol lol
What's your next imaginary phone call?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 18:27:17 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and they affirmed once more that your wife
Lori Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
David, you poor dumb bastard.
Lori does not work there, nor ever has worked there. No one there ever
heard of her, and I really suspect you never called them or they hung
on you just like everyone else does.
Oh yes oops I did it again on the "evil blog"
David you really are a pathetically insane amerkan asshole!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
David Amos and "for the public record"
One of David Amos' favourite silly amerkanisms after "C'yall
incourt," is "for the public record." A few hours ago a deliciously
excited and proud David Amos e mailed me to tell me in his words.
"For the public record, I just called Mark's Work Wearhouse again to
affirm that Lori Ink was once fired quite awhile ago...."
He also when on to say this, which is totally incomprehensible.
" Anyone can call these folks and mention my name. They are certainly
allowed to speak to me...."
Marks 780 479 2478 END QUOTE
The problem is no management personnel spoke to David. No management
personnel knew who David was pontificating about because Lori has not,
or does not work there.
This is certainly not the first time David Amos has stalked or
harassed women, or Lori. He has attempted to call the CEO of Canadian
Tire, that owns Mark's. David Amos has tried to call other Mark's
outlets. Mr. Amos has stalked and harasses Alison Menard and Linda
Duffet-Leger and they both e mailed and sent him legal letters to tell
him to cease and desist or face the legal and criminal consequences.
David Amos has a long and sordid criminal history of sexually
assaulting young boys and stalking and harassing women, as does his
"son," and "daughter."
So today our "friend" the pedophile David Amos is "simply beside
himself" with glee because one sales lady did not hang up on him
immediately. But alas David, the "fat lady is singing," again. You
have failed miserably again, and the RCMP of K Div, the EPS and
Military Police are deleting unread your correspondence.
David Amos' self-described "work" has no redeeming, or sane
characteristics....just like the New Brunswick anti-fracking injin
Posted by Seren at 5:23 PM
Saturday, June 29, 2013
David Amos wants to go after my wife
David Amos calls himself a, "fierce political animal," and an "ethical
whistle blower," a "bounty hunter," but actually he is a self
aggrandizing, sociopath, pedophile. He is a loathe some creature,
who's e communications, and harassment is blocked or deleted by
everyone. David's phone calls are hung up within seconds of David
calling because he is immediately recognized as a insane miscreant.
In the last several years David, has attempted call the Dean at my
daughter's law school alma-mater, my wife's place of employment. All
this to his intense chagrin and ultimate failure. He feverishly has
attempted to sow trouble for several years, and has always failed.
So I cordially invite and challenge David to try and call my wife at
work, (he doesn't know where) and once again try to bully the
management to release employee private information to him. He has
always failed and will fail again. Or as David says, "the fat lady has
been singing" for David's failures, for several years.
About three weeks ago a Edmonton Police Service, Intake Officer for
the Professional Standards Branch, whom I know e mailed inquiries to
me regarding an "loony tunes man" named David Amos, from Fredericton
New Brunswick. He told me that David Amos has been spamming EPS e
mail accounts, and been making scores of harassing phone calls to EPS
personnel. On my recommendation and information all of David's e mails
are now filtered electronically and deleted by the EPS computer
This information and information from Barry Shaw and Military Police
has been relayed to senior Canadian Tire management, lawyers and
Mark's District managers.
So again I cordially invite, and challenge David Amos to once again
make a fool of himself and try and harass Lori, again. This animal
called our favourite Public House and the owner politely told him to
fuck himself.
Nothing has changed. David Amos and his children are still cunts! And
no one is listening to their bleating!
Posted by Seren at 11:53 PM
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 17:17:33 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and the affirmed once more that your wife Lori
Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
For the Public Record David!
No one at the store you called, ever heard of Lori Ink! LOL LOL LOL
----- Original Message -----
From: "BARRY WINTERS" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
To: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cc: "Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>; "Avi Perry"
<avi.perry@yahoo.com>; "jacques boucher"
<jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "David Amos"
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; "sallybrooks25"
<sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>; "gary.forward"
<gary.forward@fredericton.ca>; "andremurraynow"
<andremurraynow@gmail.com>; "andre" <andre@jafaust.com>; "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>; "madd professor"
<madd_professor@cox.net>; "Gary Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Wayne Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; <oldmaison@yahoo.com>;
<police@edmundston.ca>; "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>;
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>; "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>;
"premier" <premier@gov.ab.ca>; "premier" <premier@gnb.ca>;
"Robert.Trevors" <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>; "justmin"
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>; "jamiebaillie" <jamiebaillie@bellaliant.com>;
"acampbell" <acampbell@ctv.ca>; "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>;
"justin.trudeau.a1" <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>; "tom demeter ve"
<tom.demeter.ve@gmail.com>; <LIBERTYISNOTFREE@yahoogroups.com>;
<8thDAY@yahoogroups.com>; <6thTRUMPETsurvivalists@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: At least Gary Forward's computer is FAR more ethical that
the nasty ladies Acting Chief Leanne.Fitch Staff Sergeant Kim
Quartermain, Corporal Bobbi Simmons-Beauchamp or you EH Brent
Oh dear, "an ethical computer!" How do you live with this silly spam!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Fat pigs at Mark's
Saturday, late in the afternoon a profoundly and morbidly obese woman
named Laura entered the Marks Store. She proceeded to gather a number
of garments she couldn't possibly squeeze her cellulite into, and
went to the women's fitting rooms.
As the sales clerk passed by she heard the sound of the garbage can
being moved on the floor. That can mean the "shopper" is taking the
sales and security tags off garments and placing them at the bottom of
the garbage can, with garbage on top of them. This in preparation for
stealing the garments. This is a common tactic of shoplifters.
So the sale clerk quickly checked the garbage can as the fat bimbo
started to the front of the store. The fat woman had pissed into the
garbage can. This animal decided to use a woman's fitting room as her
own personal woman's pisser. There are public washroom's in the store.
But alas this fat bimbo was too lazy to avail herself of the washroom.
So whenever you see a fat cow go into a fitting room, there is a very
good chance she is going there to piss in the garbage.
Oh dear fat girls are lazy stupid girls, or David Amos' daughter Laura
the Butt.
Posted by Seren at 4:17 AM
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "madd professor"
<madd_professor@cox.net>, "Gary Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Wayne Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
police@edmundston.ca, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
"sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "premier" <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"premier" <premier@gnb.ca>, "Robert.Trevors" <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>,
"justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "jamiebaillie"
<jamiebaillie@bellaliant.com>, "acampbell" <acampbell@ctv.ca>,
"toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "tom demeter ve"
<tom.demeter.ve@gmail.com>, LIBERTYISNOTFREE@yahoogroups.com,
8thDAY@yahoogroups.com, 6thTRUMPETsurvivalists@yahoogroups.com
Cc: "Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "Avi Perry"
<avi.perry@yahoo.com>, "jacques boucher"
<jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "David Amos"
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "sallybrooks25"
<sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, "gary.forward"
<gary.forward@fredericton.ca>, "andremurraynow"
<andremurraynow@gmail.com>, "andre" <andre@jafaust.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2013 11:32:34 PM
Subject: At least Gary Forward's computer is FAR more ethical that the
nasty ladies Acting Chief Leanne.Fitch Staff Sergeant Kim Quartermain,
Corporal Bobbi Simmons-Beauchamp or you EH Brent Blackmore???
From: "Forward, Gary" <gary.forward@fredericton.ca>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 05:09:46 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Ya think corrupt cops such as Jacques
Boucher, Dale McGowan and Rod Knecht would be clever enough to figure
this out EH Bob Paulson?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I will be out of the office until May 20, 2013. Please contact Staff
Sergeant Kim Quartermain at 460-2317 or Corporal Bobbi
Simmons-Beauchamp at 460-2424 regarding any divisional issues you may
have during this absence.
Thank you/Merci
Gary Forward, Inspector
This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and
is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged.
Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is
prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to
anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of
privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately
notify the sender and then delete this communication and any
attachments from your computer system and records without saving or
forwarding it. Thank you.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 02:09:42 -0300
Subject: Ya think corrupt cops such as Jacques Boucher, Dale McGowan
and Rod Knecht would be clever enough to figure this out EH Bob
To: "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>,
madd_professor@cox.net, Gary Rhodes <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Wayne Lang
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
police@edmundston.ca, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, "Robert.Trevors" <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>, justmin
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>, jamiebaillie <jamiebaillie@bellaliant.com>,
acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, toewsv1 <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>,
"justin.trudeau.a1" <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
tom.demeter.ve@gmail.com, LIBERTYISNOTFREE@yahoogroups.com,
8thDAY@yahoogroups.com, 6thTRUMPETsurvivalists@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Avi Perry <avi.perry@yahoo.com>, jacques boucher
<jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, sallybrooks25
<sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, "gary.forward"
<gary.forward@fredericton.ca>, andremurraynow
<andremurraynow@gmail.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>
The RCMP's favourite pervert says this of my kids and I
"David Amos of "Fat Fred City" the name he refers to Fredericton by,
is a perverted, criminal and entirely insane voice in the
"wilderness'. David Amos has been married, had several short term
friendships but in the end, has been and is hated by every one who has
known him. His "children" abhor and avoid him because he asks them for
money. "
Mr Baconfat's best blogging butt buddy Chucky Leblanc thinks the RCMP
are more ethics than these town clowns in Fat Fred City What a sick
joke N'esy Pas Andre Faust and Andre Murray?
Sunday, May 05, 2013
Gary Forward or Brent Blackmore will be the First Police Chief to be
appointed under social media!!!!
Yes and they have to answer if they were familiar that the Cops lied
to the Internet Provider that I was into Child Porn!!
Click below for video -
I know that Gary Forward was in the building because I saw him while
being escorted to a room to be interviewed!!!
Sure is going to be a waste of time if one of these two are chosen
because nothing will change.
The citizens in Fredericton deserves a new chief that will be honest!!!
A Police Chief who supports forging documents to jailed good law
abiding citizens must be confronted on these issues.
I am not certain that the Committee in charge to appoint the new Chief
will look into this?
We need a Guillotine at Officer's Square and 4 to 6 Cops need to be dismiss!!!
We must clean house!!!! We don't need no Keystones Cops in the Capital!!
1913 -
2013 -
How many citizens are in Jail because of these crooked Cops???
Fredericton have the worst Police Force in the whole Country!!!! We
are the laughing stock of the rest of Canada!!!
Total waste of time is the new Chief is from the old Boys Club and
social media will let the world know that we have a very crooked cop
at the helm !!!!
Time to bring in the R.C.M.P!!!!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gary RHODES <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 14:50:38 -0400
Subject: Re: Nope that pervert touched a pile of nerves long ago A
couple of Andres and one Sally should check out the zionist's blog
ASAP He one very sick puppy EH Professor? (Detachment Commander Away
on Leave)
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I am on vacation from 2013-04-20 to 2013-05-10. Should you require
assistance from the detachment management team please contact Sgt.
Michell Boutin at
>>> David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> 04/20/13 12:50 >>>
Checkout the email I sent the RCMP at the same point in time (Its
right after your response)
BTW this is me running for Parliament in 2006 Amos Moses anyone?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr <madd_professor@cox.net>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 23:10:08 -0800
Subject: Fw: Need I say I am hou=moured that the zionists hate mean old me?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Hey Dave, just so's yeh know whats going around in response to your efforts.
Ha, ha, guess you touched a nerve eh?
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 00:26:14 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Staff Sergeant Gary Rhodes, Sergeant Michelle Boutin and
their client Dean Roger Ray must want to be sued EH???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
So sue us all, asshole!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Gary Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Michelle.Boutin"
<Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Wayne Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "david hughson"
<david.hughson@fredericton.ca>, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
police@edmundston.ca, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
"sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "premier" <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"premier" <premier@gnb.ca>, "Robert.Trevors" <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>,
"justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "jamiebaillie"
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "acampbell"
<acampbell@ctv.ca>, "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>,
"justin.trudeau.a1" <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:12:01 PM
Subject: Staff Sergeant Gary Rhodes, Sergeant Michelle Boutin and
their client Dean Roger Ray must want to be sued EH???
Your favourite client has many channels and I present just a few below
As I said on the phone to the RCMP last week after I heard Dean Roger
Ray bitching about me and you I strongly suggested Staff Sergeant Gary
Rhodes and Sergeant Michelle Boutin have and lawyer contact me and
that they should search ther own names within YouTube
BTW AMOSthestalker and are DavidRayAmos NOT Me
Sunday, March 11, 2012
ATTN MAYOR SAMSON; Dean Roger Ray and his Cybercrimes Against My Family
Tube. Duration : 12.43 Mins.
AMOSthestalker (19 minutes ago)
I always give the police provocateurs what they want Amos so there you go
your kid who attacked my websites was threatened. Becareful who meets
about the bike they may be bad guys wanting to hunt you down because you
work for RCMP!
AMOSthestalker (21 minutes ago)
AMOSthestalker (25 minutes ago)
Do not need a lawyer Amos because your a loser and now you lose big time
and you never learn.
AMOSthestalker (29 minutes ago)
So you chose the kid how brave of you......William Weeks was warned but
like you not so bright!
DavidRayAmos (51 minutes ago)
Too late Dirty Dicky Dean I saved the page already. Better have your lawyer
call me ASAP EH FATSO???
AMOSthestalker (1 hour ago)
Just say the word Amos before it is too late and you can take her place!
AMOSthestalker (1 hour ago)
I have a message for you from my assassin friend! Same guy that killed
William Weeks aka chang13a ......He says it sucks to be a parent of
children who die in car crashes. You should not of stalked me amos now
your going to learn the hard way! I am truly sorry it came to this Amos but
the message of "do not gangstalk " is not coming accross very well!!!!
Truly sorry for your loss! I did not make the choices here I am just the
messanger ...
Tags: rcmp, police, crime, religion, cops, family, friends, fun,
reunion, grandma, uncle, visit, court, cousins, his, outing, granny,
attorney, security, dad, judge, criminal, officer, arrested, justice,
personal, robbery
----- Original Message -----
From: "BARRY WINTERS" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
To: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>; "justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>;
"MulcaT" <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>; "Gary.Rhodes"
<Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Ken.Zielke" <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>;
"Randy.McGinnis" <Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>;
"deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>; "dean.delmastro.c1"
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: I see your Buddy Dean Roger Ray and his pals still
slandering you too EH Sgt Michelle Boutin, Sgt Gary Rhodes and Justin
YO Amos, I am sure I speak for all your "lucky" addressees, to stop
the spam. We don't care what you may have to say!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Gary.Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "sunrayzulu"
<sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "Ken.Zielke" <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "deanr0032"
<deanr0032@hotmail.com>, "dean.delmastro.c1" <dean.delmastro.c1@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "MulcaT"
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 10:56:05 PM
Subject: I see your Buddy Dean Roger Ray and his pals still slandering you
too EH Sgt Michelle Boutin, Sgt Gary Rhodes and Justin Trudeau??
Monday, April 15, 2013
Firewall Albnerta from the Liberals, Socialists, and Eastern Bastard land
This weekend the NDP convened their biannual "policy conference" and
debated the feasibility of nationalizing the Alberta Oil Sands. It
seems no one told these "people" that constitutionally and legally
each province controls and owns its resources. It seems these animals
have forgotten the wars waged betwixt Peter Lougheed and that arch
eastern bastard Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Does, "let the bastards freeze
in the dark," spark any recollections?"
Yesterday at the Westin Plaza in Ottawa the Liberal Party of Eastern
kanada held the coronation of their new leader Justin Trudeau. At his
coronation former Prime Minster and crime family Capo addressed the
deliriously joyous gathering to remind all Albertans of his and
liberals abject graft, dismissed as "accounting errors," Shawinnigate,
and the raping of western Canada with Papa Trudeau's and Chretien's
National Energy Plan. "Its deja vu all over again!"
QSLS Politics
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Visitor's Time Apr 15 2013 7:14:05 am
Visit Number 30,699
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 20:05:09 -0300
Subject: Who says Canadian Tire are ignoring me you or your wife?
Perhaps Lori Ink and the Globe and Mail should call Jeff ASAP EH? Mr
To: "BARRY WINTERS\" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, \"Randy.McGinnis\"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, \"rod.knecht\"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, \"BCCO\" <BCCO@cantire.com>,
\"Robyn.Collver\" <Robyn.Collver@cantire.com>, \"Stephen.Wetmore\""
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, police
<police@fredericton.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>,
bairdj <bairdj@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, MulcaT
Just Dave
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Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Apr 12 2013 1:15:14 pm
Visit Number 19,270
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 15:32:02 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Canadian Tire owns Marks Dummy They ignored me for a
month so I called their lawyers and the cops again
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos! How's your daughter's cunt!
Here is another magazine or newspaper for you to whine, and annoy. Read the blog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 16:57:04 -0300
Subject: Yo Dale McGowan explain Sec 300 Real slow to your minions will ya?
To: "BARRY.SHAW" <BARRY.SHAW@forces.gc.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"Ken.Zielke" <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "jeff.kasbrick"
<jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca>, "t.wilson" <t.wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
radical <radical@radicalpress.com>, hjk <hjk@quesnelbc.com>, rmathews
<rmathews@telus.net>, "Stephen.Wetmore" <Stephen.Wetmore@cantire.com>,
"Robyn.Collver" <Robyn.Collver@cantire.com>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, ppalmater
<ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 13:30:34 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: MEDIA The corrupt Cops and the lawyer Dr. Pamela D.
Palmater must be on your side nobody but you is that dumbCorrect Mr
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos!
Yo Momma!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Randy MCGINNIS" <randy.mcginnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "ppalmater"
<ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>, "sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Cc: "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "David Amos"
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 1:17:49 PM
Subject: Re: MEDIA The corrupt Cops and the lawyer Dr. Pamela D.
Palmater must be on your side nobody but you is that dumbCorrect Mr
get a lawyer
On 4/9/13, Randy MCGINNIS <randy.mcginnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> wrote:
> Mr Amos would you plse remove me from your email fan outs.
> Thank you.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> To: WILSON, Terry <T.Wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> To: MCGINNIS, Randy <randy.mcginnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> To: rod.knecht <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>
> To: BARRY.SHAW <BARRY.SHAW@forces.gc.ca>
> Cc: Amos, David <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> To: jeff.kasbrick <jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca>
> To: Ken.Zielke <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>
> To: premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>
> Cc: ppalmater <ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>
> To: hjk <hjk@quesnelbc.com>
> To: radical <radical@radicalpress.com>
> To: rmathews <rmathews@telus.net>
> Sent: 2013-04-09 01:05:44 PM
> Subject: MEDIA The corrupt Cops and the lawyer Dr. Pamela D. Palmater must
> be on your side nobody but you is that dumbCorrect Mr Baconfat?
> From: Pamela Palmater <ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>
> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 16:55:26 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Cops should understand how computers,
> emails, blogging, Youtubes and Google works Correct?
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Kwe /Hello;
> As the winter term classes are over, I will be out of the office
> regularly working on research projects during the spring and summer.
> Due to the extremely high volume of emails, calls, and requests over
> the last few months, there may be some delay before I can get back to
> your request. My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
> It may be helpful to send a reminder if your matter is urgent and/or
> put the nature of the request in the subject heading.
> In the meantime, if you have any urgent Ryerson business, please
> contact the Department Chair, Patrice Dutil.
> If you have a media request, please put MEDIA in your subject line and
> I will get back to you as soon as I can.
> Thank you/Welal'in
> Pam
> Dr. Pamela D. Palmater
> Chair in Indigenous Governance
> Ryerson University
> On 4/9/13, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://www.ucobserver.org/features/2012/08/day_five/
>> The United Church Observer
>> 478 Huron Street
>> Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2R3
>> Tel: (416) 960-8500
>> Toll Free: 1-800-936-4566
>> Fax: (416) 960-8477
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Tuesday, April 9, 2013
>> Rev. Bruce Gregerson and the United Church of Canada hates Jews
>> If you are a Jew or an Israeli, Rev. Bruce Gregerson and the United
>> Church of Canada hates you, and wants you dead. If you are an Israeli
>> living in Beit El, Alon Shvut, or even parts of Yerushalym, Rev.
>> Gregerson and and his United Church of Canada members want you dead
>> and or gone.
>> Sieg Heil Herr Gregerson! Just like Herr Goebbles, you tell a lie long
>> enough, it becomes the truth! As long as you call Israeli settlements
>> "illegal," in "occupied" Palestine, and get this lie published, one
>> day it may be considered true.
>> To all you United Church of Canada bigots consider these two facts:
>> In the mid eighteen hundreds America went to war with Mexico and won
>> in a war Tejas! So is the state of Texas "occupied territory?" Are
>> Houston, San Antonio, Austin et al "illegal settlements?" Or just the
>> places "occupied" by Jews illegal?
>> I would remind the Jew hating "Rev" Gregerson and his sycophants, that
>> ole Jesus of Nazareth was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, and died as Jew.
>> Jesus died in Roman "occupied" Judea, a place where in 1213 BCE
>> existed a Jewish nation-state. All this roughly 2 thousand years
>> before the "prophet" Mohammed was on the planet starting Islam.
>> Sieg Heil Herr Gregerson!
>> Posted by Seren at 9:22 AM No comments:
>> "Trust Making Gestures" for the "palestinians"
----- Original Message -----
From: "BARRY WINTERS" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
To: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 5:54:47 PM
Subject: Re: Canadian Tire owns Marks Dummy They ignored me for a
month so I called their lawyers and the cops again
"Hey Dummy"
You found out about Canadian Tire owning Mark's from my blog.
And you are surprised Canadian Tire is ignoring you? Everyone else on
the planet does!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "BARRY WINTERS" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "BCCO" <BCCO@cantire.com>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Robyn.Collver"
<Robyn.Collver@cantire.com>, "Stephen.Wetmore"
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 5:14:15 PM
Subject: Canadian Tire owns Marks Dummy They ignored me for a month so
I called their lawyers and the cops again
Sunday, April 7, 2013
"Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves, more about shopping
Last week an untidy, sketchy, undesirable youth appeared at the front
sales desk of Mark's Work Wear House with a watch. He wiped the
dripping snot from his nose and proceeded to tell my wife, that he had
a watch he wanted to return for cash. He had no sales slip, no credit
card invoice.
He told my wife that he had called this same store before and was told
he could return the watch. My wife politely told him that no receipt
returns were only good for gift cards or for merchandise. The young
man was outraged, he huffed and puffed, shouted that, "he was told he
could return the watch for cash!"
He then produced the watch, my wife looked at the watch and told our
"modern shopper." We don't sell this watch, you got it from another
store and chain of stores. Mark's does not sell this watch anywhere.
The man howled his outrage and long stream of uninterrupted expletives
deleted. I followed the moron out the door to watched him scream at
the driver of a beater to, "get the fuck out of here."
Today our sketchy, undesirable youth returned to Mark's Work Wear
House. He walked into the store grabbed three fifty dollar shirts and
tried to return them without a receipt. My wife was on lunch. But alas
Mark's Work Wear House Stores are fully under camera observation, it
is indeed merely a matter of the cops getting the footage and tracking
down a man who no doubt has a criminal record. Our thief gained
nothing but a "gift or merchandise card" that was rendered by the
computer worthless.
A few years ago a New York newspaper reported, if you bought clothes
from a major department store, odds were you were buying used
garments. Here in Edmonton at The Running Room, if you buy reduced
price "out of stock" or "discontinued items", you are buying returned
and moderately used goods, presented to consumers as new.
Retail stores have such generous return policies that most women
especially, not only take advantage of, but abuse. It is common
practice for women to buy an outfit for an occasion and wear it, only
to keep the sales tags on it to return it the next day, or shortly
there after.
Almost every retailer or chain does not permit returns or adjustments,
on the busiest retail shopping day of the year, Boxing Day, because of
the sheer volume of low level food chain con artists "trying it on"
with retailers.
Retail employees have to deal with the professional shoplifters, the "
low rent grifters" like our young friend of today, the recreational
shopper sipping her coffee and throwing her empty cup on the floor,
because she can.
There is always the haughty, rude, loud and obnoxious morbidly obese
woman shouting at sales persons that the clothes simply split wide
open at the seams. No shit!
Whilst there are not as many men who think that shopping is a
recreational activity or feel that have the God given right to return
merchandise, there are significant exceptions to the rule. Not too
long ago Lori took a phone inquiry from a man who wanted to return a
leather belt that the stitching had come loose, and no he had no
receipt. When the man was asked, when did he purchase the belt? He
replied that it was six years ago.
The Mark's stores in Alberta sell an incredible volume in work and
safety boots. But a few years ago one could buy high quality work
boots for around fifty bucks. Not any more, CSA approved safety boots
go betwixt two hundred and over three hundred dollars.
Up to a year ago, Mark's gave a unconditional lifetime guarantee for
work boots. Construction, and workers in "the patch" could and did
return Dakota boots purchased at for exchange without a receipt when
ever they simply wore out. Buy one pair of boots and you had boots for
Obviously Mark's had to stop that retail and economic stupidity. Now
the policy is, you have 100 days to return any boots with manufacturer
defects. No receipt no return. No cash, simply exchange for a new pair
of boots.
Recently an Asian man brought back a pair of work boots with a
receipts that was , folded spindled and mutilated, completely
illegible. He told the sales persons that he bought the boots
yesterday. The boots were slightly worn, and there was nothing wrong
with them. So our Asian "friend" was denied an adjustment or exchange.
The Asian man, then proceeded to howl, wail, sob, cry tears, gnash his
teeth and shout his displeasure like a two year old Asian child having
a tantrum. If our Asian "friend" thought he could cry his way to a
change of heart by the sales staff, he was quite wrong. One of the
ladies at Mark's then told him to "shut up, and grow up," harsh
Men however don't come close to the abject stupidity and crassness of
women whilst shopping. Men find shopping a necessary evil and women
see shopping as a recreational activity slash competitive event. Some
years ago at American Eagle a hung over young lady decided that
shopping might make her feel better. So our young woman shopper
decided she just had to vomit on several garments, and that it indeed
be alright. The woman was quite offended and surprised when she was
told she had bought the garments or she was banned from West Edmonton
Mall, for life. Well its a gender thing.
Whenever a woman buys something she does so on a "provisional basis,"
odds are she has decided to return it before she gets home. The
reality is a sales receipt is a sales contract and a retailer is under
no legal obligation to refund, accept return the goods or adjust the
terms of the contract, if they choose not to.
Woodward's, TE Eaton's and many large scale retailers were put out of
business by customer abuse of their "goods satisfactory, or money
cheerfully refunded policies."
Today a woman shopping is apt to be on her cell phone when she comes
up to the cashier to pay for goods she's already planning to return.
Men at Mark's Work Wear House tend to buy a lot and spend little time
in doing so.
Customers, male customers at Mark's spend a lot of cash on Carhartt,
Dakota, Helly Hansen and other high end work wear. They also tend to
use cash, rather than using debit cards for everything from the
morning Starbucks to toiletries like women.
About a year ago the Mother of a part time high school student
employee went to Marks and bought some clothes. Lori gave the woman an
increased discount, and within the time it took for the woman to get
in her car and go to the Oliver Square Mark's Store, she was there
trying to return the goods for the pre discount price.
Indeed, it's got be a gender thing!
Posted by Seren at 1:21 PM
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Foreign Workers Shopping
Notwithstanding the ballooning of government deficit, Alberta's
economy is running along as strong as a Cummings Diesel engine in a
Kenworth Semi Truck. There is less than 4.5% unemployment, there are
so many jobs out there, and alas, a severe shortage of skilled trades
people and labourers.
This province hires more temporary foreign workers than any other
Canadian province to keep up production in both the "oil patch" and
associated construction industries. These temporary guest workers
number in the scores of thousands.
The companies that recruit and hire these workers require to provide
them with work boots clothing and fire retardant coveralls, helmets
and so on. Mark's Work Wear house and other work wear stores provide
that work gear. Companies bring from 50 to 100 foreign workers from
Slovakia, Bosnia, Republic of Ireland, Mexico and other third world
places, each day to these stores. Each has a $500.00 to $1,000.00
voucher each to buy gear.
Almost everyday sees a couple of large van / buses from the "patch"
stopping off at Marks to equip a load of foreign workers to the tune
of 25,000.00 to 50,000.00 a day.
Marks Work Wear house is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of
Canadian Tire Corp, so the success Mark's enjoys here in Alberta due
to the success and operations of the "oil patch" benefits another
large pan Canadian business.
Last evening Lori had to work late outfitting these people. And I
watched this group of which only a couple of men from the Republic of
Ireland, and the group's "handlers" spoke a word of English. It was a
combination of a third world Christmas morning and the Tower of Babel.
Considering the long and enthusiastic line to use the washroom, one
would surmise many of these "people" were totally unfamiliar with
indoor plumbing and flush toilets. Notwithstanding a no doubt
logistical nightmare to outfit these "people," Mark's Work Wear House
and the myriad of other concerns making hundreds of thousands of
The employees of individual Mark's Work Wear House outlets have a
bonus coming each quarter if they exceed sales goals, anywhere from
two to eight hundred dollars for each sales coordinator. So there are
dollars for retailers in those "temporary guest workers."
The problem is;most of these "temporary guest workers" are most
definitely denizens of the shallow end of the gene and evolutionary
pool. They are ignorant, rude, appear to be filthy and litter
everywhere with their cigarette butts and personal detris. That indeed
begs the question why do we have to import these sub-humans anyway?
There is 7 to 9 % unemployment in eastern kanada. Pogey is a way of
life and intrinsic to maritime "culture." Instead of the "people" have
a six month paid holiday each year...why not come west where a welder
or crane operator makes more money than a doctor?
In the meantime, thank goodness for companies spending money at
Alberta's work retail stores!
Posted by Seren at 8:20 AM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 13:33:03 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: I must say Canadian Tire just pissed me off for the last
time Cya'll in Court someday EH?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos!
What the fuck has Canadian Tire have to do with me exercising my right
to express myself and
tickle Laura's itty bitty clitty?
Yo! "C'yall in court!" too too funny
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Robyn Collver" <Robyn.Collver@cantire.com>, "sunrayzulu"
<sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Wayne.Lang"
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 11:57:04 AM
Subject: Fwd: I must say Canadian Tire just pissed me off for the last
time Cya'll in Court someday EH?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 22:55:23 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Yea I did and I told them about this blog too Want me to
hook up with Austin and Keltie too?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
David David ....you do whatever you think you can or afford to do. You
have tried to stop me for years ....you have failed.
Yo Mr Baconfat you told me where you and the nasty racist Lori on the
the tenth aniversary of leavng Boston when I heard Senator Wellstone
was murdered
YOU showed the world your wife's nasty arse serveral two years before.
Once on another interesting date. However my ALLTIME favourite
statement of yours was on July 28th
"It should also be noted here that what Mr. Caron and Snyder did
...can be considered an offense to the C C of C (Criminal Code of
Canada) section 300 "Criminal Slander". A "private information" or
police prosecution could conceivably result ."
You can bet I contacted many American Eagle people and I ain't doe
with them just yet.
Oct 25
TORONTO, Nov. 6 /CNW/ - The Board of Directors of Canadian Tire
Corporation, Limited (TSX: CTC.A, CTC) ("the Company") today announced the
appointment of Stephen G. Wetmore as the Company's next President and Chief
Executive Officer, effective the beginning of 2009. He will succeed Tom Gauld
who is retiring from that role at the end of this year, and will continue as a
member of the Company's Board of Directors.
Wetmore, 55, is an experienced chief executive officer who has led large,
complex businesses in different industries, including telecommunications,
information technology and transportation. He has been responsible for
regional, national and international business operations. Most recently, he
served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Bell Aliant Regional
Communications Income Fund, one of North America's largest regional
telecommunications providers. He has led a number of other public companies
and has served as an independent member of Canadian Tire's Board of Directors
since 2003.
Maureen Sabia, Chairman of Canadian Tire's Board of Directors, said
"We're delighted to have secured someone of Stephen's stature and experience
as our next President and CEO. This appointment reflects our Board's ongoing
focus on succession planning and we are extremely pleased with the result.
Stephen has a deep knowledge of Canadian Tire through his service on our Board
and its committees. With an enviable record of leading public companies, he
has successfully created new and market-changing organizations, built brands,
managed complex relationships and distribution channels and, perhaps most
important of all, has shown a proven commitment to customer service and to
productivity. In his new role, Stephen will continue the execution of our
current strategy and enhance the Company's relationships with its customers,
shareholders, dealers and employees across Canada. Our shared goal is to
enhance the power of our brand and to make Canadian Tire the best it can be in
meeting the needs of our customers, every day."
Sabia added that, "Tom Gauld has made a valuable contribution to Canadian
Tire. He has driven our business strategy, helped to instill a culture of
accountability and invested in initiatives for the Company's long-term growth
and success. He also worked with the Board in identifying Stephen Wetmore as
the right person to succeed him at this time. We are pleased that Tom has
accepted the Board's invitation to continue as a member of our Board of
Directors following the leadership transition."
"This is about seizing opportunity when it comes knocking," said Tom
Gauld, "and it's about getting the right person for the long term. Stephen
announced late in the summer of 2008 that he would be leaving Bell Aliant. I
had intended to continue in my present role a little longer. However, the
opportunity to recruit someone of Stephen's stature to lead the Company beyond
that timeframe led me and the Board to revisit our succession timetable. I am
delighted with the outcome."
Stephen Wetmore said, "I am truly honoured to join this great Canadian
icon. I have admired Canadian Tire for many years. My role as a Board member
has only increased my appreciation of the strength and responsibility
associated with one of Canada's most recognized and trusted brands. I look
forward to working with the men and women of this great organization in
achieving its continued success."
Canadian Tire will conduct a conference call to discuss its third quarter
earnings, which were issued under a separate news release this morning, and
related matters at 4:30 p.m. EST today. The conference call will be available
simultaneously and in its entirety to all interested investors and the news
media through a webcast at http://investor.relations.canadiantire.ca, and will
be available through replay at this website for 12 months.Stephen G.
WetmoreStephen Wetmore is an experienced chief executive officer who
successfully led a number of Canadian public companies. He has managed complex
businesses in different industries, including telecommunications, information
technology and transportation. He has been responsible for regional, national
and international business operations. These organizations have ranged from
those with a regional focus to those with global mandates. They have included
fledgling companies as well as iconic corporations that have been operating
for more than a century. He has successfully created new and market-changing
organizations, built brands, managed relationships and distribution channels,
and balanced the pursuit of growth with improvements to organizational
efficiency. In each of these roles he has shown a deep commitment to customer
service and to increasing productivity.
The depth and breadth of Mr. Wetmore's business experience have been
shaped by his varied executive responsibilities. As President and Chief
Executive Officer of NewTel Enterprises, the telecommunications company
serving Newfoundland and Labrador, he doubled the size of the organization. In
that role he subsequently led the first four-way merger of public companies in
Canada, uniting the telephone providers of Atlantic Canada to form Aliant Inc.
Mr. Wetmore served as the new company's first President and Chief Executive
Officer, successfully integrating four organizations, their management teams,
employees and strategies.
This record of achievement continued during Mr. Wetmore's subsequent
service as Vice Chairman, Corporate and as Group President, National Markets
of Bell Canada and as Executive Vice President of BCE Inc. In these roles he
was involved in virtually all facets of an extremely complex multi-division
organization. He oversaw operations in western Canada (Bell West), northern
Canada (NWTel), northern Ontario and Quebec (Bell Nordiq), and Atlantic Canada
(Aliant), as well as Telesat Canada. He also led such corporate functions as
finance, marketing, regulatory and purchasing.
He then helped to create, and served as the first President and Chief
Executive Officer of, Bell Aliant, one of North America's largest regional
telecommunications providers and one of the largest publicly-traded business
income trusts in Canada. In this new role Mr. Wetmore successfully combined
telecommunications and information technology businesses in Atlantic Canada,
Quebec and Ontario that operate through a number of operating entities serving
millions of customers in six provinces and the United States.
Mr. Wetmore's appreciation of local markets and communities was also
demonstrated earlier in his career as President and Chief Executive Officer of
the regional carrier, Air Atlantic. During this period he led that airline's
successful restructuring and return to profitability.
Mr. Wetmore's international focus was first shaped during his previous
service with Scotia Holdings PLC, an Anglo-Canadian health care company. He
rose through a number of increasingly senior roles in Canada and the United
Kingdom to the position of Managing Director. He helped grow the business
considerably, a strategy that entailed the creation of purchasing and
distribution channels in more than 30 countries.
Professional experience: Includes ten years in telecommunications and
information technology, ten years in healthcare, seven years in public
accounting and two years in transportation.2006-2008 Bell Aliant
Regional Communications Income Fund - President
and CEO
2002-2006 Bell Canada - Vice Chairman, Corporate; Group President,
National Markets
BCE Inc. - Executive Vice President
1999-2002 Aliant Inc. - President and CEO
1998-1999 NewTel Enterprises - President and CEO
1996-1998 Independent Consultant
1993-1995 Air Atlantic - President; Finance Director
1983-1993 Scotia Holdings PLC - Rose through a number of increasingly
senior roles in Canada and the United Kingdom to the position
of Managing Director
1976-1983 PricewaterhouseCoopers (predecessor companies) - Chartered
1979 Chartered Accountant - Canada
1976 Bachelor of Business Administration (accounting and finance),
Acadia University
- Born 1952, Campbellton, New Brunswick
- Married with one daughterCanadian Tire Corporation, Limited
(TSX: CTC.a, CTC), operates more than
1,180 general merchandise and apparel retail stores and gas stations in an
inter-related network of businesses engaged in retail, financial services and
petroleum. Canadian Tire Retail, Canada's most shopped general merchandise
retailer, with 473 stores operated by dealers across Canada offers a unique
mix of products and services through three specialty categories in which the
organization is the market leader - Automotive, Sports and Leisure, and Home
Products. www.canadiantire.ca offers Canadians the opportunity to shop online.
PartSource is an automotive parts specialty chain with 82 stores designed to
meet the needs of purchasers of automotive parts - professional automotive
installers and serious do-it-yourselfers. Canadian Tire Petroleum is one of
the country's largest and most productive independent retailers of gasoline,
operating 269 gas bars, 262 convenience stores and kiosks, and 74 car washes.
Mark's Work Wearhouse is one of the country's leading apparel retailers
operating 364 stores in Canada. Under the Clothes that Work(TM) marketing
strategy, Mark's sells apparel and footwear in work, work-related, casual and
active-wear categories, as well as health-care and business-to-business
apparel. www.marks.com offers Canadians the opportunity to shop for Mark's
products online. Canadian Tire Financial Services has issued over five million
Canadian Tire MasterCard credit cards and also markets related financial
products and services for retail and petroleum customers. Canadians can also
access Financial Services online at www.ctfs.com. More than 57,000 Canadians
work across Canadian Tire's organization from coast-to-coast in the
enterprise's retail, financial services, and petroleum
businesses./NOTE TO PHOTO EDITORS: A photo accompanying this release
is available on
the CNW Photo Network and archived at http://photos.newswire.ca.
Additional archived images are also available on the CNW Photo Archive
website at http://photos.newswire.ca. Images are free to accredited
members of the media/%SEDAR: 00000534EF
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 12:13:49 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Ah that explains why Lori Ink is so fat Mrs Baconfat is
always stuffing her piehole at Teddy's this is a photo of the nasty
racist that got shitcanned from American Eagle Correct Chief Rod
Knecht ?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos, Lori received a six figure judgement from American Eagle and
Alberta department of Labour.
This July we are going to the UK and back on the Queen Elizabeth.
Be seeingLaura the Hutt again real soon. Oh by the bay Lori has a much
better body and is not diseased.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Wayne.Lang" <Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "toewsv1"
<toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>,
"BARRY.SHAW" <BARRY.SHAW@forces.gc.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Ken.Zielke" <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>,
"kevin.dennis" <kevin.dennis@nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk>, "josh
steffler" <canuckfanjosh@yahoo.com>, "maryann4peace"
Cc: "Clare Kuehn" <clarekuehn@yahoo.ca>, "oldmaison"
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "premier"
<premier@gov.ab.ca>, "premier" <premier@gov.sk.ca>, "premier"
<premier@gnb.ca>, "premier" <premier@gov.bc.ca>, "weststar"
<weststar@telus.net>, "hjk" <hjk@quesnelbc.com>,
rainbowwarriorspeak@gmail.com, "bginsberg"
<bginsberg@pattonboggs.com>, "atrueott" <atrueott@msn.com>,
tribunal@911warcrimestribunal.org, "pete@thepetesantillishow.com"
<Pete@thepetesantillishow.com>, "pm" <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Mackay.P"
<Mackay.P@forces.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson" <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"bob.rae" <bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>, "leader"
<leader@greenparty.ca>, "MulcaT Cc: Ken.Zielke <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>"
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, "Fred.Wyshak" <Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov>, "j.kroes"
<j.kroes@interpol.int>, "RBauer" <RBauer@perkinscoie.com>,
"martinhea39" <martinhea39@gmail.com>, "law" <law@stevenfoulds.ca>,
"t.wilson" <t.wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "hiddenfromhistory1"
<hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com>, "grenouf" <grenouf@genuinewitty.com>,
"xtofury" <xtofury@gmail.com>, "jfetzer" <jfetzer@d.umn.edu>,
americanfreedomradio@ymail.com, "andre" <andre@jafaust.com>,
"terry.seguin" <terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "acampbell" <acampbell@ctv.ca>,
bill@kickhamlegal.com, "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
"radical" <radical@radicalpress.com>, "merv" <merv@northwebpress.com>,
"henry" <henry@henrymakow.com>, "jamie.graham"
<jamie.graham@vicpd.ca>, "kevin.violot" <kevin.violot@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 10:38:41 AM
Subject: Ah that explains why Lori Ink is so fat Mrs Baconfat is
always stuffing her piehole at Teddy's this is a photo of the nasty
racist that got shitcanned from American Eagle Correct Chief Rod
Knecht ?
During the "meeting" Mr. Caron and Ms. Snyder informed Lori Ink that
she too was accused of "racist behaviour and gossip". When pressed for
details these people told Ms. Ink she had used a "racist epithet".....
Saturday, September 11, 2010
American Eagle Outfitters in Canada
My name is Lori Ink, and for twenty plus years I have worked for
Bramar /American Eagle Outfitters as the "stock lead" in the West
Edmonton Mall Store. I have worked for many store managers and several
different District Managers and have over twenty years a written
record of excellent and outstanding performance appraisals.
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 08:34:33 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Attn Rod Knecht the photo hereto attached is of your
beloved client Mr Baconfat having a beer with his wife Lori Ink at
Teddy's Correct?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos...Indeed that is quite correct! Both a beer and the best
burgers and steaks in town.
You should try,them! Wait I forgot, you are welfare bum, unemployed,
without a pot to piss in.
Son, get a job, piss poor,fat, lazy, and crazy is no way to go through life son!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 08:53:01 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Attn Rod Knecht the photo hereto attached is of your
beloved client Mr Baconfat having a beer with his wife Lori Ink at
Teddy's Correct?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
No one reads you insane e mails. How does it feel to be the dumb ass
nigger of the western world
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 21:28:07 -0300
Subject: I got a call back frpm Mark's Listen closely Mr Baconfat and
say Hoka Hey to the cops for me will ya?
To: sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca, evelyngreene
<evelyngreene@live.ca>, "lucie.dubois" <lucie.dubois@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
andremurraynow <andremurraynow@gmail.com>, jwambolt
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, police <police@fredericton.ca>
Trust that I am HONOURED that Chucky and his buddy Mr Baconfat hate
me. If I were wrong. Howcome Chucky does not say one word about it
since Mr Baconfat began in 2009? I am truly amazed that Chucky's
Indian lady friends and his white lady friends such as Jenn Wambolt,
Evelyn Greene and Sally Brooks side with Mr Baconfat and Chucky and
call me names. Read what Mr Baconfat says of them. Please don't tell
me that they are not very sneaky women with a questionable agenda who
are playing Chucky Baby like a fiddle or they would have called the
cops and the Human Rights Commission long ago.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Lets talk about ...Shopping!
Lets talk about shopping! Have you ever watched men and especially
women shop or more accurately recreate in shops, stores and markets?
Our generation was admonished from childhood to "look don't touch,"
taught that "if you should break it, you have bought it," and that you
never bring food or drink into a store.
Nowadays department stores are inhabited by well past middle age
matrons sipping from Starbucks cups, assiduously attempting to return
garments, they have worn for six months. Retail industry observers
claim, if you buy something from a major retailer that has a generous
return policy... odds are you buying used goods.
I was at Mark's (Work Wearhouse) some weeks ago and was entertained by
a semi obese matron with more makeup on than a television
anchor-creature. Our matronly shopper passed the "Mark's slim fit
never press dress shirts," and theatrically heaved a great sigh and
proceeded then to pull out at random, the third blue shirt in the
immaculate stack, and unfold the shirt, and toss it on the table. Our
"shopper" then showed her teeth in a dazzling smile, looked at me and
said, "my work here is done."
My wife actually works at Mark's, and her accounts of scores of male
customers claiming to work for companies that get 10 % discounts, but
have "forgotten" the discount card and the name of the company that is
awarded such discounts...are the stuff of "urban legend."
I was utterly devestated with laughter when I watched a young lady,
"who squished" when she approached the cashier's desk at a shoe store
in Kingsway Garden Mall. This "lady" was dressed like an advertisement
for The Velvet Jones, So You Want to be a HO School of Technology. Our
shopper wanted to return a pair of "hooker boots" she had worn for,
"she couldn't remember how long," and "she had lost the receipt."
These boots looked as if they were well used, and someone puked on
Now of course these "people" don't think they are scamming anyone,
defrauding anyone or stealing from anyone. They think they are trying
to "get a deal,"or trying to "save a buck," after all the "retailers
can afford it." There is a percentage of "shrinkage worked into the
price," anyway. Well," that's their story, and they are sticking with
Then there is the Safeway Store. It is always a dimunitive Asian
woman, that you can often see transferring Jumbo eggs into a egg
carton for small and medium eggs. Taking the smaller egg carton and
leaving the Jumbo carton with much smaller eggs for the next "poor
sap" to buy them.
Sometimes the antics of these "urban hunter gatherers," are simply
dangerous. There is always some "native woman" with a child in the
cart who has picked up a package of raw hamburger, and the "good
woman" has decided she no longer wants or can afford the meat. So
instead of walking back to the meat counter she simply deposits it on
a shelf, and goes on with her child and their shopping.
Then there is the "adventure of diseased man and his mother." Last
evening at the bakery there was a dearth of fresh baked bagels, it was
late in the day, pickings were slim. The Mother was on oxygen,
dragging along a little cart with the O2 bottle. Her "darling
beautiful boy" was picking up and every bagel that was left in the
trays, picking them up to his nose and smelling them, totally
oblivious to me and others waiting behind him.
Finally our judicious, bagel expert had found two he deemed
satisfactory, and moved off, to scratch his ass, cough and blow his
nose. As I tried to find some bagels, our connoisseur of bagels
returned and reached in front of me to take a few more. I then decided
I didn't need any bagels.
Allan Funt producer of TV's Candid Camera used to say..."People are
Funny." Nope, people are stupid! That is never so self evident, when
you watch people generally and women specifically....shop!
Posted by Seren at 4:18 AM
Thursday, July 29, 2010
American Eagle at West Edmonton Mall
On July 28, 2010 Jo Ann Hennig's employment at American Eagle was
terminated, and Lori Ink was "written up" and put on thirty days
probation. Jo Ann Henig had complained to American Eagle Canada
corporate human resources in Mississauga Ontario that several American
Eagle employees at the West Edmonton Mall store were not paid for
hours worked.
Ms. Hening had worked over a few weeks with American Eagle Canada's
human resources managers to rectify the problem. Last week the problem
had been rectified whereas several people were not paid correctly,
their pay had been restored to them. On July 28 (yesterday) Jo Ann
Henig was fired by store Manager Carl Caron and District Manager
Samara Snyder .
Ms Snyder and Mr Caron informed Ms Hennig that she was terminated
because there were several calls to the American Eagle "employee hot
line" complaining about her "racist behaviour" and her being a
"gossip". Both Ms. Snyder and Mr. Caron declined and then refused to
identify this "racist behaviour" , explain when this "racist
behaviour" occurred or give any details whatsoever that would confirm
or validate the occurrence of this "racist behaviour" or that there
were any "complaints" to the "hot line".
It should be noted that both Samara Snyder and Carl Caron are new to
their respective positions at American Eagle West Edmonton Mall . Mr.
Caron has been store manager for less that thirty days and has never
once been out on the sales floor, or been the MOD (manager on duty).
He has preferred to spend his days in the manager's office "doing
paper work". Samara Snyder has been District manager less than sixty
days and was hired by (American Eagle Canada CEO) Art Solomon who has
resigned because he was concerned upon the direction American Eagle
Canada was headed. It also should been noted that Mr. Caron's first
decision other than terminating Ms. Hennig is to turn the "marketing
room" into a larger office for himself.
It is more than a little suspicious that Ms. Hennig has been
terminated for undisclosed and specified "racist behaviour" and "hot
line complaints" when American Eagle employees on the watch of Carl
Caron and Samara Snyder were not being paid for hours worked...and
were dissuaded to complain or seek redress from "head office".
On July 28 2010, at roughly 10 am Carl Caron and Samara Snyder called
Jo Ann Hennig into the West Edmonton American Eagle store's back room
accused her of undisclosed "racist behaviour", fired her,
surreptitiously escorted her out the back door...and called into their
presence, Ms. Lori Ink.
Ms. Ink was first informed that Jo Ann Henig was terminated and that
it would be a "shame" that "Ms. Ink's 18 year career with American
Eagle were to end because of {her} friendship with Jo Ann Hennig."
Lori Ink told Ms. Snyder and Mr. Caron that they needed to inform
store staff that Jo Ann was terminated, at which point Carl Caron
excused himself to tell the store's employees that Jo Ann Hennig was
terminated. He also took the opportunity to tell the staff, that Ms.
Ink would soon be out and be upset and perhaps crying ... And they
"were forbidden to hug, comfort or otherwise commiserate with her".
During the "meeting" Mr. Caron and Ms. Snyder informed Lori Ink that
she too was accused of "racist behaviour and gossip". When pressed for
details these people told Ms. Ink she had used a "racist
epithet".....she used the word "Asian" to describe the ethnic group
"Asians". Ms. Snyder said that was...."racist behaviour". Once again
NO further details of the "complainants" nor "complaints" were
It should also be noted here that what Mr. Caron and Snyder did ...can
be considered an offense to the C C of C (Criminal Code of Canada)
section 300 "Criminal Slander". A "private information" or police
prosecution could conceivably result .
Ms. Ink has been reprimanded for completing duties that Carl Caron and
several previous managers have been having her do. (receiving
shipment, supply orders etc) for the past several years in her
"Performance Improvement plan" .
Ms. Ink was told that the entire "break schedule" for the store had
been revamped because of her "gossip" with Jo Ann Hennig. Ms. Ink and
Ms. Hennig once a week went out to lunch together for a couple of
years (Tony Roma's)...and Mr. Caron and Ms. Snyder claim that there
they...."gossip" .
At the end of the "interview" Ms. Ink was threatened with termination
if she talked to Ms. Hennig, spoke about the "meeting" with the store
employees or any employees or management of American Eagle. ....So
much for using the "hot line" or communicating with corporate human
resource personnel without retribution!
There is far more to this, but sufficed to say.... two new and
obviously inexperienced management personnel have decided to persecute
two very long time employees of American Eagle. Ms. Ink a single
mother, raised a son and sends him to a post secondary institution on
the pay of THIS JOB.
I wonder what the "intake officials" at Alberta Human rights and the
Alberta Labour Board would say about this?
Posted by Seren at 2:31 AM
Saturday, September 11, 2010
American Eagle Outfitters in Canada
My name is Lori Ink, and for twenty plus years I have worked for
Bramar /American Eagle Outfitters as the "stock lead" in the West
Edmonton Mall Store. I have worked for many store managers and several
different District Managers and have over twenty years a written
record of excellent and outstanding performance appraisals.
I have been receiving shipment, making weekly supply orders, arranging
the stowage of merchandise, informing store management of stock and
nightly e mailing head office (Canada) {Connie Holmes} of stock here
in Edmonton.
My job with American Eagle Outfitters and the success of this American
company and the store in West Edmonton Mall has been very important to
me, because as a single mother I raised and educated my university
student son ...on this job, its pay and benefits (still do the
benefits). I have an impeccable record of performance, honesty and
integrity with the company and all previous management personnel
...until now, until only roughly 60 days ago.
Be advised a complaint will be lodged with both the Alberta Human
Rights Commission and the Alberta Labour Board where American Eagle
Outfitters has a record of labour law abuse, on Monday.
Roughly sixty days ago Joanne Hennig was terminated, by District
Manager Samara Snyder, for bringing to the attention of head office
(Canada) of pay discrepancies totaling several hundred dollars to some
people. Moments after she was escorted by Store Manger Carl Caron out
the the rear entrance, I was ushered into the room and told; "It is a
shame a twenty plus year career with American Eagle is now in jeopardy
because of your friendship with Joanne Hennig."
I was also told the the following: The store management had to revise
all the lunch schedules so that Joanne and I would "not gossip". We
went to lunch once a week, as a treat. And I was put on a "Performance
Improvement Plan" whereby I was under pain of immediate dismissal, no
longer to "receive shipment and use the gun", make further e mails to
head office, make the weekly supply order, nor to communicate with
anyone in the company what transpired in that meeting.
In the last 60 days others have been directed into the back office and
berated, chastised and abused by Samara Snyder and Carl Caron
together. Thrice I personally have been berated, and chastised by Ms.
Snyder and Carl Caron in "private meetings". A month ago I applied in
writing to take part of my five weeks earned and accumulated holidays
to go to Las Vegas in October with my sisters ....it was denied
originally by Mr.Caron because he said: "It is blackout". There is no
"holiday blackout" in October. The next day in the next of my
"sessions" with Samara Snyder and and Carl Caron, Ms. Snyder told me
"it was the way you applied for holidays", to apply in writing for my
holiday was "disrespectful", and "why did I want holidays in October
for?" Didn't I know that holidays was, a "negotiation?"
The note applying for holidays was respectful, polite and stated the
reason for time off ...and was still on file three days ago, if it has
not been now removed by store management.
In one of these three "meetings" I was told that, "what is this about
your hours, this is retail." I was then told that a letter would be
forthcoming from head office authorizing the change of my hours. I
have had these hours of employ with American Eagle and five weeks of
earned and accumulated holidays for some years , I fulfilled some
management functions in a very very successful American Eagle store
for years...and this has somehow offended Mr. Caron and Ms. Snyder. So
they have fabricated ...."sub-standard performance" for the last sixty
Ms Snyder yesterday gave me a letter saying "In light of your ongoing
sub-standard performance we are revising your Personal Performance
Plan of September 15. Please be advised that this letter constitutes
written notice that your employment with American Eagle Outfitters
will terminate November 5, 2010...."
There has been NO "sub-standard performance". In "meetings" with Carl
Caron I have been blamed for "women plugging the toilets with paper
towels because I didn't inform management there was no toilet paper .
I was directed to clean the toilets everyday and to "direct others" to
yet I have no longer any authority to direct others to do
anything...So, when I used to receive shipment...I now clean
toilets...and according to these prevarications , I a Mother, do it
"badly". (That is sarcasm for you Americans)
After twenty years plus of employment with American Eagle Outfitters I
have a written record of excellence and now new and inexperienced
management want to deprive me of that, abuse me and terminate my
employment because of my age, experience, hours of employment and
earned holidays. I am NOT terminated and being deprived of American
Eagle employment policies... for "sub-standard performance" nor
because management wants "to go in another direction"..but because of
the personal animus and the illegal behaviour of new management.
After twenty years of excellence with American Eagle Outfitters
current store management want to even remove my good name and
reputation. Monday I will send my complaint and notes to the Alberta
Human Rights Commission, the Alberta Labour Board and seek legal
counsel. It is ironic that in a time of economic recession in the US,
US retail firms that count on Canadian sales and consumer confidence
for their survival, would abuse their Canadian labour force and
violate Alberta Human Rights and Labour Laws.
Lori Ink .....West Edmonton Mall American Eagle Outfitters
Posted by Seren at 6:05 AM
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I am being blamed for plugged toilets, gossip and lower sales on the floor
Ms. Lescavar;
I hope you had a wonderful holiday, I have been denied taking seven
days of holidays in October, which is not a blackout period. I applied
in writing to take seven days holidays in October specifying that I
wanted to go to Las Vegas with my sisters.
Store manager Carl Caron originally told me that, "October is
blackout" due to the "holiday floor-set". The next day District
Manager Samara Snyder told me my request for holidays was actually
denied because, "the way I applied was disrespectful", that my
applying for holidays in writing was wrong, because applying for one's
accumulated and earned holidays was a "negotiation". Not to be done in
The note I wrote applying for holidays, is still on file and it is
respectful, and polite. Ms. Snyder wanted to know why I wanted
holidays in October, which was specified in the note I wrote.
I have worked for American Eagle / Bramar for 22 years, all of my
previous performance appraisals (which are on file) have been always
excellent. In the last several months previous to Carl Caron taking
over, my job included daily stock reports to YOU and others at head
office, receiving shipment, making the weekly supply order, and other
duties...for several consecutive store and district managers.
Whilst it is understandable that new management personnel may well
want to do things differently and NOT have me perform management
duties, it is fraudulent and dishonest to to claim that after many
years of superior performance...that I am now ...supposedly
Carl Caron has told me: I did not inform management of future stock
shipments, when as you know I have been doing that to store management
and e mailing head -office personnel with that information, for many
months. I have been told that female staff are plugging the toilet
with paper towels and I am to blame because I "did not inform Carl
there is no toilet paper". These so called complaints of my supposed
incompetence have transcended pathetic to ....fraudulent.
It is unbelievable that many years of excellent service, many years of
recorded excellent performance appraisals and a record of impeccable
honesty ....that it is alleged ....that I am incompetent and "giving
attitude to management". That is quite simply fraud and will be
reported as such.
I as single mother raised my son on this job, and still today my
university student son is supported by the benefits I earn from this
job. I have always cared deeply about the company I work for and its
success, but the tactics being used now by management are frankly
beneath American Eagle and you personally.
I have worked with many different people at American Eagle through the
years, and I have no problems working here with the people here...I
have no idea where the apparent animus from new management comes from,
but it is inappropriate, unprofessional and is being expressed in a
manner that is contrary to Alberta Labour Laws and Alberta Human
Posted by Seren at 1:04 PM
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 19:04:46 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and they affirmed once more that your wife
Lori Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
David "for the public record" you are wrong. Lori was not fired from
American Eagle. I challenge you personally to show any e mails or blog
entries or evidence that she was.
Get your cock out of that little boy's ass, and prove your imaginary claims.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 18:50:20 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and they affirmed once more that your wife
Lori Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Oh dear more "for the public record" prevarications. Just like all
those imaginary law suits.! lol lol
"C'yall in court" Davey baby. So why don't you hire a lawyer, file
papers and hire process server and sue me asshole.
I challenge you to do so. I challenge you to actually call Lori. Do it asshole!
You are all talk and bullshit.
Tell Laura the Butt I want to give a few golden showers!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 18:38:09 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and they affirmed once more that your wife
Lori Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Oh dear you are in your stalking and harassing women mode aren't you?
David, no one at the store you made your imaginary phone call to, ever
heard of Lori.
Consider this, a complete whack job calls a store where no one has
heard of who the crazy man is calling about.
Are they going to listen to his wild rantings about a person being
"fired awhile ago."
David, have you been in touch again with Alison Menard, and Linda
Duffett-Leger? lol lol
What's your next imaginary phone call?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 18:27:17 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and they affirmed once more that your wife
Lori Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
David, you poor dumb bastard.
Lori does not work there, nor ever has worked there. No one there ever
heard of her, and I really suspect you never called them or they hung
on you just like everyone else does.
Oh yes oops I did it again on the "evil blog"
David you really are a pathetically insane amerkan asshole!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
David Amos and "for the public record"
One of David Amos' favourite silly amerkanisms after "C'yall
incourt," is "for the public record." A few hours ago a deliciously
excited and proud David Amos e mailed me to tell me in his words.
"For the public record, I just called Mark's Work Wearhouse again to
affirm that Lori Ink was once fired quite awhile ago...."
He also when on to say this, which is totally incomprehensible.
" Anyone can call these folks and mention my name. They are certainly
allowed to speak to me...."
Marks 780 479 2478 END QUOTE
The problem is no management personnel spoke to David. No management
personnel knew who David was pontificating about because Lori has not,
or does not work there.
This is certainly not the first time David Amos has stalked or
harassed women, or Lori. He has attempted to call the CEO of Canadian
Tire, that owns Mark's. David Amos has tried to call other Mark's
outlets. Mr. Amos has stalked and harasses Alison Menard and Linda
Duffet-Leger and they both e mailed and sent him legal letters to tell
him to cease and desist or face the legal and criminal consequences.
David Amos has a long and sordid criminal history of sexually
assaulting young boys and stalking and harassing women, as does his
"son," and "daughter."
So today our "friend" the pedophile David Amos is "simply beside
himself" with glee because one sales lady did not hang up on him
immediately. But alas David, the "fat lady is singing," again. You
have failed miserably again, and the RCMP of K Div, the EPS and
Military Police are deleting unread your correspondence.
David Amos' self-described "work" has no redeeming, or sane
characteristics....just like the New Brunswick anti-fracking injin
Posted by Seren at 5:23 PM
Saturday, June 29, 2013
David Amos wants to go after my wife
David Amos calls himself a, "fierce political animal," and an "ethical
whistle blower," a "bounty hunter," but actually he is a self
aggrandizing, sociopath, pedophile. He is a loathe some creature,
who's e communications, and harassment is blocked or deleted by
everyone. David's phone calls are hung up within seconds of David
calling because he is immediately recognized as a insane miscreant.
In the last several years David, has attempted call the Dean at my
daughter's law school alma-mater, my wife's place of employment. All
this to his intense chagrin and ultimate failure. He feverishly has
attempted to sow trouble for several years, and has always failed.
So I cordially invite and challenge David to try and call my wife at
work, (he doesn't know where) and once again try to bully the
management to release employee private information to him. He has
always failed and will fail again. Or as David says, "the fat lady has
been singing" for David's failures, for several years.
About three weeks ago a Edmonton Police Service, Intake Officer for
the Professional Standards Branch, whom I know e mailed inquiries to
me regarding an "loony tunes man" named David Amos, from Fredericton
New Brunswick. He told me that David Amos has been spamming EPS e
mail accounts, and been making scores of harassing phone calls to EPS
personnel. On my recommendation and information all of David's e mails
are now filtered electronically and deleted by the EPS computer
This information and information from Barry Shaw and Military Police
has been relayed to senior Canadian Tire management, lawyers and
Mark's District managers.
So again I cordially invite, and challenge David Amos to once again
make a fool of himself and try and harass Lori, again. This animal
called our favourite Public House and the owner politely told him to
fuck himself.
Nothing has changed. David Amos and his children are still cunts! And
no one is listening to their bleating!
Posted by Seren at 11:53 PM
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 17:17:33 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Well Mr Baconfat For the PUBLIC RECORD I just called
Mark's Wear House AGAIN and the affirmed once more that your wife Lori
Ink was fired quite a while ago
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
For the Public Record David!
No one at the store you called, ever heard of Lori Ink! LOL LOL LOL
----- Original Message -----
From: "BARRY WINTERS" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
To: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cc: "Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>; "Avi Perry"
<avi.perry@yahoo.com>; "jacques boucher"
<jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "David Amos"
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; "sallybrooks25"
<sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>; "gary.forward"
<gary.forward@fredericton.ca>; "andremurraynow"
<andremurraynow@gmail.com>; "andre" <andre@jafaust.com>; "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>; "madd professor"
<madd_professor@cox.net>; "Gary Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Wayne Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; <oldmaison@yahoo.com>;
<police@edmundston.ca>; "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>;
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>; "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>;
"premier" <premier@gov.ab.ca>; "premier" <premier@gnb.ca>;
"Robert.Trevors" <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>; "justmin"
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>; "jamiebaillie" <jamiebaillie@bellaliant.com>;
"acampbell" <acampbell@ctv.ca>; "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>;
"justin.trudeau.a1" <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>; "tom demeter ve"
<tom.demeter.ve@gmail.com>; <LIBERTYISNOTFREE@yahoogroups.com>;
<8thDAY@yahoogroups.com>; <6thTRUMPETsurvivalists@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: At least Gary Forward's computer is FAR more ethical that
the nasty ladies Acting Chief Leanne.Fitch Staff Sergeant Kim
Quartermain, Corporal Bobbi Simmons-Beauchamp or you EH Brent
Oh dear, "an ethical computer!" How do you live with this silly spam!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Fat pigs at Mark's
Saturday, late in the afternoon a profoundly and morbidly obese woman
named Laura entered the Marks Store. She proceeded to gather a number
of garments she couldn't possibly squeeze her cellulite into, and
went to the women's fitting rooms.
As the sales clerk passed by she heard the sound of the garbage can
being moved on the floor. That can mean the "shopper" is taking the
sales and security tags off garments and placing them at the bottom of
the garbage can, with garbage on top of them. This in preparation for
stealing the garments. This is a common tactic of shoplifters.
So the sale clerk quickly checked the garbage can as the fat bimbo
started to the front of the store. The fat woman had pissed into the
garbage can. This animal decided to use a woman's fitting room as her
own personal woman's pisser. There are public washroom's in the store.
But alas this fat bimbo was too lazy to avail herself of the washroom.
So whenever you see a fat cow go into a fitting room, there is a very
good chance she is going there to piss in the garbage.
Oh dear fat girls are lazy stupid girls, or David Amos' daughter Laura
the Butt.
Posted by Seren at 4:17 AM
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "madd professor"
<madd_professor@cox.net>, "Gary Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Wayne Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
police@edmundston.ca, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
"sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "premier" <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"premier" <premier@gnb.ca>, "Robert.Trevors" <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>,
"justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "jamiebaillie"
<jamiebaillie@bellaliant.com>, "acampbell" <acampbell@ctv.ca>,
"toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "tom demeter ve"
<tom.demeter.ve@gmail.com>, LIBERTYISNOTFREE@yahoogroups.com,
8thDAY@yahoogroups.com, 6thTRUMPETsurvivalists@yahoogroups.com
Cc: "Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "Avi Perry"
<avi.perry@yahoo.com>, "jacques boucher"
<jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "David Amos"
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "sallybrooks25"
<sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, "gary.forward"
<gary.forward@fredericton.ca>, "andremurraynow"
<andremurraynow@gmail.com>, "andre" <andre@jafaust.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2013 11:32:34 PM
Subject: At least Gary Forward's computer is FAR more ethical that the
nasty ladies Acting Chief Leanne.Fitch Staff Sergeant Kim Quartermain,
Corporal Bobbi Simmons-Beauchamp or you EH Brent Blackmore???
From: "Forward, Gary" <gary.forward@fredericton.ca>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 05:09:46 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Ya think corrupt cops such as Jacques
Boucher, Dale McGowan and Rod Knecht would be clever enough to figure
this out EH Bob Paulson?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I will be out of the office until May 20, 2013. Please contact Staff
Sergeant Kim Quartermain at 460-2317 or Corporal Bobbi
Simmons-Beauchamp at 460-2424 regarding any divisional issues you may
have during this absence.
Thank you/Merci
Gary Forward, Inspector
This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and
is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged.
Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is
prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to
anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of
privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately
notify the sender and then delete this communication and any
attachments from your computer system and records without saving or
forwarding it. Thank you.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 02:09:42 -0300
Subject: Ya think corrupt cops such as Jacques Boucher, Dale McGowan
and Rod Knecht would be clever enough to figure this out EH Bob
To: "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>,
madd_professor@cox.net, Gary Rhodes <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Wayne Lang
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
police@edmundston.ca, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, "Robert.Trevors" <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>, justmin
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>, jamiebaillie <jamiebaillie@bellaliant.com>,
acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, toewsv1 <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>,
"justin.trudeau.a1" <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
tom.demeter.ve@gmail.com, LIBERTYISNOTFREE@yahoogroups.com,
8thDAY@yahoogroups.com, 6thTRUMPETsurvivalists@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Avi Perry <avi.perry@yahoo.com>, jacques boucher
<jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, sallybrooks25
<sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, "gary.forward"
<gary.forward@fredericton.ca>, andremurraynow
<andremurraynow@gmail.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>
The RCMP's favourite pervert says this of my kids and I
"David Amos of "Fat Fred City" the name he refers to Fredericton by,
is a perverted, criminal and entirely insane voice in the
"wilderness'. David Amos has been married, had several short term
friendships but in the end, has been and is hated by every one who has
known him. His "children" abhor and avoid him because he asks them for
money. "
Mr Baconfat's best blogging butt buddy Chucky Leblanc thinks the RCMP
are more ethics than these town clowns in Fat Fred City What a sick
joke N'esy Pas Andre Faust and Andre Murray?
Sunday, May 05, 2013
Gary Forward or Brent Blackmore will be the First Police Chief to be
appointed under social media!!!!
Yes and they have to answer if they were familiar that the Cops lied
to the Internet Provider that I was into Child Porn!!
Click below for video -
I know that Gary Forward was in the building because I saw him while
being escorted to a room to be interviewed!!!
Sure is going to be a waste of time if one of these two are chosen
because nothing will change.
The citizens in Fredericton deserves a new chief that will be honest!!!
A Police Chief who supports forging documents to jailed good law
abiding citizens must be confronted on these issues.
I am not certain that the Committee in charge to appoint the new Chief
will look into this?
We need a Guillotine at Officer's Square and 4 to 6 Cops need to be dismiss!!!
We must clean house!!!! We don't need no Keystones Cops in the Capital!!
1913 -
2013 -
How many citizens are in Jail because of these crooked Cops???
Fredericton have the worst Police Force in the whole Country!!!! We
are the laughing stock of the rest of Canada!!!
Total waste of time is the new Chief is from the old Boys Club and
social media will let the world know that we have a very crooked cop
at the helm !!!!
Time to bring in the R.C.M.P!!!!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gary RHODES <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 14:50:38 -0400
Subject: Re: Nope that pervert touched a pile of nerves long ago A
couple of Andres and one Sally should check out the zionist's blog
ASAP He one very sick puppy EH Professor? (Detachment Commander Away
on Leave)
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I am on vacation from 2013-04-20 to 2013-05-10. Should you require
assistance from the detachment management team please contact Sgt.
Michell Boutin at
>>> David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> 04/20/13 12:50 >>>
Checkout the email I sent the RCMP at the same point in time (Its
right after your response)
BTW this is me running for Parliament in 2006 Amos Moses anyone?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr <madd_professor@cox.net>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 23:10:08 -0800
Subject: Fw: Need I say I am hou=moured that the zionists hate mean old me?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Hey Dave, just so's yeh know whats going around in response to your efforts.
Ha, ha, guess you touched a nerve eh?
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 00:26:14 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Staff Sergeant Gary Rhodes, Sergeant Michelle Boutin and
their client Dean Roger Ray must want to be sued EH???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
So sue us all, asshole!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Gary Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Michelle.Boutin"
<Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Wayne Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "david hughson"
<david.hughson@fredericton.ca>, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
police@edmundston.ca, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
"sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "premier" <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"premier" <premier@gnb.ca>, "Robert.Trevors" <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>,
"justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "jamiebaillie"
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "acampbell"
<acampbell@ctv.ca>, "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>,
"justin.trudeau.a1" <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:12:01 PM
Subject: Staff Sergeant Gary Rhodes, Sergeant Michelle Boutin and
their client Dean Roger Ray must want to be sued EH???
Your favourite client has many channels and I present just a few below
As I said on the phone to the RCMP last week after I heard Dean Roger
Ray bitching about me and you I strongly suggested Staff Sergeant Gary
Rhodes and Sergeant Michelle Boutin have and lawyer contact me and
that they should search ther own names within YouTube
BTW AMOSthestalker and are DavidRayAmos NOT Me
Sunday, March 11, 2012
ATTN MAYOR SAMSON; Dean Roger Ray and his Cybercrimes Against My Family
Tube. Duration : 12.43 Mins.
AMOSthestalker (19 minutes ago)
I always give the police provocateurs what they want Amos so there you go
your kid who attacked my websites was threatened. Becareful who meets
about the bike they may be bad guys wanting to hunt you down because you
work for RCMP!
AMOSthestalker (21 minutes ago)
AMOSthestalker (25 minutes ago)
Do not need a lawyer Amos because your a loser and now you lose big time
and you never learn.
AMOSthestalker (29 minutes ago)
So you chose the kid how brave of you......William Weeks was warned but
like you not so bright!
DavidRayAmos (51 minutes ago)
Too late Dirty Dicky Dean I saved the page already. Better have your lawyer
call me ASAP EH FATSO???
AMOSthestalker (1 hour ago)
Just say the word Amos before it is too late and you can take her place!
AMOSthestalker (1 hour ago)
I have a message for you from my assassin friend! Same guy that killed
William Weeks aka chang13a ......He says it sucks to be a parent of
children who die in car crashes. You should not of stalked me amos now
your going to learn the hard way! I am truly sorry it came to this Amos but
the message of "do not gangstalk " is not coming accross very well!!!!
Truly sorry for your loss! I did not make the choices here I am just the
messanger ...
Tags: rcmp, police, crime, religion, cops, family, friends, fun,
reunion, grandma, uncle, visit, court, cousins, his, outing, granny,
attorney, security, dad, judge, criminal, officer, arrested, justice,
personal, robbery
----- Original Message -----
From: "BARRY WINTERS" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
To: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>; "justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>;
"MulcaT" <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>; "Gary.Rhodes"
<Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Ken.Zielke" <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>;
"Randy.McGinnis" <Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>;
"deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>; "dean.delmastro.c1"
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: I see your Buddy Dean Roger Ray and his pals still
slandering you too EH Sgt Michelle Boutin, Sgt Gary Rhodes and Justin
YO Amos, I am sure I speak for all your "lucky" addressees, to stop
the spam. We don't care what you may have to say!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Gary.Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "sunrayzulu"
<sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "Ken.Zielke" <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "deanr0032"
<deanr0032@hotmail.com>, "dean.delmastro.c1" <dean.delmastro.c1@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "MulcaT"
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 10:56:05 PM
Subject: I see your Buddy Dean Roger Ray and his pals still slandering you
too EH Sgt Michelle Boutin, Sgt Gary Rhodes and Justin Trudeau??
Monday, April 15, 2013
Firewall Albnerta from the Liberals, Socialists, and Eastern Bastard land
This weekend the NDP convened their biannual "policy conference" and
debated the feasibility of nationalizing the Alberta Oil Sands. It
seems no one told these "people" that constitutionally and legally
each province controls and owns its resources. It seems these animals
have forgotten the wars waged betwixt Peter Lougheed and that arch
eastern bastard Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Does, "let the bastards freeze
in the dark," spark any recollections?"
Yesterday at the Westin Plaza in Ottawa the Liberal Party of Eastern
kanada held the coronation of their new leader Justin Trudeau. At his
coronation former Prime Minster and crime family Capo addressed the
deliriously joyous gathering to remind all Albertans of his and
liberals abject graft, dismissed as "accounting errors," Shawinnigate,
and the raping of western Canada with Papa Trudeau's and Chretien's
National Energy Plan. "Its deja vu all over again!"
QSLS Politics
By Location Visit Detail
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Visitor's Time Apr 15 2013 7:14:05 am
Visit Number 30,699
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 20:05:09 -0300
Subject: Who says Canadian Tire are ignoring me you or your wife?
Perhaps Lori Ink and the Globe and Mail should call Jeff ASAP EH? Mr
To: "BARRY WINTERS\" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, \"Randy.McGinnis\"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, \"rod.knecht\"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, \"BCCO\" <BCCO@cantire.com>,
\"Robyn.Collver\" <Robyn.Collver@cantire.com>, \"Stephen.Wetmore\""
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, police
<police@fredericton.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>,
bairdj <bairdj@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, MulcaT
Just Dave
By Location Visit Detail
Visit 19,270
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 205.210.17.# (Canadian Tire Corporation)
ISP Canadian Tire Corporation
Location Continent : North America
Country : Canada (Facts)
State/Region : Ontario
City : Brampton
Lat/Long : 43.6833, -79.7667 (Map)
Language English (Canada) en-ca
Operating System Microsoft WinNT
Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
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Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 800
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Time of Visit Apr 12 2013 2:15:14 pm
Last Page View Apr 12 2013 2:20:16 pm
Visit Length 5 minutes 2 seconds
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Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Apr 12 2013 1:15:14 pm
Visit Number 19,270
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 15:32:02 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Canadian Tire owns Marks Dummy They ignored me for a
month so I called their lawyers and the cops again
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos! How's your daughter's cunt!
Here is another magazine or newspaper for you to whine, and annoy. Read the blog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 16:57:04 -0300
Subject: Yo Dale McGowan explain Sec 300 Real slow to your minions will ya?
To: "BARRY.SHAW" <BARRY.SHAW@forces.gc.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"Ken.Zielke" <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "jeff.kasbrick"
<jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca>, "t.wilson" <t.wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
radical <radical@radicalpress.com>, hjk <hjk@quesnelbc.com>, rmathews
<rmathews@telus.net>, "Stephen.Wetmore" <Stephen.Wetmore@cantire.com>,
"Robyn.Collver" <Robyn.Collver@cantire.com>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, ppalmater
<ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 13:30:34 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: MEDIA The corrupt Cops and the lawyer Dr. Pamela D.
Palmater must be on your side nobody but you is that dumbCorrect Mr
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos!
Yo Momma!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Randy MCGINNIS" <randy.mcginnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "ppalmater"
<ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>, "sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Cc: "toewsv1" <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "David Amos"
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 1:17:49 PM
Subject: Re: MEDIA The corrupt Cops and the lawyer Dr. Pamela D.
Palmater must be on your side nobody but you is that dumbCorrect Mr
get a lawyer
On 4/9/13, Randy MCGINNIS <randy.mcginnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> wrote:
> Mr Amos would you plse remove me from your email fan outs.
> Thank you.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> To: WILSON, Terry <T.Wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> To: MCGINNIS, Randy <randy.mcginnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> To: rod.knecht <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>
> To: BARRY.SHAW <BARRY.SHAW@forces.gc.ca>
> Cc: Amos, David <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> To: jeff.kasbrick <jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca>
> To: Ken.Zielke <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>
> To: premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>
> Cc: ppalmater <ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>
> To: hjk <hjk@quesnelbc.com>
> To: radical <radical@radicalpress.com>
> To: rmathews <rmathews@telus.net>
> Sent: 2013-04-09 01:05:44 PM
> Subject: MEDIA The corrupt Cops and the lawyer Dr. Pamela D. Palmater must
> be on your side nobody but you is that dumbCorrect Mr Baconfat?
> From: Pamela Palmater <ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>
> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 16:55:26 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Cops should understand how computers,
> emails, blogging, Youtubes and Google works Correct?
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Kwe /Hello;
> As the winter term classes are over, I will be out of the office
> regularly working on research projects during the spring and summer.
> Due to the extremely high volume of emails, calls, and requests over
> the last few months, there may be some delay before I can get back to
> your request. My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
> It may be helpful to send a reminder if your matter is urgent and/or
> put the nature of the request in the subject heading.
> In the meantime, if you have any urgent Ryerson business, please
> contact the Department Chair, Patrice Dutil.
> If you have a media request, please put MEDIA in your subject line and
> I will get back to you as soon as I can.
> Thank you/Welal'in
> Pam
> Dr. Pamela D. Palmater
> Chair in Indigenous Governance
> Ryerson University
> On 4/9/13, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://www.ucobserver.org/features/2012/08/day_five/
>> The United Church Observer
>> 478 Huron Street
>> Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2R3
>> Tel: (416) 960-8500
>> Toll Free: 1-800-936-4566
>> Fax: (416) 960-8477
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Tuesday, April 9, 2013
>> Rev. Bruce Gregerson and the United Church of Canada hates Jews
>> If you are a Jew or an Israeli, Rev. Bruce Gregerson and the United
>> Church of Canada hates you, and wants you dead. If you are an Israeli
>> living in Beit El, Alon Shvut, or even parts of Yerushalym, Rev.
>> Gregerson and and his United Church of Canada members want you dead
>> and or gone.
>> Sieg Heil Herr Gregerson! Just like Herr Goebbles, you tell a lie long
>> enough, it becomes the truth! As long as you call Israeli settlements
>> "illegal," in "occupied" Palestine, and get this lie published, one
>> day it may be considered true.
>> To all you United Church of Canada bigots consider these two facts:
>> In the mid eighteen hundreds America went to war with Mexico and won
>> in a war Tejas! So is the state of Texas "occupied territory?" Are
>> Houston, San Antonio, Austin et al "illegal settlements?" Or just the
>> places "occupied" by Jews illegal?
>> I would remind the Jew hating "Rev" Gregerson and his sycophants, that
>> ole Jesus of Nazareth was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, and died as Jew.
>> Jesus died in Roman "occupied" Judea, a place where in 1213 BCE
>> existed a Jewish nation-state. All this roughly 2 thousand years
>> before the "prophet" Mohammed was on the planet starting Islam.
>> Sieg Heil Herr Gregerson!
>> Posted by Seren at 9:22 AM No comments:
>> "Trust Making Gestures" for the "palestinians"
----- Original Message -----
From: "BARRY WINTERS" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
To: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 5:54:47 PM
Subject: Re: Canadian Tire owns Marks Dummy They ignored me for a
month so I called their lawyers and the cops again
"Hey Dummy"
You found out about Canadian Tire owning Mark's from my blog.
And you are surprised Canadian Tire is ignoring you? Everyone else on
the planet does!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "BARRY WINTERS" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "BCCO" <BCCO@cantire.com>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Robyn.Collver"
<Robyn.Collver@cantire.com>, "Stephen.Wetmore"
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 5:14:15 PM
Subject: Canadian Tire owns Marks Dummy They ignored me for a month so
I called their lawyers and the cops again
Sunday, April 7, 2013
"Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves, more about shopping
Last week an untidy, sketchy, undesirable youth appeared at the front
sales desk of Mark's Work Wear House with a watch. He wiped the
dripping snot from his nose and proceeded to tell my wife, that he had
a watch he wanted to return for cash. He had no sales slip, no credit
card invoice.
He told my wife that he had called this same store before and was told
he could return the watch. My wife politely told him that no receipt
returns were only good for gift cards or for merchandise. The young
man was outraged, he huffed and puffed, shouted that, "he was told he
could return the watch for cash!"
He then produced the watch, my wife looked at the watch and told our
"modern shopper." We don't sell this watch, you got it from another
store and chain of stores. Mark's does not sell this watch anywhere.
The man howled his outrage and long stream of uninterrupted expletives
deleted. I followed the moron out the door to watched him scream at
the driver of a beater to, "get the fuck out of here."
Today our sketchy, undesirable youth returned to Mark's Work Wear
House. He walked into the store grabbed three fifty dollar shirts and
tried to return them without a receipt. My wife was on lunch. But alas
Mark's Work Wear House Stores are fully under camera observation, it
is indeed merely a matter of the cops getting the footage and tracking
down a man who no doubt has a criminal record. Our thief gained
nothing but a "gift or merchandise card" that was rendered by the
computer worthless.
A few years ago a New York newspaper reported, if you bought clothes
from a major department store, odds were you were buying used
garments. Here in Edmonton at The Running Room, if you buy reduced
price "out of stock" or "discontinued items", you are buying returned
and moderately used goods, presented to consumers as new.
Retail stores have such generous return policies that most women
especially, not only take advantage of, but abuse. It is common
practice for women to buy an outfit for an occasion and wear it, only
to keep the sales tags on it to return it the next day, or shortly
there after.
Almost every retailer or chain does not permit returns or adjustments,
on the busiest retail shopping day of the year, Boxing Day, because of
the sheer volume of low level food chain con artists "trying it on"
with retailers.
Retail employees have to deal with the professional shoplifters, the "
low rent grifters" like our young friend of today, the recreational
shopper sipping her coffee and throwing her empty cup on the floor,
because she can.
There is always the haughty, rude, loud and obnoxious morbidly obese
woman shouting at sales persons that the clothes simply split wide
open at the seams. No shit!
Whilst there are not as many men who think that shopping is a
recreational activity or feel that have the God given right to return
merchandise, there are significant exceptions to the rule. Not too
long ago Lori took a phone inquiry from a man who wanted to return a
leather belt that the stitching had come loose, and no he had no
receipt. When the man was asked, when did he purchase the belt? He
replied that it was six years ago.
The Mark's stores in Alberta sell an incredible volume in work and
safety boots. But a few years ago one could buy high quality work
boots for around fifty bucks. Not any more, CSA approved safety boots
go betwixt two hundred and over three hundred dollars.
Up to a year ago, Mark's gave a unconditional lifetime guarantee for
work boots. Construction, and workers in "the patch" could and did
return Dakota boots purchased at for exchange without a receipt when
ever they simply wore out. Buy one pair of boots and you had boots for
Obviously Mark's had to stop that retail and economic stupidity. Now
the policy is, you have 100 days to return any boots with manufacturer
defects. No receipt no return. No cash, simply exchange for a new pair
of boots.
Recently an Asian man brought back a pair of work boots with a
receipts that was , folded spindled and mutilated, completely
illegible. He told the sales persons that he bought the boots
yesterday. The boots were slightly worn, and there was nothing wrong
with them. So our Asian "friend" was denied an adjustment or exchange.
The Asian man, then proceeded to howl, wail, sob, cry tears, gnash his
teeth and shout his displeasure like a two year old Asian child having
a tantrum. If our Asian "friend" thought he could cry his way to a
change of heart by the sales staff, he was quite wrong. One of the
ladies at Mark's then told him to "shut up, and grow up," harsh
Men however don't come close to the abject stupidity and crassness of
women whilst shopping. Men find shopping a necessary evil and women
see shopping as a recreational activity slash competitive event. Some
years ago at American Eagle a hung over young lady decided that
shopping might make her feel better. So our young woman shopper
decided she just had to vomit on several garments, and that it indeed
be alright. The woman was quite offended and surprised when she was
told she had bought the garments or she was banned from West Edmonton
Mall, for life. Well its a gender thing.
Whenever a woman buys something she does so on a "provisional basis,"
odds are she has decided to return it before she gets home. The
reality is a sales receipt is a sales contract and a retailer is under
no legal obligation to refund, accept return the goods or adjust the
terms of the contract, if they choose not to.
Woodward's, TE Eaton's and many large scale retailers were put out of
business by customer abuse of their "goods satisfactory, or money
cheerfully refunded policies."
Today a woman shopping is apt to be on her cell phone when she comes
up to the cashier to pay for goods she's already planning to return.
Men at Mark's Work Wear House tend to buy a lot and spend little time
in doing so.
Customers, male customers at Mark's spend a lot of cash on Carhartt,
Dakota, Helly Hansen and other high end work wear. They also tend to
use cash, rather than using debit cards for everything from the
morning Starbucks to toiletries like women.
About a year ago the Mother of a part time high school student
employee went to Marks and bought some clothes. Lori gave the woman an
increased discount, and within the time it took for the woman to get
in her car and go to the Oliver Square Mark's Store, she was there
trying to return the goods for the pre discount price.
Indeed, it's got be a gender thing!
Posted by Seren at 1:21 PM
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Foreign Workers Shopping
Notwithstanding the ballooning of government deficit, Alberta's
economy is running along as strong as a Cummings Diesel engine in a
Kenworth Semi Truck. There is less than 4.5% unemployment, there are
so many jobs out there, and alas, a severe shortage of skilled trades
people and labourers.
This province hires more temporary foreign workers than any other
Canadian province to keep up production in both the "oil patch" and
associated construction industries. These temporary guest workers
number in the scores of thousands.
The companies that recruit and hire these workers require to provide
them with work boots clothing and fire retardant coveralls, helmets
and so on. Mark's Work Wear house and other work wear stores provide
that work gear. Companies bring from 50 to 100 foreign workers from
Slovakia, Bosnia, Republic of Ireland, Mexico and other third world
places, each day to these stores. Each has a $500.00 to $1,000.00
voucher each to buy gear.
Almost everyday sees a couple of large van / buses from the "patch"
stopping off at Marks to equip a load of foreign workers to the tune
of 25,000.00 to 50,000.00 a day.
Marks Work Wear house is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of
Canadian Tire Corp, so the success Mark's enjoys here in Alberta due
to the success and operations of the "oil patch" benefits another
large pan Canadian business.
Last evening Lori had to work late outfitting these people. And I
watched this group of which only a couple of men from the Republic of
Ireland, and the group's "handlers" spoke a word of English. It was a
combination of a third world Christmas morning and the Tower of Babel.
Considering the long and enthusiastic line to use the washroom, one
would surmise many of these "people" were totally unfamiliar with
indoor plumbing and flush toilets. Notwithstanding a no doubt
logistical nightmare to outfit these "people," Mark's Work Wear House
and the myriad of other concerns making hundreds of thousands of
The employees of individual Mark's Work Wear House outlets have a
bonus coming each quarter if they exceed sales goals, anywhere from
two to eight hundred dollars for each sales coordinator. So there are
dollars for retailers in those "temporary guest workers."
The problem is;most of these "temporary guest workers" are most
definitely denizens of the shallow end of the gene and evolutionary
pool. They are ignorant, rude, appear to be filthy and litter
everywhere with their cigarette butts and personal detris. That indeed
begs the question why do we have to import these sub-humans anyway?
There is 7 to 9 % unemployment in eastern kanada. Pogey is a way of
life and intrinsic to maritime "culture." Instead of the "people" have
a six month paid holiday each year...why not come west where a welder
or crane operator makes more money than a doctor?
In the meantime, thank goodness for companies spending money at
Alberta's work retail stores!
Posted by Seren at 8:20 AM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 13:33:03 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: I must say Canadian Tire just pissed me off for the last
time Cya'll in Court someday EH?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos!
What the fuck has Canadian Tire have to do with me exercising my right
to express myself and
tickle Laura's itty bitty clitty?
Yo! "C'yall in court!" too too funny
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Robyn Collver" <Robyn.Collver@cantire.com>, "sunrayzulu"
<sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Wayne.Lang"
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 11:57:04 AM
Subject: Fwd: I must say Canadian Tire just pissed me off for the last
time Cya'll in Court someday EH?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 22:55:23 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Yea I did and I told them about this blog too Want me to
hook up with Austin and Keltie too?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
David David ....you do whatever you think you can or afford to do. You
have tried to stop me for years ....you have failed.
Yo Mr Baconfat you told me where you and the nasty racist Lori on the
the tenth aniversary of leavng Boston when I heard Senator Wellstone
was murdered
YOU showed the world your wife's nasty arse serveral two years before.
Once on another interesting date. However my ALLTIME favourite
statement of yours was on July 28th
"It should also be noted here that what Mr. Caron and Snyder did
...can be considered an offense to the C C of C (Criminal Code of
Canada) section 300 "Criminal Slander". A "private information" or
police prosecution could conceivably result ."
You can bet I contacted many American Eagle people and I ain't doe
with them just yet.
Oct 25
TORONTO, Nov. 6 /CNW/ - The Board of Directors of Canadian Tire
Corporation, Limited (TSX: CTC.A, CTC) ("the Company") today announced the
appointment of Stephen G. Wetmore as the Company's next President and Chief
Executive Officer, effective the beginning of 2009. He will succeed Tom Gauld
who is retiring from that role at the end of this year, and will continue as a
member of the Company's Board of Directors.
Wetmore, 55, is an experienced chief executive officer who has led large,
complex businesses in different industries, including telecommunications,
information technology and transportation. He has been responsible for
regional, national and international business operations. Most recently, he
served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Bell Aliant Regional
Communications Income Fund, one of North America's largest regional
telecommunications providers. He has led a number of other public companies
and has served as an independent member of Canadian Tire's Board of Directors
since 2003.
Maureen Sabia, Chairman of Canadian Tire's Board of Directors, said
"We're delighted to have secured someone of Stephen's stature and experience
as our next President and CEO. This appointment reflects our Board's ongoing
focus on succession planning and we are extremely pleased with the result.
Stephen has a deep knowledge of Canadian Tire through his service on our Board
and its committees. With an enviable record of leading public companies, he
has successfully created new and market-changing organizations, built brands,
managed complex relationships and distribution channels and, perhaps most
important of all, has shown a proven commitment to customer service and to
productivity. In his new role, Stephen will continue the execution of our
current strategy and enhance the Company's relationships with its customers,
shareholders, dealers and employees across Canada. Our shared goal is to
enhance the power of our brand and to make Canadian Tire the best it can be in
meeting the needs of our customers, every day."
Sabia added that, "Tom Gauld has made a valuable contribution to Canadian
Tire. He has driven our business strategy, helped to instill a culture of
accountability and invested in initiatives for the Company's long-term growth
and success. He also worked with the Board in identifying Stephen Wetmore as
the right person to succeed him at this time. We are pleased that Tom has
accepted the Board's invitation to continue as a member of our Board of
Directors following the leadership transition."
"This is about seizing opportunity when it comes knocking," said Tom
Gauld, "and it's about getting the right person for the long term. Stephen
announced late in the summer of 2008 that he would be leaving Bell Aliant. I
had intended to continue in my present role a little longer. However, the
opportunity to recruit someone of Stephen's stature to lead the Company beyond
that timeframe led me and the Board to revisit our succession timetable. I am
delighted with the outcome."
Stephen Wetmore said, "I am truly honoured to join this great Canadian
icon. I have admired Canadian Tire for many years. My role as a Board member
has only increased my appreciation of the strength and responsibility
associated with one of Canada's most recognized and trusted brands. I look
forward to working with the men and women of this great organization in
achieving its continued success."
Canadian Tire will conduct a conference call to discuss its third quarter
earnings, which were issued under a separate news release this morning, and
related matters at 4:30 p.m. EST today. The conference call will be available
simultaneously and in its entirety to all interested investors and the news
media through a webcast at http://investor.relations.canadiantire.ca, and will
be available through replay at this website for 12 months.Stephen G.
WetmoreStephen Wetmore is an experienced chief executive officer who
successfully led a number of Canadian public companies. He has managed complex
businesses in different industries, including telecommunications, information
technology and transportation. He has been responsible for regional, national
and international business operations. These organizations have ranged from
those with a regional focus to those with global mandates. They have included
fledgling companies as well as iconic corporations that have been operating
for more than a century. He has successfully created new and market-changing
organizations, built brands, managed relationships and distribution channels,
and balanced the pursuit of growth with improvements to organizational
efficiency. In each of these roles he has shown a deep commitment to customer
service and to increasing productivity.
The depth and breadth of Mr. Wetmore's business experience have been
shaped by his varied executive responsibilities. As President and Chief
Executive Officer of NewTel Enterprises, the telecommunications company
serving Newfoundland and Labrador, he doubled the size of the organization. In
that role he subsequently led the first four-way merger of public companies in
Canada, uniting the telephone providers of Atlantic Canada to form Aliant Inc.
Mr. Wetmore served as the new company's first President and Chief Executive
Officer, successfully integrating four organizations, their management teams,
employees and strategies.
This record of achievement continued during Mr. Wetmore's subsequent
service as Vice Chairman, Corporate and as Group President, National Markets
of Bell Canada and as Executive Vice President of BCE Inc. In these roles he
was involved in virtually all facets of an extremely complex multi-division
organization. He oversaw operations in western Canada (Bell West), northern
Canada (NWTel), northern Ontario and Quebec (Bell Nordiq), and Atlantic Canada
(Aliant), as well as Telesat Canada. He also led such corporate functions as
finance, marketing, regulatory and purchasing.
He then helped to create, and served as the first President and Chief
Executive Officer of, Bell Aliant, one of North America's largest regional
telecommunications providers and one of the largest publicly-traded business
income trusts in Canada. In this new role Mr. Wetmore successfully combined
telecommunications and information technology businesses in Atlantic Canada,
Quebec and Ontario that operate through a number of operating entities serving
millions of customers in six provinces and the United States.
Mr. Wetmore's appreciation of local markets and communities was also
demonstrated earlier in his career as President and Chief Executive Officer of
the regional carrier, Air Atlantic. During this period he led that airline's
successful restructuring and return to profitability.
Mr. Wetmore's international focus was first shaped during his previous
service with Scotia Holdings PLC, an Anglo-Canadian health care company. He
rose through a number of increasingly senior roles in Canada and the United
Kingdom to the position of Managing Director. He helped grow the business
considerably, a strategy that entailed the creation of purchasing and
distribution channels in more than 30 countries.
Professional experience: Includes ten years in telecommunications and
information technology, ten years in healthcare, seven years in public
accounting and two years in transportation.2006-2008 Bell Aliant
Regional Communications Income Fund - President
and CEO
2002-2006 Bell Canada - Vice Chairman, Corporate; Group President,
National Markets
BCE Inc. - Executive Vice President
1999-2002 Aliant Inc. - President and CEO
1998-1999 NewTel Enterprises - President and CEO
1996-1998 Independent Consultant
1993-1995 Air Atlantic - President; Finance Director
1983-1993 Scotia Holdings PLC - Rose through a number of increasingly
senior roles in Canada and the United Kingdom to the position
of Managing Director
1976-1983 PricewaterhouseCoopers (predecessor companies) - Chartered
1979 Chartered Accountant - Canada
1976 Bachelor of Business Administration (accounting and finance),
Acadia University
- Born 1952, Campbellton, New Brunswick
- Married with one daughterCanadian Tire Corporation, Limited
(TSX: CTC.a, CTC), operates more than
1,180 general merchandise and apparel retail stores and gas stations in an
inter-related network of businesses engaged in retail, financial services and
petroleum. Canadian Tire Retail, Canada's most shopped general merchandise
retailer, with 473 stores operated by dealers across Canada offers a unique
mix of products and services through three specialty categories in which the
organization is the market leader - Automotive, Sports and Leisure, and Home
Products. www.canadiantire.ca offers Canadians the opportunity to shop online.
PartSource is an automotive parts specialty chain with 82 stores designed to
meet the needs of purchasers of automotive parts - professional automotive
installers and serious do-it-yourselfers. Canadian Tire Petroleum is one of
the country's largest and most productive independent retailers of gasoline,
operating 269 gas bars, 262 convenience stores and kiosks, and 74 car washes.
Mark's Work Wearhouse is one of the country's leading apparel retailers
operating 364 stores in Canada. Under the Clothes that Work(TM) marketing
strategy, Mark's sells apparel and footwear in work, work-related, casual and
active-wear categories, as well as health-care and business-to-business
apparel. www.marks.com offers Canadians the opportunity to shop for Mark's
products online. Canadian Tire Financial Services has issued over five million
Canadian Tire MasterCard credit cards and also markets related financial
products and services for retail and petroleum customers. Canadians can also
access Financial Services online at www.ctfs.com. More than 57,000 Canadians
work across Canadian Tire's organization from coast-to-coast in the
enterprise's retail, financial services, and petroleum
businesses./NOTE TO PHOTO EDITORS: A photo accompanying this release
is available on
the CNW Photo Network and archived at http://photos.newswire.ca.
Additional archived images are also available on the CNW Photo Archive
website at http://photos.newswire.ca. Images are free to accredited
members of the media/%SEDAR: 00000534EF
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 12:13:49 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Ah that explains why Lori Ink is so fat Mrs Baconfat is
always stuffing her piehole at Teddy's this is a photo of the nasty
racist that got shitcanned from American Eagle Correct Chief Rod
Knecht ?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos, Lori received a six figure judgement from American Eagle and
Alberta department of Labour.
This July we are going to the UK and back on the Queen Elizabeth.
Be seeingLaura the Hutt again real soon. Oh by the bay Lori has a much
better body and is not diseased.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "Wayne.Lang" <Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "toewsv1"
<toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>,
"BARRY.SHAW" <BARRY.SHAW@forces.gc.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Ken.Zielke" <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>,
"kevin.dennis" <kevin.dennis@nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk>, "josh
steffler" <canuckfanjosh@yahoo.com>, "maryann4peace"
Cc: "Clare Kuehn" <clarekuehn@yahoo.ca>, "oldmaison"
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "premier"
<premier@gov.ab.ca>, "premier" <premier@gov.sk.ca>, "premier"
<premier@gnb.ca>, "premier" <premier@gov.bc.ca>, "weststar"
<weststar@telus.net>, "hjk" <hjk@quesnelbc.com>,
rainbowwarriorspeak@gmail.com, "bginsberg"
<bginsberg@pattonboggs.com>, "atrueott" <atrueott@msn.com>,
tribunal@911warcrimestribunal.org, "pete@thepetesantillishow.com"
<Pete@thepetesantillishow.com>, "pm" <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Mackay.P"
<Mackay.P@forces.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson" <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"bob.rae" <bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>, "leader"
<leader@greenparty.ca>, "MulcaT Cc: Ken.Zielke <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>"
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, "Fred.Wyshak" <Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov>, "j.kroes"
<j.kroes@interpol.int>, "RBauer" <RBauer@perkinscoie.com>,
"martinhea39" <martinhea39@gmail.com>, "law" <law@stevenfoulds.ca>,
"t.wilson" <t.wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "hiddenfromhistory1"
<hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com>, "grenouf" <grenouf@genuinewitty.com>,
"xtofury" <xtofury@gmail.com>, "jfetzer" <jfetzer@d.umn.edu>,
americanfreedomradio@ymail.com, "andre" <andre@jafaust.com>,
"terry.seguin" <terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "acampbell" <acampbell@ctv.ca>,
bill@kickhamlegal.com, "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
"radical" <radical@radicalpress.com>, "merv" <merv@northwebpress.com>,
"henry" <henry@henrymakow.com>, "jamie.graham"
<jamie.graham@vicpd.ca>, "kevin.violot" <kevin.violot@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 10:38:41 AM
Subject: Ah that explains why Lori Ink is so fat Mrs Baconfat is
always stuffing her piehole at Teddy's this is a photo of the nasty
racist that got shitcanned from American Eagle Correct Chief Rod
Knecht ?
During the "meeting" Mr. Caron and Ms. Snyder informed Lori Ink that
she too was accused of "racist behaviour and gossip". When pressed for
details these people told Ms. Ink she had used a "racist epithet".....
Saturday, September 11, 2010
American Eagle Outfitters in Canada
My name is Lori Ink, and for twenty plus years I have worked for
Bramar /American Eagle Outfitters as the "stock lead" in the West
Edmonton Mall Store. I have worked for many store managers and several
different District Managers and have over twenty years a written
record of excellent and outstanding performance appraisals.
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 08:34:33 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Attn Rod Knecht the photo hereto attached is of your
beloved client Mr Baconfat having a beer with his wife Lori Ink at
Teddy's Correct?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Yo Amos...Indeed that is quite correct! Both a beer and the best
burgers and steaks in town.
You should try,them! Wait I forgot, you are welfare bum, unemployed,
without a pot to piss in.
Son, get a job, piss poor,fat, lazy, and crazy is no way to go through life son!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 08:53:01 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Attn Rod Knecht the photo hereto attached is of your
beloved client Mr Baconfat having a beer with his wife Lori Ink at
Teddy's Correct?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
No one reads you insane e mails. How does it feel to be the dumb ass
nigger of the western world
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 21:28:07 -0300
Subject: I got a call back frpm Mark's Listen closely Mr Baconfat and
say Hoka Hey to the cops for me will ya?
To: sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca, evelyngreene
<evelyngreene@live.ca>, "lucie.dubois" <lucie.dubois@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
andremurraynow <andremurraynow@gmail.com>, jwambolt
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, police <police@fredericton.ca>
Trust that I am HONOURED that Chucky and his buddy Mr Baconfat hate
me. If I were wrong. Howcome Chucky does not say one word about it
since Mr Baconfat began in 2009? I am truly amazed that Chucky's
Indian lady friends and his white lady friends such as Jenn Wambolt,
Evelyn Greene and Sally Brooks side with Mr Baconfat and Chucky and
call me names. Read what Mr Baconfat says of them. Please don't tell
me that they are not very sneaky women with a questionable agenda who
are playing Chucky Baby like a fiddle or they would have called the
cops and the Human Rights Commission long ago.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Lets talk about ...Shopping!
Lets talk about shopping! Have you ever watched men and especially
women shop or more accurately recreate in shops, stores and markets?
Our generation was admonished from childhood to "look don't touch,"
taught that "if you should break it, you have bought it," and that you
never bring food or drink into a store.
Nowadays department stores are inhabited by well past middle age
matrons sipping from Starbucks cups, assiduously attempting to return
garments, they have worn for six months. Retail industry observers
claim, if you buy something from a major retailer that has a generous
return policy... odds are you buying used goods.
I was at Mark's (Work Wearhouse) some weeks ago and was entertained by
a semi obese matron with more makeup on than a television
anchor-creature. Our matronly shopper passed the "Mark's slim fit
never press dress shirts," and theatrically heaved a great sigh and
proceeded then to pull out at random, the third blue shirt in the
immaculate stack, and unfold the shirt, and toss it on the table. Our
"shopper" then showed her teeth in a dazzling smile, looked at me and
said, "my work here is done."
My wife actually works at Mark's, and her accounts of scores of male
customers claiming to work for companies that get 10 % discounts, but
have "forgotten" the discount card and the name of the company that is
awarded such discounts...are the stuff of "urban legend."
I was utterly devestated with laughter when I watched a young lady,
"who squished" when she approached the cashier's desk at a shoe store
in Kingsway Garden Mall. This "lady" was dressed like an advertisement
for The Velvet Jones, So You Want to be a HO School of Technology. Our
shopper wanted to return a pair of "hooker boots" she had worn for,
"she couldn't remember how long," and "she had lost the receipt."
These boots looked as if they were well used, and someone puked on
Now of course these "people" don't think they are scamming anyone,
defrauding anyone or stealing from anyone. They think they are trying
to "get a deal,"or trying to "save a buck," after all the "retailers
can afford it." There is a percentage of "shrinkage worked into the
price," anyway. Well," that's their story, and they are sticking with
Then there is the Safeway Store. It is always a dimunitive Asian
woman, that you can often see transferring Jumbo eggs into a egg
carton for small and medium eggs. Taking the smaller egg carton and
leaving the Jumbo carton with much smaller eggs for the next "poor
sap" to buy them.
Sometimes the antics of these "urban hunter gatherers," are simply
dangerous. There is always some "native woman" with a child in the
cart who has picked up a package of raw hamburger, and the "good
woman" has decided she no longer wants or can afford the meat. So
instead of walking back to the meat counter she simply deposits it on
a shelf, and goes on with her child and their shopping.
Then there is the "adventure of diseased man and his mother." Last
evening at the bakery there was a dearth of fresh baked bagels, it was
late in the day, pickings were slim. The Mother was on oxygen,
dragging along a little cart with the O2 bottle. Her "darling
beautiful boy" was picking up and every bagel that was left in the
trays, picking them up to his nose and smelling them, totally
oblivious to me and others waiting behind him.
Finally our judicious, bagel expert had found two he deemed
satisfactory, and moved off, to scratch his ass, cough and blow his
nose. As I tried to find some bagels, our connoisseur of bagels
returned and reached in front of me to take a few more. I then decided
I didn't need any bagels.
Allan Funt producer of TV's Candid Camera used to say..."People are
Funny." Nope, people are stupid! That is never so self evident, when
you watch people generally and women specifically....shop!
Posted by Seren at 4:18 AM
Thursday, July 29, 2010
American Eagle at West Edmonton Mall
On July 28, 2010 Jo Ann Hennig's employment at American Eagle was
terminated, and Lori Ink was "written up" and put on thirty days
probation. Jo Ann Henig had complained to American Eagle Canada
corporate human resources in Mississauga Ontario that several American
Eagle employees at the West Edmonton Mall store were not paid for
hours worked.
Ms. Hening had worked over a few weeks with American Eagle Canada's
human resources managers to rectify the problem. Last week the problem
had been rectified whereas several people were not paid correctly,
their pay had been restored to them. On July 28 (yesterday) Jo Ann
Henig was fired by store Manager Carl Caron and District Manager
Samara Snyder .
Ms Snyder and Mr Caron informed Ms Hennig that she was terminated
because there were several calls to the American Eagle "employee hot
line" complaining about her "racist behaviour" and her being a
"gossip". Both Ms. Snyder and Mr. Caron declined and then refused to
identify this "racist behaviour" , explain when this "racist
behaviour" occurred or give any details whatsoever that would confirm
or validate the occurrence of this "racist behaviour" or that there
were any "complaints" to the "hot line".
It should be noted that both Samara Snyder and Carl Caron are new to
their respective positions at American Eagle West Edmonton Mall . Mr.
Caron has been store manager for less that thirty days and has never
once been out on the sales floor, or been the MOD (manager on duty).
He has preferred to spend his days in the manager's office "doing
paper work". Samara Snyder has been District manager less than sixty
days and was hired by (American Eagle Canada CEO) Art Solomon who has
resigned because he was concerned upon the direction American Eagle
Canada was headed. It also should been noted that Mr. Caron's first
decision other than terminating Ms. Hennig is to turn the "marketing
room" into a larger office for himself.
It is more than a little suspicious that Ms. Hennig has been
terminated for undisclosed and specified "racist behaviour" and "hot
line complaints" when American Eagle employees on the watch of Carl
Caron and Samara Snyder were not being paid for hours worked...and
were dissuaded to complain or seek redress from "head office".
On July 28 2010, at roughly 10 am Carl Caron and Samara Snyder called
Jo Ann Hennig into the West Edmonton American Eagle store's back room
accused her of undisclosed "racist behaviour", fired her,
surreptitiously escorted her out the back door...and called into their
presence, Ms. Lori Ink.
Ms. Ink was first informed that Jo Ann Henig was terminated and that
it would be a "shame" that "Ms. Ink's 18 year career with American
Eagle were to end because of {her} friendship with Jo Ann Hennig."
Lori Ink told Ms. Snyder and Mr. Caron that they needed to inform
store staff that Jo Ann was terminated, at which point Carl Caron
excused himself to tell the store's employees that Jo Ann Hennig was
terminated. He also took the opportunity to tell the staff, that Ms.
Ink would soon be out and be upset and perhaps crying ... And they
"were forbidden to hug, comfort or otherwise commiserate with her".
During the "meeting" Mr. Caron and Ms. Snyder informed Lori Ink that
she too was accused of "racist behaviour and gossip". When pressed for
details these people told Ms. Ink she had used a "racist
epithet".....she used the word "Asian" to describe the ethnic group
"Asians". Ms. Snyder said that was...."racist behaviour". Once again
NO further details of the "complainants" nor "complaints" were
It should also be noted here that what Mr. Caron and Snyder did ...can
be considered an offense to the C C of C (Criminal Code of Canada)
section 300 "Criminal Slander". A "private information" or police
prosecution could conceivably result .
Ms. Ink has been reprimanded for completing duties that Carl Caron and
several previous managers have been having her do. (receiving
shipment, supply orders etc) for the past several years in her
"Performance Improvement plan" .
Ms. Ink was told that the entire "break schedule" for the store had
been revamped because of her "gossip" with Jo Ann Hennig. Ms. Ink and
Ms. Hennig once a week went out to lunch together for a couple of
years (Tony Roma's)...and Mr. Caron and Ms. Snyder claim that there
they...."gossip" .
At the end of the "interview" Ms. Ink was threatened with termination
if she talked to Ms. Hennig, spoke about the "meeting" with the store
employees or any employees or management of American Eagle. ....So
much for using the "hot line" or communicating with corporate human
resource personnel without retribution!
There is far more to this, but sufficed to say.... two new and
obviously inexperienced management personnel have decided to persecute
two very long time employees of American Eagle. Ms. Ink a single
mother, raised a son and sends him to a post secondary institution on
the pay of THIS JOB.
I wonder what the "intake officials" at Alberta Human rights and the
Alberta Labour Board would say about this?
Posted by Seren at 2:31 AM
Saturday, September 11, 2010
American Eagle Outfitters in Canada
My name is Lori Ink, and for twenty plus years I have worked for
Bramar /American Eagle Outfitters as the "stock lead" in the West
Edmonton Mall Store. I have worked for many store managers and several
different District Managers and have over twenty years a written
record of excellent and outstanding performance appraisals.
I have been receiving shipment, making weekly supply orders, arranging
the stowage of merchandise, informing store management of stock and
nightly e mailing head office (Canada) {Connie Holmes} of stock here
in Edmonton.
My job with American Eagle Outfitters and the success of this American
company and the store in West Edmonton Mall has been very important to
me, because as a single mother I raised and educated my university
student son ...on this job, its pay and benefits (still do the
benefits). I have an impeccable record of performance, honesty and
integrity with the company and all previous management personnel
...until now, until only roughly 60 days ago.
Be advised a complaint will be lodged with both the Alberta Human
Rights Commission and the Alberta Labour Board where American Eagle
Outfitters has a record of labour law abuse, on Monday.
Roughly sixty days ago Joanne Hennig was terminated, by District
Manager Samara Snyder, for bringing to the attention of head office
(Canada) of pay discrepancies totaling several hundred dollars to some
people. Moments after she was escorted by Store Manger Carl Caron out
the the rear entrance, I was ushered into the room and told; "It is a
shame a twenty plus year career with American Eagle is now in jeopardy
because of your friendship with Joanne Hennig."
I was also told the the following: The store management had to revise
all the lunch schedules so that Joanne and I would "not gossip". We
went to lunch once a week, as a treat. And I was put on a "Performance
Improvement Plan" whereby I was under pain of immediate dismissal, no
longer to "receive shipment and use the gun", make further e mails to
head office, make the weekly supply order, nor to communicate with
anyone in the company what transpired in that meeting.
In the last 60 days others have been directed into the back office and
berated, chastised and abused by Samara Snyder and Carl Caron
together. Thrice I personally have been berated, and chastised by Ms.
Snyder and Carl Caron in "private meetings". A month ago I applied in
writing to take part of my five weeks earned and accumulated holidays
to go to Las Vegas in October with my sisters ....it was denied
originally by Mr.Caron because he said: "It is blackout". There is no
"holiday blackout" in October. The next day in the next of my
"sessions" with Samara Snyder and and Carl Caron, Ms. Snyder told me
"it was the way you applied for holidays", to apply in writing for my
holiday was "disrespectful", and "why did I want holidays in October
for?" Didn't I know that holidays was, a "negotiation?"
The note applying for holidays was respectful, polite and stated the
reason for time off ...and was still on file three days ago, if it has
not been now removed by store management.
In one of these three "meetings" I was told that, "what is this about
your hours, this is retail." I was then told that a letter would be
forthcoming from head office authorizing the change of my hours. I
have had these hours of employ with American Eagle and five weeks of
earned and accumulated holidays for some years , I fulfilled some
management functions in a very very successful American Eagle store
for years...and this has somehow offended Mr. Caron and Ms. Snyder. So
they have fabricated ...."sub-standard performance" for the last sixty
Ms Snyder yesterday gave me a letter saying "In light of your ongoing
sub-standard performance we are revising your Personal Performance
Plan of September 15. Please be advised that this letter constitutes
written notice that your employment with American Eagle Outfitters
will terminate November 5, 2010...."
There has been NO "sub-standard performance". In "meetings" with Carl
Caron I have been blamed for "women plugging the toilets with paper
towels because I didn't inform management there was no toilet paper .
I was directed to clean the toilets everyday and to "direct others" to
yet I have no longer any authority to direct others to do
anything...So, when I used to receive shipment...I now clean
toilets...and according to these prevarications , I a Mother, do it
"badly". (That is sarcasm for you Americans)
After twenty years plus of employment with American Eagle Outfitters I
have a written record of excellence and now new and inexperienced
management want to deprive me of that, abuse me and terminate my
employment because of my age, experience, hours of employment and
earned holidays. I am NOT terminated and being deprived of American
Eagle employment policies... for "sub-standard performance" nor
because management wants "to go in another direction"..but because of
the personal animus and the illegal behaviour of new management.
After twenty years of excellence with American Eagle Outfitters
current store management want to even remove my good name and
reputation. Monday I will send my complaint and notes to the Alberta
Human Rights Commission, the Alberta Labour Board and seek legal
counsel. It is ironic that in a time of economic recession in the US,
US retail firms that count on Canadian sales and consumer confidence
for their survival, would abuse their Canadian labour force and
violate Alberta Human Rights and Labour Laws.
Lori Ink .....West Edmonton Mall American Eagle Outfitters
Posted by Seren at 6:05 AM
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I am being blamed for plugged toilets, gossip and lower sales on the floor
Ms. Lescavar;
I hope you had a wonderful holiday, I have been denied taking seven
days of holidays in October, which is not a blackout period. I applied
in writing to take seven days holidays in October specifying that I
wanted to go to Las Vegas with my sisters.
Store manager Carl Caron originally told me that, "October is
blackout" due to the "holiday floor-set". The next day District
Manager Samara Snyder told me my request for holidays was actually
denied because, "the way I applied was disrespectful", that my
applying for holidays in writing was wrong, because applying for one's
accumulated and earned holidays was a "negotiation". Not to be done in
The note I wrote applying for holidays, is still on file and it is
respectful, and polite. Ms. Snyder wanted to know why I wanted
holidays in October, which was specified in the note I wrote.
I have worked for American Eagle / Bramar for 22 years, all of my
previous performance appraisals (which are on file) have been always
excellent. In the last several months previous to Carl Caron taking
over, my job included daily stock reports to YOU and others at head
office, receiving shipment, making the weekly supply order, and other
duties...for several consecutive store and district managers.
Whilst it is understandable that new management personnel may well
want to do things differently and NOT have me perform management
duties, it is fraudulent and dishonest to to claim that after many
years of superior performance...that I am now ...supposedly
Carl Caron has told me: I did not inform management of future stock
shipments, when as you know I have been doing that to store management
and e mailing head -office personnel with that information, for many
months. I have been told that female staff are plugging the toilet
with paper towels and I am to blame because I "did not inform Carl
there is no toilet paper". These so called complaints of my supposed
incompetence have transcended pathetic to ....fraudulent.
It is unbelievable that many years of excellent service, many years of
recorded excellent performance appraisals and a record of impeccable
honesty ....that it is alleged ....that I am incompetent and "giving
attitude to management". That is quite simply fraud and will be
reported as such.
I as single mother raised my son on this job, and still today my
university student son is supported by the benefits I earn from this
job. I have always cared deeply about the company I work for and its
success, but the tactics being used now by management are frankly
beneath American Eagle and you personally.
I have worked with many different people at American Eagle through the
years, and I have no problems working here with the people here...I
have no idea where the apparent animus from new management comes from,
but it is inappropriate, unprofessional and is being expressed in a
manner that is contrary to Alberta Labour Laws and Alberta Human
Posted by Seren at 1:04 PM