Go Figure Patty Baby
From: steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 19:36:22 -0400
Subject: Accusé de réception / Delivery receipt
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
**English version will follow**
Madame, Monsieur,
Au nom de l'honorable Steven Blaney, député de Lévis-Bellechasse,
j'accuse réception de votre courriel.
Soyez assuré que votre correspondance sera traitée avec considération.
En vous remerciant, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur,
l'expression de mes sincères salutations.
On behalf of the Honourable Steven Blaney, MP for Lévis-Bellechasse, I
would like to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Please be assured that your correspondence will receive careful consideration.
Samuel Simard-Michaud
Assistant parlementaire / Parliamentary Assistant
Bureau de l'honorable Steven Blaney / Office of the Honourable Steven Blaney
Député de Lévis, Bellechasse et des Etchemins / M.P. for Lévis,
Bellechasse and les Etchemins
Ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile/ Minister
of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 20:36:17 -0300
Subject: RE The Mad Shangi Show Yo Mr Baconfat I watched you sick
perverts waiting for me to respond to your latest attacks on my
youngest daughter
To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
glen <glen@glencanning.com>, Glen Canning <grcanning@me.com>, merricra
<merricra@gov.ns.ca>, justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, pol7163
<pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, frankffrost <frankffrost@hotmail.com>,
deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>, eachtem <eachtem@hotmail.com>,
jamiebaillie <jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
"steven.blaney" <steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Katy.Bourne"
<Katy.Bourne@sussex-pcc.gov.uk>, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
<Geoffrey.McDonald@gov.bc.ca>, radical <radical@radicalpress.com>,
michael <michael@frankmagazine.ca>, "foghorn.leghorn_175"
<foghorn.leghorn_175@zoho.com>, "Pete.Berndsen"
<Pete.Berndsen@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, Brian Gallant
<briangallant@nbliberal.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"peter.dauphinee" <peter.dauphinee@gmail.com>, MulcaT
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Muad-Dib <Muad-Dib@jforjustice.net>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, pmoist <pmoist@cupe.ca>, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Marianne.Ryan"
<Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Mackap <Mackap@parl.gc.ca>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 16:42:23 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: The Mad Shangi Show FYI you know as well as I that I
would never wish to talk to a sick pervert who stalks dead teenagers
and their parents Have your lawyer, or your fat dayy or Chief Hanson
call mea
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cc: patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, michael@frankmagazine.ca, frankffrost
<frankffrost@hotmail.com>, "scott.macrae"
<scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Grant.Fiander"
<Grant.Fiander@halifax.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, lylehowe@eastlink.ca, Steve Murphy
<Steve.Murphy@bellmedia.ca>, "marc.chiasson"
<marc.chiasson@mcinnescooper.com>, dions1 <dions1@parl.gc.ca>,
"Dion.Mario" <Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca>, rjgillis@gmglaw.com,
justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, leader
<leader@greenparty.ca>, "marc.garneau.a1"
<marc.garneau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, jake@jakepentland.com, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"mckeen.randy" <mckeen.randy@gmail.com>, "terry.seguin"
<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, "nick.moore"
<nick.moore@bellmedia.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
pol7163 <pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, eachtem <eachtem@hotmail.com>,
deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>
Jesus goat fucking Christ Amos! What is it with you and spam! Just say no!
You dumb bastards have no idea how serious this is getting Scroll down
to review EH Mr Minister of Justice Petey Baby MacKay
FYI I am making arrangements to get her a Yankee lawyer Check Title 18
section 875 to see why
Just Dave
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Live Traffic Feed
A visitor from Edmonton, Alberta
arrived from google.ca and viewed "The David Amos Rant: Yo Chief Rod
Knecht formerly of the RCMP Methinks that you and your pal Marianne
Ryan of the RCMP should not have supported your blogging butt buddy Mr
Baconfat for so long" 9 mins ago
A visitor from Calgary, Alberta
left "The David Amos Rant: Yo Chief Rod Knecht formerly of the RCMP
Methinks that you and your pal Marianne Ryan of the RCMP should not
have supported your blogging butt buddy Mr Baconfat for so long" via
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A visitor from Calgary, Alberta
arrived from google.ca and viewed "The David Amos Rant: Yo Chief Rod
Knecht formerly of the RCMP Methinks that you and your pal Marianne
Ryan of the RCMP should not have supported your blogging butt buddy Mr
Baconfat for so long" 22 mins ago
A visitor from United Kingdom
arrived from google.com and viewed "The David Amos Rant: Perhaps I
should notify the RCMP that the pervert Mr Baconfat claims he is
coming to Gagetown if so trust that they know why I want to meet the
nasty fat bastard" 35 mins ago
A visitor from United Kingdom
arrived from google.com and viewed "The David Amos Rant: Perhaps I
should notify the RCMP that the pervert Mr Baconfat claims he is
coming to Gagetown if so trust that they know why I want to meet the
nasty fat bastard" 35 mins ago
A visitor from United Kingdom
arrived from google.com and viewed "The David Amos Rant: Good mid
summers night Special Agent Mark Vespucci Perchance to dream of a
little Deju for you and your buddies in the the FBI?" 36 mins ago
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Ref: I am Sgt Anthony !!! [Scanned]" 1 hr 28 mins ago
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"The David Amos Rant: Shove this up your nasty arse Mr Baconfat" 1 hr
53 mins agoReal-time view · Menu
Monday, June 9, 2014
Yo Gracie! Here is your David Amos update!
Well, there does appear to be some "proof of life" from our insane
"friend. He appears to have passed out the twitter account of my wife
so the mentally unstable, and maritime kanadians can harass her like
Glen Canning. But what the fuck, there's a " blocking function," isn't
there? Little David Amos is indeed well familiar with being blocked.
Sufficed to say we are still waiting for the David to make good on his
promise to "C'yall in court!" I'm still waiting for Chief Rod Knecht's
troops to arrest me, because Davey Baby is still upset about my "hate
speech." I would imagine that David Amos' "Charles Manson like family"
is still swallowing paste for their living somewhere in uncivilized
and inbred New Brunswick.
Despite David Amos' shouting. "Yo Chief Hansen!" Calgary Chief of
Police Hansen has not deigned to arrest and "take a rubber hose" to
the Mad Shangi. Too bad David, it appears "your influence is waning."(
lol lol)
Yo, Gracie Baby! We are all still waiting for CSIS to get us!For SEAL
TEAM SIX to get us! For The RCMP tactical services to get us. For
"Stevie Boy" to get us! For the Military Police to get us! And so on
ad infinitum, as promised by your boy Davey Baby!
Yo Gracie Baby! It appears you family tree like so many others in
maritime kanada, grows straight up!
Posted by Seren at 3:35 PM No comments: Jake Pentland, Mother And Son Radio!
Do we even have "people" like this Canada? Is this an "amerkan" thing,
a celeb sort of thing, a Southern California type thing, or most
likely a "pore white trash" sort of thing. If one has time to waste,
can google the Jake Pentland Show and discover archived videos where
the disturbed Roseanne Barr is callously used as a means to "boost the
ratings" of a an ersatz radio show, that no one listens to still
It seems on 2/4/12 Rosanne Barr "extemporaneously" and without
"warning" called to complain about, its not clear what. But what did
ensue was a piss poor "who's on first, what's on second," sort of
Beavis and Butthead shtick. All that was missing was "Sugar tits"
giving us a radio "blow by blow" whilst trying express breast milk for
a bowl of Sugar Crisp cereal.
"Jake its your Mother! You two idiots need to get off the radio" You
two idiots need to come out of the closet with your loathing of female
Stupidity is vexing, insanity is mundane but Roseanne's sameo sameo
retarded shitick is as irrelevant as ever! And now two years later
still no one listens to the Jake Pentland Show. Hey Mr. Pentland do
you ever have a point or issue, or is it always all shameless self
Only in amerka, that God!
Jake did "Mommy" ever drop you on your head?
Posted by Seren at 2:57 PM No comments: Sunday, June 8, 2014
Walt Wawra, Jake Pentland, Deputy Dawg, and Dumbass Yanks With Guns
Every Canadian remembers and despises Kalamazoo police officer asshole
Walt Wawra. A year ago, perhaps two, this ugly amerkan and his ugly
wife came to Calgary for a vacation. While they were walking at
Calgary's Nose Hill Park two friendly Calgarians asked if Walt and his
wife had attended the Calgary Stampede, politely. He was outraged! He
claimed that these friendly folks, were aggressive, dangerous and
nefarious. It seems that both parties departed from the contact
equally confused.
Later Walt Wawra wrote a letter to the editor of the Calgary Herald,
claiming as a cop he ought to be allowed to have his gun here in
Canada and he would have "protected himself and wife" from these
villains. Of course Mr. Wawra became the laughing stock of North
America. Even amerkan television's The Young Turks eviscerated him and
his ugly wife.
Jake Pentland describes himself as "proud member of the NRA. That's
just what every Canadian likes to hear about a potential visitor to
Canada, another fucked up amerkan with a gun. I sincerely hope and
pray that Canada is never infected with the presence of Jake Pentland,
Sugar Tits Bimbo Jenn, the staff of the Jake Pentland Show or Sugar
tits' husband deputy dawg, the California pig.
Several years ago at the "medicine line" at Sweet Grass, an amerkan
asshole was caught by the CBSA trying to smuggle two pistols across
the line. As they cuffed the prick, he loudly invoked his sacred
Second Amendment Rights, which don't exist here in Canada.
Last year in Jasper a group of amerkan seniors on a bus tour were
stopped for lunch at a restaurant whereupon these amerkan idiots were
graced by a beautiful young doe eating the geraniums in the flower
beds. One man from Ojai California looked around, and said, "someone
better get a gun quick and shoot the deer." Why I asked? "This is a
national park, this place belongs to the deer not fucked up wankers
like you." I then told him, "to get the fuck home so we don't have to
smell his disease."
I sincerely hope that ole NRA Jake, and Sugar tits Bimbo never come to
Canada. I am quite sure no one wants to smell their disease.
Posted by Seren at 9:10 PM No comments: Yo Gracie!
Yo Gracie Baby!
Posted by Seren at 8:33 PM No comments:
Friday, 12 April 2013Fwd: RE Way Past High Time to sue Tell Steve
Graham and Ross Laundry they better talk to me before I talk to the
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 21:43:55 -0300
Subject: RE Way Past High Time to sue Tell Steve Graham and Ross
Laundry they better talk to me before I talk to the Parsons
To: "scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca. \"bob.paulson\""
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "steve.graham"
<steve.graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, police <police@fredericton.ca>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jamiebaillie
<jamiebaillie@bellaliant.com>, "Juanita.Peddle"
<Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bernadine.chapman"
<bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Robert.Trevors"
<Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>, ddexter <ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca>, justmin
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "mckeen.randy" <mckeen.randy@gmail.com>,
"mclaughlin.heather" <mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com>, acampbell
<acampbell@ctv.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
jacques boucher <jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Pierre.Beaudoin"
<Pierre.Beaudoin@gnb.ca>, "brent.blackmore"
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
January 30, 2007
Mr. David Amos
Dear Mr. Amos:
This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of
the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of
forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP
"J" Division in Fredericton.
Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health
Cpl. Scott MacRae
Media Relations
Halifax District RCMP
Cell: (902) 488-2830
Just so you know
If I see my daughters' faces in the corporate media or on this French
bastard's blog I will sue everybody twice
15:00 Grace Amos might be Mrtrolicious
by Teslabrotherhood7 • 158 views
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David Amos 3 months ago
Well Pervert your fanboyz should Google your old Nazi butt buddy
Werner Bock and Aliens to see the video you stole from me and
retitled with your UFO bullsit YOU should give your pal John Green of
QSLS in Fat Fred City a call when you get out of jail EH Dirty Dicky
Dean aka Deab Roger Ray? In the "Mean: time say Hoka Hey to you wacko
mother, dumb Mayor Samson and evil Sgt Gary Rhodes of Sylvan Lake for
me will ya? They all know you as just a nasty FED shill who
cvberstalked my kids for years
Reply ·
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David Amos 4 months ago
The RCMP in Sylvan Lake Alberta should ask their evil shill Dean Roger
Ray aka Dirty Dicky Dean who I am talking to and about what as was
recorded within this video. FYI the DUMB CORRUPT COPS BIG CLUE for
over a year has been the photo of MY underage daughter that that sick
perverts such as Dean Roger Ray, Dana Durnford, Eddy Atchem, Ryan
Elson and Mr Baconfat have loved to make fun of or threaten and
sexually harass since 2007 CORRECTStaff Sergeant Gary Rhodes and
Sergeant Michelle Boutin???
Reply ·
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
Looking over my old David Raymond Amos files he connects to cps!
Child protection services in Canada and the states connects to Ewen
Camerons work which was banned from the states and continued in
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
David Raymond Amos your even linked to silencing people when they were
drugging kids with attention deficit disorder. They would grab welfare
kids whos parents were on assistance and give them a nasty letter that
their child is being monitored. Then they would prescribe drugs made
by Ewen Cameron. What was that drug ritalin and some other dangerous
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
Did you really think I was clueless Amos?
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
oops forgot to put hells angels in the tags brb.
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
David Amos's kid uploads a video and even mentions a friend who
contacts her in the hideaway. She has this video on a channel she used
to stalk me. Amos you taught her well I should of added when you were
in the interview bragging how you use to work for RCMP as a shill
ratting on Hells Angels.
Reply ·
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
Grace I am sure Canadian tire franchise is mighty proud of your daddys work.
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
How are you Grace how is the spy life?
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
David Raymond Amos was also key in silencing farmers who were exposed
to a urainium mine and their cattle were dieing.
Reply ·
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
David Raymond Amos was an agent who went after Byron pryor to shut him
up. David Raymond Amos also fought Anonymous trolls stearing me onto
makaelectric then Montagraph. I decided to embarrass him showing i was
the better agent for the task and destroyed Montagraph and
makaelectric for them.
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
The voice is a bit different but in both videos there is a mention of
woods and isolation. I think the area is Chapman one of Amos safe
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
If I am right Vonhelton was being hacked! lol you have a David Amos infection.
Reply · Posted by Contributing Advocate at 17:44
From: Katy Bourne <Katy.Bourne@sussex-pcc.gov.uk>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 04:53:32 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Chief Rick Hanson how could your corrupt
cops be even dumber than the RCMP or the mindless cops I talked to in
Halifax and in the UK today?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your email.
I will respond to your message as soon as possible. However, I do
receive a significant number of emails, letters and telephone calls
each day and my scheduled commitments keep me very busy.
If you require a swift response please contact my office who will be
happy to assist. Email: spcc@sussex-pcc.gov.uk or telephone : 01273
Thank you once again for contacting me.
Kind regards
Katy Bourne
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
W: www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk
T: 01273 481561
T: @Sussexpcc @KatyBourne
Kind regards
Katy Bourne
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
W: www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk
T: 01273 481561
T: @Sussexpcc @KatyBourne
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 04:53:32 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo Chief Rick Hanson how could your corrupt cops be even
dumber than the RCMP or the mindless cops I talked to in Halifax and
in the UK today?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your email to the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner.
All feedback and correspondence is valuable for informing the work
that can be done to ensure a safer Sussex.
Your email has been received and will be read. We aim to reply within
14 working days should your email require a response. Please note
that we will not respond to messages where we have only been copied
For complaints: It is the Commissioner's statutory duty to investigate
complaints against the Chief Constable of Sussex Police only. If you
have a complaint and are unsure where you should direct it, please
visit the complaints section of the PCC website:
Please note that the Police & Crime Commissioner would like to keep
you up to date with her progress through a regular email newsletter.
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E-mail is not a secure communications medium. Please be aware of this
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taken steps to ensure that this e-mail and any attachments are virus
free, we can take no responsibility if a virus is actually present and
you are advised to ensure that the appropriate checks are made.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 00:53:34 -0400
Subject: Accusé de réception / Delivery receipt
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
**English version will follow**
Madame, Monsieur,
Au nom de l'honorable Steven Blaney, député de Lévis-Bellechasse,
j'accuse réception de votre courriel.
Soyez assuré que votre correspondance sera traitée avec considération.
En vous remerciant, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur,
l'expression de mes sincères salutations.
On behalf of the Honourable Steven Blaney, MP for Lévis-Bellechasse, I
would like to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Please be assured that your correspondence will receive careful consideration.
Samuel Simard-Michaud
Assistant parlementaire / Parliamentary Assistant
Bureau de l'honorable Steven Blaney / Office of the Honourable Steven Blaney
Député de Lévis, Bellechasse et des Etchemins / M.P. for Lévis,
Bellechasse and les Etchemins
Ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile/ Minister
of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 01:53:28 -0300
Subject: Yo Chief Rick Hanson how could your corrupt cops be even
dumber than the RCMP or the mindless cops I talked to in Halifax and
in the UK today?
To: patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, pol7163
<pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
"rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "David.Veitch"
<David.Veitch@edmontonpolice.ca>, deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
eachtem <eachtem@hotmail.com>, themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>,
mayor_ford <mayor_ford@toronto.ca>, ruby <ruby@rubyshiller.com>,
"Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "leanne.murray"
<leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
austin <austin@blacktoppaving.ca>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
sallybrooks25 <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, evelyngreene
<evelyngreene@live.ca>, sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,
"Marianne.Ryan" <Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, mclellana
<mclellana@bennettjones.com>, justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, merricra
<merricra@gov.ns.ca>, msegal <msegal@murraysegal.com>, frankffrost
<frankffrost@hotmail.com>, glen <glen@glencanning.com>, Glen Canning
<grcanning@me.com>, dexterdyne <dexterdyne@gmail.com>, PREMIER
<PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, jamiebaillie <jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca>
Cc: contact.centre@sussex.pnn.police.uk, "Wayne.Gallant"
<Wayne.Gallant@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Katy.Bourne@sussex-pcc.gov.uk,
mervin.dadd@sussex-pcc.gov.uk, mark.streater@sussex-pcc.gov.uk,
spcc@sussex-pcc.gov.uk, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
"bob.paulson" <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "scott.macrae"
<scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Grant.Fiander"
<Grant.Fiander@halifax.ca>, merv <merv@northwebpress.com>, radical
<radical@radicalpress.com>, "foghorn.leghorn_175"
May 20, 2014 | 3:11
Glen Canning death threats case set over
By Staff The Canadian Press
HALIFAX – The case of a young man accused of making death threats
against the father of Rehtaeh Parsons has been adjourned until June
Police have not publicly disclosed the name of the alleged victim, but
Glen Canning, Parsons' father, says the charges relate to online
threats he alleges were made against him last year.
The RCMP have said they began investigating last Aug. 2 after
receiving a complaint from a 49-year-old man.
The 19-year-old man, who was arrested last month and faces charges of
uttering death threats and criminal harassment, appeared in provincial
court Tuesday before the matter was adjourned.
Parsons' parents say their daughter was cyberbullied and died after a
suicide attempt.
Philip Rose • 15 days ago
Glen Canning set up bogus identities online and sent the messages to
himself. The police have been notified of this. It's a scandal.
Glen Canning Philip Rose • 2 days ago
Well, if that's true (which it isn't) they haven't done anything.
Philip Rise is actually Chris Rowe of Sussex, UK. The police here have
a file on him. He is linked to the Amanda Todd case.
Philip Rose Glen Canning • 2 days ago
They have been notified - twice. Rose not Rise. Police do not
have a file on anyone in Sussex, and I am not linked to the Amanda
Todd case. Apart from that, you are very accurate.
Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
Sackville House
Brooks Close
East Sussex BN7 2FZ
Philip Rose is Christopher Rowe
Update: Philip Rose is Christopher Rowe. IP is
As much as I hate to give a troll attention sometimes it's warranted.
In the case of Carol Todd's stalker, quite likely the pedophile who
tormented her daughter Amanda, this is a troll I don't mind writing
He goes by the name Philip Rose but that is guaranteed a fake name.
David Sanders is a possibility, but his true identity is, like most
trolls, hard to peg down. What is for sure is the Philip Rose name is
a play on an online predator going by the name perso365. That person
trolls online chat rooms looking for underage teens.
❝For the record, Philip Rose is the pedophile who screen capped Amanda
Todd and he admitted to being one of the cappers mention, perso365.
Not a stretch when you consider his fake name p rose and anagrammed
spells perso. ~ Social Media Today
perso365 has caused Carol Todd a lot of grief with his frivolous
claims that she is responsible for Amanda's death. At one point he
suggests she get a handgun and shoot herself in the head. He even
claimed Amanda was not dead and this was all just a huge conspiracy. A
conspiracy to do what isn't made clear but you get the idea. He is,
like all trolls, a very sick man.
Yesterday he found out Carol Todd was going to talk about Amanda to
the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights in Ottawa and took
it upon himself to write numerous Canadian government officials his
disapproval of her appearance:
❝(Members of Canadian Parliament).
On Tuesday, May 13th, Carol Todd will be appearing in front of you as
part of a panel.
I am writing to express my doubt as to the wisdom of having her as a
witness in what is a very serious matter.
I am sure that, by now, you are aware that the common belief is that
Amanda Todd was in some way tricked, coerced or extorted into
producing child pornography, but you will also know that this is
No proof has ever been offered for any of perso365′s statements
despite his repeated claims to be the only person who know's what
happened to Amanda. Fits the "narcissism, Machiavellian, psychopathic
and sadistic" trait of a troll perfectly.
He has posted on this site a couple times to challenge me, but his
comments quickly degenerated into pointless dribble once he was asked
to explain his position. Yesterday he took it upon himself to report
me to the Canadian Centre for Child Protection for being a pedophile.
As a photographer I have done photo shoots with various models; all
over 18 or in the presence of their parents (see the galleries below).
I don't hide that fact and never have, it's up there under my name –
Photographer. perso365 found some of my shots online and claimed to
have called the police about them. He did this because I dared "to
question the all-seeing eye of Philip Rose."
At least when he's focused on me he's leaving Carol alone.
99.9% of anyone he contacts will just ignore his nonsense and move on.
To the other 0.1% I'm asking you to do the same. perso365 is a very
sick man looking for his time on this earth to amount to anything —
even if it's just a pile of dung. No one focuses on a dead child like
he does unless he has something to hide. No one stalks a grieving
mother hoping to expose "the truth" — he's hoping to keep it hidden.
I have enemies. Good — it means I stood for something.
❝He stalked Amanda all over the net and you can see he is still
obsessed with her. Since he cannot harm her anymore he turned his
hate to her mother Carol, whom he is still stalking and has suggested
she take a gun and shoot herself because it is her fault she died. It
is his fault. He was so obsessed with her that he is still targeting
her and he still thinks she is alive. He mentioned three places where
she was put which he claimed he knew for a fact and one mentioned,
Riverview, had been closed for quite awhile. He has repeatedly posted
pictures of Amanda and her family and friends on wordpress blogs
because he was removed from Facebook for stalking and bullying. In
fact, he made a point of going to every group or page with Amanda's
name on it and posted she was not dead. Her mother saw them and was
devastated. He is king of the trolls and has admitted to sexually
abusing over 9000 boys and girls online. He admitted he is perso365
and he stalked Amanda. He is dangerous and still targeting other
young girls and boys online for his obsession. Just google his name
and you will see how crazy this pedophile really is. Almost sixm
months since her death and he is still targeting her and her family.
He is the obsessed pedophile who started her journey to her death.
Currently gathering info on him to provide to the police who are
asking. If you have his IP we would be interested in that. A few
other sites have given that over after reading what he posts. Thanks.
My Photography:
John Golden
May 8, 2014 at 4:33 pmVery familiar with this Philip Rose, he just
goes and on and on like a broken record. He even makes up names on his
blog and has conversations with himself. He must have nothing better
to do and if he used his real name, he knows what the end result would
be. I don't even go to his blog now, unless I want a good laugh, as it
is just full of B.S.
Wanda Probe
May 9, 2014 at 1:35 pmSome blogs are password protected but if you
want them, I will unprotect them. He is a very funny guy though. He
has been targeting me since Amanda's death, right from Facebook. In
the first days, he created a page in support of Kody Maxson who is an
online child predator as proven by his online chat logs. He then
created a page specifically targeting young girls who were feeling
suicidal and pretended to be a girl. He also had a page directly
targeting Amanda. I find it odd he gets angry that someone is arrested
for the online stalking. I still believe he was one of the first and
has been obsessed with Amanda from when he contacted her in a chat
room under another false name. He goes by David Sanders a play on the
name from Winnie the Pooh, by the name Lord Lucan who is a wanted
murderer from the '70′s for murder of a young girl, he also uses Lady
Lucan, Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhez and has claimed to have tea with
Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Elvis and others. His buddy Colin
Connolly admits to having many fake accounts on the net which include
pretending to be a woman in chat rooms. Philip J Rose is a fake name
so don't worry about posting it either. He claims his name is Chippy
Minton but that's fictional too. He has never presented actual proof
of anything and I believe he is obsessed with Amanda which is why he
paid to have hosting for a blog dedicated to her and makes such
outrageous claims about her being alive and worse yet pregnant and
that Carol was the one who beat her to death on the chest so no one
would know and they would just blame the paramedics. He is one sick
little puppy and yes he fits troll to a t. I also have an ip on him so
I will check to see if it's the same as yours. He's banned from my
blog too. Have a good day Glen and thanks for seeing through him too.
Philip Rose
June 4, 2014 at 11:33 am Honestly. This post just sums it all up
really. Hysterical nonsense.
FYI Interesting news popped up out of Moncton while I was posting this
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ingrid Holst <IHolst@calgarypolice.ca>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 05:10:24 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: FYI The corrupt Edmonton Cops American Eagle
Outfitters even Marks Work Wearhouse and their Canadian Tire bosses
knew all about Mr Baconfat before Rehteah Parsons died
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I'll be back I'll be back Tuesday May 27, 2014. For immediate
assistance please call reception at 403-428-5900. Thanks. Ingrid.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
David Amos' "Brother and Son" Are Very Late
David Amos promised Patrick Doran and myself about a week ago on Mad
Shangi's You Tube Channel (the comments are still there) that his
Brother his Son were going to "look us up" and kick our asses. We're
still waiting. In those same comments he tells us he has sent e mails
to report us to the police, again. And once again the police has
ignored him as the insane animal he is.
David Amos has reported Patrick Doran to the Calgary police and RCMP
Detachment. He has over seven years reported me and my blog to the
RCMP J and K Divisions, The RCMP Civilian Complaints Division. CFB
Gagetown Military Police, and the Commanding Officer of the Garrison.
David has told the Commanding Officer of CFB Gagetown that he was
going to sue him. David Amos has complained to the Edmonton Police
Service to no result. David Amos telephoned CFB Edmonton's Military
Police O/C to whine about this blog. Amos called Lt. Col. Errington
CO 3 PPCLI to complain about me to him and promised him that he would
"c him in court." David has complained about me to Premier Redford,
Premier Alward of New Brunswick, and to David's self described "butt
buddy" Stevie Boy Harper.
After seven years of this insane, unproductive, and self destructive
behavior...no one, repeat no one ever approached me about this blog.
And Patrick and myself are still waiting for Amos' dumbass Brother.
No one reads David Amos' blog, so he resorts to mass e mailings of
whining complaints about me and this blog. But alas David no one, ever
listened to you, nor ever will.
Here endeth the lesson David
Posted by Seren at 1:30 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 04:52:54 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: FYI The corrupt Edmonton Cops American Eagle Outfitters
even Marks Work Wearhouse and their Canadian Tire bosses knew all
about Mr Baconfat before Rehteah Parsons died
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Oh dear, You have been calling folks for years, and NO one thinks I am
doing anything wrong. What a "revelation!"
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "patrick_doran1" <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, "pol7163"
<pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
"rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "David.Veitch"
<David.Veitch@edmontonpolice.ca>, "deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
"eachtem" <eachtem@hotmail.com>, "themayor" <themayor@calgary.ca>,
"mayor_ford" <mayor_ford@toronto.ca>, "ruby" <ruby@rubyshiller.com>,
"Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "leanne.murray"
<leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>, "oldmaison" <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"austin" <austin@blacktoppaving.ca>, "andre" <andre@jafaust.com>,
"sallybrooks25" <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, "evelyngreene"
<evelyngreene@live.ca>, "sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,
"Marianne.Ryan" <Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "mclellana"
<mclellana@bennettjones.com>, "justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>,
"merricra" <merricra@gov.ns.ca>, "msegal" <msegal@murraysegal.com>,
"frankffrost" <frankffrost@hotmail.com>, "glen"
<glen@glencanning.com>, "Glen Canning" <grcanning@me.com>,
"dexterdyne" <dexterdyne@gmail.com>, "PREMIER" <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
"jamiebaillie" <jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "merv"
<merv@northwebpress.com>, "radical" <radical@radicalpress.com>,
"foghorn.leghorn_175" <foghorn.leghorn_175@zoho.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 11:10:06 PM
Subject: FYI The corrupt Edmonton Cops American Eagle Outfitters even
Marks Work Wearhouse and their Canadian Tire bosses knew all about Mr
Baconfat before Rehteah Parsons died
Listen to the voicemail from the Edmonton Pollice Commission as the
bastard admits knowing of my complaint against Trolls and their death
threats etc in 2007/
Imagine if the god damned cops had done something about all the cyber
stalkers seven years ago instead of just laughing at peple like me
because we expect them to do their damned job? How many kids would
still be alive today??? To HELL with Harper's sneaky Bill 13 There are
already lots laws of the books to use against cyber bullies
Well the evil litlleTrolls out west such as Mr Baconfat, Dirty Dicky
Dean, Ryan Elson, Dana Durnford, Alex Hunter, Patty Baby Doran and all
the crooked cops who have supported them ain't seen nothing yet. They
think I don't know how to file lawsuits and argue lawyers. YEA RIGHT.
Best go to about page 134 of this old file and check the cout date stamp
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com ; motomaniac333@gmail.com ;
rod.knecht ; police@fredericton.ca ; edmonton.centre ; premier ;
Cc: Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
oldmaison@yahoo.com ; andremurraynow@gmail.com ; andre@jafaust.com ;
evelyngreene ; sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca ; acampbell ;
jacques_poitras@cbc.ca ; sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 7:36 PM
Subject: Fw: New VM (1) - 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 7804213333
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: David Amos
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 1:35 AM
Subject: Fw: New VM (2) - 0:36 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 7809946831
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: David Amos
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:12 PM
Subject: Fw: New VM (2) - 0:15 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 7809946831
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Is that an invitation Mr. Pentland?
Am I to understand that you are inviting me, and Shangi to appear on
your "show?" That would be problematic. It appears you censor your
guests with the "mute" button, make rude farmyard noises, and
basically behavior with a lack intelligence and civility. Is that an
amerkan thing?
If you can give me your undertaking that you shall refrain from such
stupidity. I with Shangi shall be delighted to "cross swords" with you
and Jenn the Bimbo. I have no such allusions that neither Jenn the
bimbo nor yourself have the restraint and or intelligence to behave
normally for any great length of time. So when you misbehave I will
remove myself from the conversation. I however remain dubious.
Posted by Seren at 7:50 PM No comments:
Jake Pentland, Bimbo Jenn and the Chattering Classes
It is amusing to watch Jake Pentland, Bimbo Jenn and the chattering
classes wail, gnash their teeth and wax vitriolic about, the man with
a more read blog than them. It appears that entire staff of the Jake
Pentland show is vexed and sorely outraged about this humble blog. I
am so "proud."
My dear, silly Mr. Pentland, my blog has more hits than yours. It
would appear I am more relevant than the likes of you.
Posted by Seren at 6:18 PM No comments:
Liars, Damned Liars, And Glen Canning And Jake And Little Jenn
About a year ago in a fit pique Mr. Cannig emailed me for the first
time. He told me that his small blog was extremely media heavy" and he
"had already outted me." He further ranted that I would be destroyed
by the national media and anonymous for my "libel" upon little
Rehteah. Immediately thereafter little Glen posted my e mail address.
The only person that used my home e mail address was Glen himself. I
never received a single outraged rant, query for information from the
media,and or response to my so called "sick representations about the
victims Leah or Glen.
The truth is. My blog. This blog. This humble blog has had more page
views and hits over the years than both Glen Canning's and Jake
Pentlands'. No one has been able to shut me or this blog up, because
I enjoy the same freedom of expression you do. Notwithstanding Glen
Canning's anguished tears and crying about my blog being "sick" and
"libelous" I would remind the punk of two indisputable facts. Rehtaeh
is not only dead, you contributed to her tragedy. And, it is a legal
impossibility to libel...the dead.
The truth is a complete defense Glen!
Little Jake and the bimbo, mute and censor their guests on their less
than well known pod cast. They wouldn't recognize the "truth" if it
bit them in the ass.
Posted by Seren at 5:58 PM No comments:
Jenn Lew and Glen Canning ...Cyber-Trolls
Bimbo Jenn, co-host of the Jake Pentland show, is the same sort of
garden variety miscreant Glen Canning is. Little Jenn the bimbo
threatened Patrick Doran with contacting his "employer" inform on
Patrick's "misogynist tendencies," and his "Mother issues." Jenn will
make a fine Mother in Law one day.
Glen Canning has already impersonated me on the web to make fraudulent
Face Book account in my name and harass Lori and her extended family.
Mr. Canning in a fit of pique over a post I wrote harassed Lori at
work. At the same time Mr. Canning emailed me to say he called my
bitch at work. That she didn't like it, and he not only was going call
again, but call her boss as well.
You do that Glen.
But alas little Jenn Lew is and Jake Pentland are obviously the same
sort of animals.....Quick Jake you hit that mute button! This is the
great problem with the United States of Amerka....too many dumb ass
Posted by Seren at 5:32 PM No comments:
Jake Pentland and Glen Canning
South of the border in the United States of White Amerka is just one
of the proliferation of computer "radio" pod-cast "shows," called the
Jake Pentland Show. Mr. Pentland while having a perfectly melodic
radio voice, doesn't have much of anything else, including
intellectual wherewithal. Jake Pentland is also cursed with being the
son of the penultimate stupid woman, Rosanne Barr. Jake Pentland, and
his co-host / girlfriend Jenn attempt to air a public affairs / call
in talk show each Saturday afternoon. Mr. Pentland like many of his
ilk producing "pod casts" is less concerned with getting at the
"truth", and more interested with enjoying both a captive audience,
and the joys of abusing the "mute button" to run roughshod over guest
and caller alike.
Unlike a journalist, or even halfway intelligent person attempting to
produce a real "talk show," Mr. Pentland and twitter troll, and bimbo
Jenn do NO research or preparation or fact seeking about their "broad
band" guests" before airing their nonsense once a week. What can one
say, they are "amerkans." His "show" leads one to wonder if Rosanne
Barr give him really fun drugs as a small child, or dropped him on his
head as an infant.
Some time ago, Canada's most criminally culpable "bad Dad" Glen
Canning was a guest on Mr. Pentland's "show." Where Mr. Canning
trumpeted to the six people listening to the show and the
"cyber-planet," that he and his drug abusing ex wife Leah Parsons
were, and continue to be "victims" of their daughter's ersatz "vicious
gang rape", and their daughter's suicide two years later. "Pease keep
those cheques and cash coming in." These two are Canada's own Jim
Bakker and Tammy Faye Bakker.
At the same time Mr. Pentland's paramour and ersatz co-host had been
sending threatening tweets to Patrick Doran threatening to "expose
Patrick to his employer as a misogynist, and his "Mother issues." That
is indeed interesting. Both Jake Pentland and the bimbo Jenn support
and laud the behavior f Glen Canning, who also sends threatening
tweets, emails, telephone threats, and uses anonymous to abuse and
harass any and all critics. Or as Jake Pentland said to Paul
Elam..."boo fucken hoo."
I support and defend Mr. Pentland and the bimbo Jenn's right to free
speech and stupidity to the death. But that certainly doesn't change
the fact these two intellectually deficient amerkans must both be the
products of incestuous intercourse .
Oh yes, Rehtaeh Parsons was indeed the prototypical "good time girl at
fourteen. Rape in a pig's eye!
Posted by Seren at 2:51 PM No comments:
Monday, June 2, 2014
Rehtaeh Parsons Was Not A Victim Of Rape, Rhetaeh Parsons Was a Slut
Rehtaeh Parsons was not the "victim of a vicious gang rape." Witness
statements claim she took the boys dicks out of their pants," and
happily fucked their brains out, together. Face it Glen, Rehteah was a
highly promiscuous fourteen year old slut! You can cry rape all you
want, but the police, and Rehtaeh's school and classmates knew
precisely what she was, and let her know it.
It is a good thing Rehtaeh is dead, dead dead. She was a welfare
recipient and two bit hooker in the making, Glen and Leah did such a
"fine job" of parenting! I am so grateful for Rehtaeh's suicide as it
is, or was, an example of "creative deficit reduction." Canadian
society hasn't lost a thing, another dead welfare parasite.
So Glen, are you going to phone my wife again? Are you going to call
her boss? You have already called Nova Scotia law enforcement, and
they told you there is NOTHING I can be charged with. Writing in my
blog is NOT harassing you or libeling little Rehtaeh. Little Rehtaeh
is dead, dead, dead, and you can't libel the dead. I have the absolute
right to write whatever I want here. If you don't like it, don't visit
this site and read my blog.
What are you going to do Glen, say I made a bogus death threat against
you, frame me, impersonate me? You pathetic excuse of a man! Rehtaeh
was a twat and so are you!
Really fun twitter insults, little man!
Posted by Seren at 8:32 PM No comments:
Glen Canning"s Escalation To Violence, Lke Marc Lepine
Glen Canning and Leah Parsons have long been what they accused the
kids of Rehtaeh's school of being...cyber-bullies! But now I and
others fear Glen Canning has escalated from cyber-bullying, to falsely
accusing people of death threats towards him, to uttering violent
threats (I have guys from CFB Edmonton looking for you)to calling an
innocent wife at work to threaten her.
What we see here are those same "red flags" police and mental health
professionals missed with Elliot Rodger. Mr. Canning has last night
taken to harassing and complaining about a You Tube Video detailing
Glen Canning's cyber-bullying of more than a few people, Glen
Canning's impersonation of people, and threats upon women at their
place of employment.
Glen Canning is just one level removed now from Marc Lepine Its just
a matter of time.
Posted by Seren at 4:18 AM No comments: Sunday, June 1, 2014
Hey Davey Baby, where are they?
Hey Davey Baby, Yo asshole! Where's SEAL TEAM SIX? Where's the RCMP,
or the RCMP Civilian Complaints Commission, The Calgary police and
your "butt buddy" Rod Knecht and the Edmonton Police Service? Where
your imaginary brother and his son? When are they coming to "kick our
nasty arses?" Yo, asshole, when are you going to learn to actually
write and spell . What is it you like to say to me and scores of
others, "C'yall in court?" Are you once again going to "double dawg
dare" me? Say hi "to the White House, " and your "butt buddy Stevie
Boy in Ottawa.
Posted by Seren at 1:20 PM No comments:
Saturday, May 31, 2014
David Amos' "Brother and Son" Are Very Late
David Amos promised Patrick Doran and myself about a week ago on Mad
Shangi's You Tube Channel (the comments are still there) that his
Brother his Son were going to "look us up" and kick our asses. We're
still waiting. In those same comments he tells us he has sent e mails
to report us to the police, again. And once again the police has
ignored him as the insane animal he is.
David Amos has reported Patrick Doran to the Calgary police and RCMP
Detachment. He has over seven years reported me and my blog to the
RCMP J and K Divisions, The RCMP Civilian Complaints Division. CFB
Gagetown Military Police, and the Commanding Officer of the Garrison.
David has told the Commanding Officer of CFB Gagetown that he was
going to sue him. David Amos has complained to the Edmonton Police
Service to no result. David Amos telephoned CFB Edmonton's Military
Police O/C to whine about this blog. Amos called Lt. Col. Errington
CO 3 PPCLI to complain about me to him and promised him that he would
"c him in court." David has complained about me to Premier Redford,
Premier Alward of New Brunswick, and to David's self described "butt
buddy" Stevie Boy Harper.
After seven years of this insane, unproductive, and self destructive
behavior...no one, repeat no one ever approached me about this blog.
And Patrick and myself are still waiting for Amos' dumbass Brother.
No one reads David Amos' blog, so he resorts to mass e mailings of
whining complaints about me and this blog. But alas David no one, ever
listened to you, nor ever will.
Here endeth the lesson David
Posted by Seren at 1:30 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Glen Canning and the Feministas, On the Turnip Truck Together
There is an appalling lack of intelligence or academic rigor from the
feminists, and their Quistlings in regard to the incoherent, shrill,
unintelligible din they are raising about a nonexistent culture of
rape in North America. They all seemingly shout and screech
absurdities whilst drooling uncontrollably at so called "rape
apologists." Which is defined as anyone they take issue with, or
isn't seated with them onboard the turnip truck.
Slut Walk Edmonton Director and head Bimbo, Devonne Kendryk says! "
unified consensus by both men and women of what constitutes rape is
necessary." There exists now a "unified consensus of men and women of
what constitutes rape." Not only of what constitutes rape specifically
but what constitutes a crime generally, for men and women alike. Its
called the Criminal Code of Canada. Rape, and or sexual assault are
clearly and more than adequately defined. No cogent, valid or
intelligent argument, or suggestions to how the C C of C ought be
amended re rape or sexual assault has yet to be made by the "women's
lobby," Fem-Nazis and or any or all Provincial Law Societies.
Cristina Stasia a "professor" of so called "gender studies" at the
University of Alberta (academe is not what it used to be, it seems)
says! "Rape culture is often manifested by the hypersexualization of
all forms of media. Rape culture is normalized and encouraged at every
level of our culture." I am quite sure the argument in any criminal
court in North America, by an accused of rape, "after a good rape as
described in the beer commercial, it was Miller Time," will not hold
any water. Pop culture and its sometimes anti-social ideas have never
been an excuse for criminal behavior, and its not now. Some Negro in
some urban cesspool in amerka "telling it like it is" (tongue firmly
in cheek) does NOT equate to a culture of rape in Canadian society.
Ersatz member of the intelligentsia Cristina Stasia, blubbers and
cries crocodile tears, how: "Its heartbreaking, but is infuriating,
because its a hate crime--but we don't treat it that way. We don't see
sexual assault and violence against women as a hate crime." The bimbo
is right! We don't see sexual assault and violence against women as a
hate crime, because it isn't! Men are raped. Boys are raped. Men are
violently assaulted, shot and robbed by criminals just as "hate
filled" as those that rape women, and assault women. In the final
analysis, any violent crime is a "hate crime," so what's the
The difference is, so called academics like Cristina Stasia and the
feminist lobby have a political agenda. They advance their radical
political agenda with the systematic demonization and diminishment of
men. To wit: Any assault on a woman is a "hate crime." whilst an
assault or violent crime perpetrated on a man is a lesser offense.
These lesser intellectual lights cry out to parents to not "raise a
rapist." and yet forget these very same parents raise the girls, who
these same "turnips" claim can, and will "change the world." The idea
that we "raise rapists," we "raise mass murderers to subjugate women
is insane. Elliot Rodger murdered four men and two women yet
intellectually challenged women like Cristina Stasia say this a "hate
crime" perpetrated upon women.
The Feministas, and their bum boys like Glen Canning have coined new
buzz phrase. Men, real men, honourable men are being called "rape
apologists" because it sounds good in a twenty second sound bite . But
nobody has a clue what a "rape apologist" is. No normal human on the
planet thinks rape is good, rape is cool, I gotta get me a bimbo to
rape and a beer! What a "rape apologist is, someone the feminists and
their shills don't like, can't defeat in debate, makes perfect sense,
and is a threat to these passengers in the back of "turnip truck."
Rehtaeh Parsons was not the victim of a "hate crime" against women. No
one was charged with sexual assault or rape. What Leah Parsons
described as that "fateful party" was not Rehtaeh's first rodeo or
first session of consensual group sex. This is not was not a "hate
crime" perpetrated against women, or any other visible minority. I am
NOT the only one saying this. That doesn't make myself or others a
"rape apologist," just a target for Glen Canning and those lesser
lights of the "women's lobby."
It is well past time for our ersatz feminist intelligentsia to realize
those parents they claim are "raising rapists," are raising women and
feminists as well. As for Glen Canning, its just past time for our
violent friend to shut his pie hole.
Posted by Seren at 7:55 PM No comments: Nazi Brown Shirts, Feminista
Propaganda And the Erstaz Rape Culture in Canada
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil" And there is our boy Glen in his
little Nazi uniform next to a coterie of high ranking Fem-Nazis and
their 'Der Fuher " on a stage in front of the assembled tame media to
tell us all about the "rape culture" here in Canada. There's little
Glen in his little Nazi Brown Shirt exhorting all of us, not to "raise
a rapist." All the while the very vast majority of Canadians know
better than to accept advice vis a vis child rearing or maintaining a
strong family, from the ilk of Glen Canning.
The existence of a culture of rape is a myth, abject propaganda, an
example of the Nazi and Soviet "big lie," and an addled attempt to
advance the Feminista political agenda, by the diminishment and
demonization of men. Self-described "sociologist" Heather Hlavka a
student at Marquette University produced a paper where she says.
Females between the ages of three and 17 saw sexual violence as normal
and harassment and abuse as standard behavior. "Dr. Goebbles further
said and I quote. " Young people are socialized into a patriarchal
culture that normalizes and often encourages male power and
aggression. Hlavka's "report" also states. "As men's heterosexual
violence is viewed as customary, as too is women's endurance of it."
What a load of under-grad bafflegab! What "normal sexual violence" do
three year old infant girls endure? What exact abuse and harassment
are our children betwixt three and 17 are enduring?
Critsina Stasia University of Alberta gender studies professor and
author of Lipsticked and Loaded: Feminism, Femininity, and the Female
Action Hero (I do not think we will find that on any bestseller lists
anywhere) says. Canada's, "rape culture excuses and encourages the
objectification of and sexual assault of women." But alas the good
professor neglects to tell us just how Canada's rape culture does
that. Ersatz professor Cristina Stasia of "gender studies" says.
Canadian culture, "glamorizes sexual assault and doesn't take it
seriously. She further prevaricates that Canadian culture, "dismisses
the severity and jokes about the issue." It appears the only joke here
is the presumptive assumption that there is a culture of rape in
Canada, or that "gender studies" is considered to be scholarship in
any sense of the word.
Every year literally scores of Canadian men are wrongly accused,
wrongly convicted, and wrongly sentenced to lengthy prison sentence
for crimes they did no commit. Over fifty percent of men accused by
women of rape are innocent. These cases are being re opened and the
male victims of women criminals are being exculpated. You're right
about one thing "professor" Stasia this is indeed no joke, just ask
Gerry Gaston Barton of Morinville Alberta. Yet, notwithstanding these
facts ersatz "professor" of gender studies Cristina Stasia blubbers! "
It's heartbreaking, it's infuriating because it is a hate crime-- but
we don't treat it that way. We don't see sexual assault and violence
against women as a hate crime." That's because it isn't a hate crime.
Its just a violent crime. Prepetrated against just another citizen.
And its perpetrators are innocent until proven guilty in a court of
law. That is called equality of the sexes, whether you folks like it
or not.
Slut Walk Edmonton director Devonne Kendryk says." A unified consensus
of both men and women of what constitutes rape is necessary." My dear
woman, Devonne, "a unified consensus of what constitutes rape" already
exists. It is the section of the CC of C that deals with rape.
It is instructive to reprise the Rehateah Parsons non rape. Witness
statements to police report that Rehtaeh actually unzipped the pants
and took out the cocks of those " vicious gang rapists" to have sex,
consensual sex with them on the bed at the party. That constitutes " a
unified consensus between both men and women" to have group sex. No
legal code on the planet would call that rape.
Here endeth the lesson
Posted by Seren at 1:42 PM No comments: Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Glen Canning Asks Is He A Cyber Bully
Well Glen those 6 emails and 7 obscene laden hate filled blog comments
you sent me telling me how your were going to call Lori's boss, and
keep harassing Lori at work, say that you are a cyber-bully and a
liar. Those have been made into "screen shots" and sent to the Police.
You lied about trying to beseeching Lori on Face Book to "get me to
stop." But what you actually did was impersonate me and fraudulently
create a Face Book as Barry Winters and then make friends with her, so
you could hunt down, and harass her family and even long lost cousin
Krysta Ink.
Today you even took to taunting Patrick Doran, about your deceit on
twitter. Well Glen, they say "the apple doesn't fall too far from the
tree." In addition to being promiscuous, and a substance abuser, I
assume fourteen year old Rehteah was as patently dishonest, as you. No
"vicious gang rape" occurred, when pictures of Rehtaeh consensually
fucking her brains out came from the woodwork a week later, little
Rehtaeh cried rape. She lied. Just like Daddy does. A ever growing
number of Haligonians tire of your repression of those in Halifax with
a differing view than your own.
Your dishonesty and self centredness seems to rival Elliot Rodger. The
red flags drawing attention to your escalation to violence are exactly
what law enforcement and mental health officals missed with Elliot
Rodger. For an example why don't you show us where I said in any post
on my blog that you "murdered" Rehtaeh.
Glen, it is a very delicious irony that you, "man" crying assiduously
that parents ought not "raise rapists", while yourself committed an
act of violence against a women by harassing her at work, sending
threatening emails to her home and a year ago gaining access to her
Face Book friends her Face Book account, impersonating me.
So Glen are you a cyber-bully. Indeed and your daughter was a liar,
just like you are.
Glen, you asked me last me..."is your daughter still fat?" Glen, your
animal is still quite dead.
Posted by Seren at 6:23 PM 1 comment:
Glen Canning's Insane Jihad Against Us Infidels!
Glen Canning and his ex wife Leah Parsons have been waging a
relentless Jihad of sort against anyone that does not buy the "family
Parsons /Canning " propaganda about the life and martyrdom of "Saint
Rehtaeh of Parsons." Glen and Leah's Jihad against myself and others
has taken strange turn in the last few weeks. A few short weeks ago
seemingly one of the parents of the principles of the Rehtaeh Parsons
tragedy emailed me to complain the "antics of Leah Parsons and Glen
Canning." Glen Canning sent 7 emails and six obscene hate filled
epistles to my blog comments. Also Gen Canning made a threatening and
harassing telephone call to my wife's place of employment. And today
things got "curiouser and curiouser" when Mike Gorman of Halifax's
Frank Magazine emailed some questions for me, as he is reporting about
the Rehtaeh Parsons" media circus of the last year or so. Is Mr.
Gorman a mere shill for Glen Canning?
One of the questions Mr. Gorman posed to me was, "was I going to
defend myself and launch a lawsuit. After I answered his query, it
occurred to me that "those four boys" vilified, slandered, outted by
anonymous, Team Parsons / Canning, and the Feministas, would have a
very good case to litigate against all of these parties. These lads
were never charged with a crime, never convicted, their identities
protected by law, were abused, exposed, threatened, and their lives
ruined by a "lynch mob" fomented and directed by Glen Canning and Leah
Parsons using social media.. It seems to me these people have been
grievously wronged and injured by the Canning, Parsons duo and are
entitled to considerable legal remedy. Glen Canning and Leah Parsons
ought to pay recompense to the collateral damage victims of their
"Holy War."
Mr. Gorman was entirely ignorant of "Rehtaeh's Law, that deals with
cyber-bullying, harassment by posting, and distributing humiliating,
and or naked pictures on social media. The behavior that some say
drove poor Rehtaeh to suicide is now illegal. The ignorant Mr. Gorman
wondered what effect would Rehaeh's Father "suing" me under Rehteah's
Law would have on me. "Rehtaeh's Law is a CC of C section. So Mr.
Canning has no input in the laying of such charges. I further educated
Mr Gorman, that no one can "cyber-bully" Rehtaeh Parsons because she
is dead as a Mackeral. There are no naked or pornographic pictures of
Rehtaeh, nor of Mr. Glen Canning for that matter, if he is considering
saying he is a victim of a miscreant violating Rehtaeh's Law. In fact
I haven't harassed, bullied, sent unsolicited email, or communicated
with anyone. I write a blog. A blog Glen Canning frequently visits and
reads very much on his volition.
Glen Canning and his ex wife Leah Parsons have been impersonating
people on the world wide web, harassing them, and threatening them,
because there is money to be made being "poor victims. And they would
NOT want or let anyone jeopardize that. Mr. Canning has NO legal
options, recourse, or means to shut me or others up.
That's game, set and match, Glen!
Posted by Seren at 1:35 PM No comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Its Nice Rehtaeh Is Dead.
Hey Glen, asshole, here is some much needed elucidation, enlightenment
and education for your edification. You whine and claim you and the
slut Rehteah are being "libeled by others and myself. First issue is,
you can not libel a dead person. A dead person has no reputation,
standing, position in the community to libel and or damage. That's
because Glen, they are dead! Most people have been taught "not to
speak ill of the dead." In fact in my family we were taught to say
nice things about dead folks. Therefore, it is very nice Rehtaeh is
Criminal Libel charges even before were rare and now not pursued by
the country's Crown Prosecutors. Sec 301 of the CC of C has been
found to be unconstitutional, rather contrary to the Canadian Charter
of Rights. Now NO charges are laid in Canada under Sec 301 of the CC
of C. There is no criminal libel.
The next issue is everything I have written about you is true. "The
truth is a complete defense.
Our uneducated, ignorant little "friend "David Amos constantly drools
all over his computer keyboard pounding out poorly written and spelled
screeds about how I am guilty of "hate speech." So now we are
compelled to attempt to illuminate that closed and insane mind of
David Amos. Sections 318, 319, 320 forbid "hate propaganda" This means
"any writing, sign or representation that advocates or promotes
genocide or the communication of which...."
The CC of C defines genocide as the destruction of an "identifiable
group" Whereas an identifiable group being " any section of the public
distinguished by colour, race. religion, ethnicity or sexual
orientation." So David, what "hate speech?" Writing injin or faggot is
not "hate speech" nor a crime.
Wee Davey Amos has been frenetically emailing everyone from the human
rights commissions to his MP to Robin Reid, that I have committed a
"hate crime" for at least five years. In that time he has never
succeeded nor gained any purchase with that notion. With that you
would think even David Amos would have a scintilla of intelligence and
figure out he's wrong.
David Amos and those of his ilk can't even any longer try to con
provincial human rights commissions because sec 13 has been repealed
by The Commons, thus making "hate speech" entirely within the purview
of the courts and the CC of C .
So Glen Canning with his whining that myself and others are libelous
are pure fantasy. David Amos' is just fucking nuts.
Here endeth the lesson children!
Posted by Seren at 3:23 PM No comments:
Monday, May 26, 2014
Stupid David Amos Says
Stupid David Amos says! "Say hello to my Brother will ya pervert. Tell
him what you said about his Mother and my children. I double dawg dare
ya!" Our mental and intellectually deficient "friend" is talking about
his pretend Brother and his Son who David has dispatched, to dispatch
Patrick Doran and myself. Its all so very delusional.
Our uneducated, little "friend" is still blithering about Owen Foster
of Nottingham after a couple of years. Owen Foster is or was a young
college student in the UK, that David Amos harassed, called his
teachers, headmaster, MP, and Police to destroy the reputation of a
young man. For no other reason that David Amos is insane. No
justification exists that would make this sort of insane pettiness
acceptable. Then or now.
Canada would indeed be a more salubrious place if David Amos was
incarcerated in the US, where there are outstanding warrants for his
Posted by Seren at 9:21 PM No comments:
Faggots, Trans-Genders, Lesbos and Toilet Seats
To all the berzerkers, crazoids, aficionados of political correctness.
I don't mind fags. I like fags very much. Some of my best friends are
fags, But I wouldn't let my daughter marry one. Our society "loves and
accepts" our fags lesbos, queers trans-genders and garden variety
wannabes. We all just "love and want to include" that 3 to 6 % of
nature's anomalies in our society. And if we don't, the "activists" of
the LGBTQ "community" will try to make us.
They say Canadians love good government and lots of it. That is
especially true for the faggots and queers. Everyone in Canada wants a
programme for some damn thing. The LGBTQ community for years wanted a
government programme to make normal people "love and accept" them. Now
these "people" want the government to provide "safe gender neutral,
transgender friendly bathrooms. Because as trans-genders or gender
creatives say, taking a piss in the can is a traumatic experience. I
wonder, is that because real men usually piss all over the toilet
seat? It begs the question, if fags can give each other blow jobs in
public conveniences why can't some trans-gender freak take a piss?
In the United States school segregation was upheld for a while because
the US Supreme Court opined that states were required to provide
separate but equal education systems for blacks and white in amerka.
Will that be the case here? Will the Supreme Court rule we need
separate yet equal pissoirs for Canada's "loved and accepted" LGBTQ
community? Will there be a Criminal Code law, "to be like Dad not like
sis, lift the lid when you take a piss." And what if you miss?
Yes sis, Canada loves its natural anomalies....The mind boggles
Posted by Seren at 1:55 PM No comments:
David Amos, Glen Canning And Their Role Model Elliot Rodgers
Elliot Rodgers killed six, two women and four men, yet women's
"activists" call this "an attack on feminism." Thirteen people were
injured. Another story, another amerkan story of a crazoid expressing
his Second Amendment Right to have guns, and kill people. Because "the
Constitutional Framers" said he could. Subsequent You Tube videos show
an extremely angry Elliot Rodgers, severely pissed off at the women of
the world because he couldn't get laid, (Rehtaeh Parsons would have
helped him out) and all the men in the world, because all of us with
the possible exceptions of David Amos and Glen Canning are getting
laid. Never discount the positive and therapeutic effects of regular
good sex, or even bad sex for that matter.
Today in amerka all the morning "news" shows are crying about how "we"
meaning the authorities could have seen this coming, and prevented it.
How "we" meaning everyone else could have seen Elliot Rodgers as the
hate filled angry individual he was. We here in Canada have unbalanced
hate filled individuals. David Amos and Glen Canning are hate filled
pathetic little men escalating from aberrant behavior on social media,
(Face Book, Twitter and mass emailing) to harassing phone calls,
threatening phone calls, stalking women, fraud, impersonation and
intimidation. All these behaviours and more have been exhibited by
both Glen Canning, and David Amos.
David Amos who has been incarcerated in a mental health facility
more than once, and claims to own several firearms. It leads one to
wonder how a "man" like David Amos who has been institutionalized,
sent literally hundreds of insane emails to every police service in
Canada, has several outstanding warrants for his arrest in the US, is
in possession of firearms. When one looks at David Amos, they are
looking at a future Marc Lapine. Scary, very scary.
David Amos has telephoned the RCMP K Division, J division, the RCMP
Civilian Complaints Commission, The Edmonton Police Service, the
Edmonton Police Service Professional Standards Office (internal
affairs) the Military Police, several Mark's stores, a Shopper's Drug
Mart, my favourite pub Teddy's, the Mayor of Edmonton, the Premiers of
New Brunswick, and Alberta et al....all to vociferously whine about my
humble blog . He has even telephoned the Boston Field Office of the
FBI and the US Marshall's Service in Washington DC. David Amos has
telephoned his "butt buddy Stevie Boy Harper" the Prime Minister of
Canada to complain about my blog.
That begs the question, does any of this sound remotely normal? And
yet this psychotic future mass murderer claims to have firearms. The
mind boggles! Allison Menard, Scott Agnew, Linda Duffet-Leger, and
scores of others in New Brunswick must be terrified of this animal.
Rehtaeh Parsons is dead. Rehtaeh Parsons would have been removed from
her parents by Child Welfare Services before that so called "fateful
party" in any Province in Canada because Leah and Glen were criminally
negligent parents. It took Rehtaeh two years to progress herself to
suicide, in which time she was truant from school and Glen and Leah
didn't know it, nor care. The "family Parsons / Canning was
dysfunctional. I would imagine Rehtaeh killed herself as much to
escape Glen and Leah's problems, as anything else.
After all this, Glen Canning has taken to impersonating people,
harassing people, using social media to silence critics, and now
threatening people. He deliberately misrepresented a humorous post by
the Mad Shangi to "tweet the Calgary police and then was outraged when
Nova Scotia Police was tweeted with "screen shots" of Glen's
threatening emails to me.
Glen Canning appears to be on the brink of violent behavior. He is an
angry hate filled pathetic article like Elliot Rodgers. He already
last Saturday called to threaten my wife at work. He sent 7 hate
filled emails to me, and 6 threatening obscenity filled comments to my
blog that same day.
These are the red flags, the signs that our amerkan cousins were
looking for from Elliot Rodgers. I do NOT know if Glen Canning has
access to firearms, but there is no trick to getting an illegal
firearm in Canada.
All I do is write a blog. If you don't like the blog don't read it.
David Amos couldn't find Alberta on the best day he ever had. Nor rise
to the purchase of a ticket "on the Hound." Glen Canning is too addled
to be a threat with a firearm. But then again, that's what they said
about Elliot Rodgers, isn't it.
Posted by Seren at 7:42 AM No comments:
Even as Maritimers go David Amos is not too bright
Last night I receive another spam mass emailing from David Amos. As
did scores of other victims., which no one will read, listen to or
care about
"Hoka hey!" an "yo everyone" as our mental defective little "friend"
David Raymond Amos would say if he were here "C'yall in court." David
Amos is so fixated and distracted by my humble blog that over the
years he has telephoned to complain to the RCMP, both J and K
divisions. The Garrison Edmonton Military Police, and the Military
Civilian Complaints Commission. He complained to CSIS, CSEC, the Prime
Minister's Office, and the Edmonton Police Service. He has also
complained to the Boston Field Office of the FBI, and the US
Marshall's Service in Washington DC. He has called the corporate
offices of Canadian tire that owns Mark's where my wife works. He has
called the manager's where Lori works several times.....all this, over
several years, to no avail. All this because David Amos does not like
my blog.
If you don't like the blog David, don't read it.
Posted by Seren at 4:09 AM No comments: Sunday, May 25, 2014
Insane Glen Canning and Insane David Amos
People learn one of three ways. Some people learn by reading. Some by
watching others. And some like Glen Canning and David Amos have to
piss on the 'lectric fence to find out for themselves.
I write a blog, children. If you don't like the blog kiddies, don't
read it. David Amos in his hundreds of mass e mailings tells all that
"he is not a spammer. He is not a troll." About a year ago David found
out the email address of where Austin (Lori's son) works, and decided
to not only post that work web site but spam Austin's work e mail
with literally reams of spam. Notwithstanding David Amos' loud
protestations and justifications otherwise, I think Allison Menard,
Scott Agnew, Austin Ink. Linda Duffet-Leger and hundreds others would
call David Amos a cyber-bully and troll.
Friday Glen Canning called Lori at work and threatened her. She was
dumbfounded and hung up. Lori immediately told her boss. She told him
about the blog I wrote and how an unbalanced individual Glen Canning
has been sending e mailed threats of physical violence, pretend
litigation. and obscene rants. The supervisor called Mark's security,
and then the Edmonton Police Service. He told Lori, if Glen calls
again to tell him it not appropriate nor right he should call here,
and that the police have been informed, and hang up.
That was the point she called me, and I called the EPS, and went to
the Downtown Station, made complaint and received a file number. When
I got home I e mailed all the threats from Glen, in fact every e mail
he has ever sent me.
Friday was a significant escalation for Glen Canning. From merely
fulminating, huffing and puffing to what many would construe as
violent act upon a woman. I would suggest to Glen Canning's current
wife or domestic partner that they be afraid, be very afraid. Glen has
escalated to threatening women, YOU yourself may well be in
significant danger.
I later emailed Glen Canning and basically related to him, what I have
here. He sent an email that said...."LIES LIES LIES!"
Glen Canning is outraged over what I write about Rehtaeh. David Amos
said in one of his thousands of e screeds. "YOU ARE ATTACKING US!" No
children. I am writing a blog. The Halifax police have already told
Glen Canning I am doing absolutely nothing illegal or actionable.
I am merely writing a blog. You can see what Patrick Doran, and many
others have to deal with here.
Posted by Seren at 3:55 PM No comments:
From: steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 19:36:22 -0400
Subject: Accusé de réception / Delivery receipt
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
**English version will follow**
Madame, Monsieur,
Au nom de l'honorable Steven Blaney, député de Lévis-Bellechasse,
j'accuse réception de votre courriel.
Soyez assuré que votre correspondance sera traitée avec considération.
En vous remerciant, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur,
l'expression de mes sincères salutations.
On behalf of the Honourable Steven Blaney, MP for Lévis-Bellechasse, I
would like to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Please be assured that your correspondence will receive careful consideration.
Samuel Simard-Michaud
Assistant parlementaire / Parliamentary Assistant
Bureau de l'honorable Steven Blaney / Office of the Honourable Steven Blaney
Député de Lévis, Bellechasse et des Etchemins / M.P. for Lévis,
Bellechasse and les Etchemins
Ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile/ Minister
of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 20:36:17 -0300
Subject: RE The Mad Shangi Show Yo Mr Baconfat I watched you sick
perverts waiting for me to respond to your latest attacks on my
youngest daughter
To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
glen <glen@glencanning.com>, Glen Canning <grcanning@me.com>, merricra
<merricra@gov.ns.ca>, justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, pol7163
<pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, frankffrost <frankffrost@hotmail.com>,
deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>, eachtem <eachtem@hotmail.com>,
jamiebaillie <jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
"steven.blaney" <steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Katy.Bourne"
<Katy.Bourne@sussex-pcc.gov.uk>, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
<Geoffrey.McDonald@gov.bc.ca>, radical <radical@radicalpress.com>,
michael <michael@frankmagazine.ca>, "foghorn.leghorn_175"
<foghorn.leghorn_175@zoho.com>, "Pete.Berndsen"
<Pete.Berndsen@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, Brian Gallant
<briangallant@nbliberal.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"peter.dauphinee" <peter.dauphinee@gmail.com>, MulcaT
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Muad-Dib <Muad-Dib@jforjustice.net>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, pmoist <pmoist@cupe.ca>, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Marianne.Ryan"
<Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Mackap <Mackap@parl.gc.ca>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 16:42:23 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: The Mad Shangi Show FYI you know as well as I that I
would never wish to talk to a sick pervert who stalks dead teenagers
and their parents Have your lawyer, or your fat dayy or Chief Hanson
call mea
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cc: patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, michael@frankmagazine.ca, frankffrost
<frankffrost@hotmail.com>, "scott.macrae"
<scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Grant.Fiander"
<Grant.Fiander@halifax.ca>, "rod.knecht"
<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, lylehowe@eastlink.ca, Steve Murphy
<Steve.Murphy@bellmedia.ca>, "marc.chiasson"
<marc.chiasson@mcinnescooper.com>, dions1 <dions1@parl.gc.ca>,
"Dion.Mario" <Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca>, rjgillis@gmglaw.com,
justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, leader
<leader@greenparty.ca>, "marc.garneau.a1"
<marc.garneau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, jake@jakepentland.com, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"mckeen.randy" <mckeen.randy@gmail.com>, "terry.seguin"
<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, "nick.moore"
<nick.moore@bellmedia.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
pol7163 <pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, eachtem <eachtem@hotmail.com>,
deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>
Jesus goat fucking Christ Amos! What is it with you and spam! Just say no!
You dumb bastards have no idea how serious this is getting Scroll down
to review EH Mr Minister of Justice Petey Baby MacKay
FYI I am making arrangements to get her a Yankee lawyer Check Title 18
section 875 to see why
Just Dave
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Live Traffic Feed
A visitor from Edmonton, Alberta
arrived from google.ca and viewed "The David Amos Rant: Yo Chief Rod
Knecht formerly of the RCMP Methinks that you and your pal Marianne
Ryan of the RCMP should not have supported your blogging butt buddy Mr
Baconfat for so long" 9 mins ago
A visitor from Calgary, Alberta
left "The David Amos Rant: Yo Chief Rod Knecht formerly of the RCMP
Methinks that you and your pal Marianne Ryan of the RCMP should not
have supported your blogging butt buddy Mr Baconfat for so long" via
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A visitor from Calgary, Alberta
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Ryan of the RCMP should not have supported your blogging butt buddy Mr
Baconfat for so long" 22 mins ago
A visitor from United Kingdom
arrived from google.com and viewed "The David Amos Rant: Perhaps I
should notify the RCMP that the pervert Mr Baconfat claims he is
coming to Gagetown if so trust that they know why I want to meet the
nasty fat bastard" 35 mins ago
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arrived from google.com and viewed "The David Amos Rant: Perhaps I
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coming to Gagetown if so trust that they know why I want to meet the
nasty fat bastard" 35 mins ago
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Monday, June 9, 2014
Yo Gracie! Here is your David Amos update!
Well, there does appear to be some "proof of life" from our insane
"friend. He appears to have passed out the twitter account of my wife
so the mentally unstable, and maritime kanadians can harass her like
Glen Canning. But what the fuck, there's a " blocking function," isn't
there? Little David Amos is indeed well familiar with being blocked.
Sufficed to say we are still waiting for the David to make good on his
promise to "C'yall in court!" I'm still waiting for Chief Rod Knecht's
troops to arrest me, because Davey Baby is still upset about my "hate
speech." I would imagine that David Amos' "Charles Manson like family"
is still swallowing paste for their living somewhere in uncivilized
and inbred New Brunswick.
Despite David Amos' shouting. "Yo Chief Hansen!" Calgary Chief of
Police Hansen has not deigned to arrest and "take a rubber hose" to
the Mad Shangi. Too bad David, it appears "your influence is waning."(
lol lol)
Yo, Gracie Baby! We are all still waiting for CSIS to get us!For SEAL
TEAM SIX to get us! For The RCMP tactical services to get us. For
"Stevie Boy" to get us! For the Military Police to get us! And so on
ad infinitum, as promised by your boy Davey Baby!
Yo Gracie Baby! It appears you family tree like so many others in
maritime kanada, grows straight up!
Posted by Seren at 3:35 PM No comments: Jake Pentland, Mother And Son Radio!
Do we even have "people" like this Canada? Is this an "amerkan" thing,
a celeb sort of thing, a Southern California type thing, or most
likely a "pore white trash" sort of thing. If one has time to waste,
can google the Jake Pentland Show and discover archived videos where
the disturbed Roseanne Barr is callously used as a means to "boost the
ratings" of a an ersatz radio show, that no one listens to still
It seems on 2/4/12 Rosanne Barr "extemporaneously" and without
"warning" called to complain about, its not clear what. But what did
ensue was a piss poor "who's on first, what's on second," sort of
Beavis and Butthead shtick. All that was missing was "Sugar tits"
giving us a radio "blow by blow" whilst trying express breast milk for
a bowl of Sugar Crisp cereal.
"Jake its your Mother! You two idiots need to get off the radio" You
two idiots need to come out of the closet with your loathing of female
Stupidity is vexing, insanity is mundane but Roseanne's sameo sameo
retarded shitick is as irrelevant as ever! And now two years later
still no one listens to the Jake Pentland Show. Hey Mr. Pentland do
you ever have a point or issue, or is it always all shameless self
Only in amerka, that God!
Jake did "Mommy" ever drop you on your head?
Posted by Seren at 2:57 PM No comments: Sunday, June 8, 2014
Walt Wawra, Jake Pentland, Deputy Dawg, and Dumbass Yanks With Guns
Every Canadian remembers and despises Kalamazoo police officer asshole
Walt Wawra. A year ago, perhaps two, this ugly amerkan and his ugly
wife came to Calgary for a vacation. While they were walking at
Calgary's Nose Hill Park two friendly Calgarians asked if Walt and his
wife had attended the Calgary Stampede, politely. He was outraged! He
claimed that these friendly folks, were aggressive, dangerous and
nefarious. It seems that both parties departed from the contact
equally confused.
Later Walt Wawra wrote a letter to the editor of the Calgary Herald,
claiming as a cop he ought to be allowed to have his gun here in
Canada and he would have "protected himself and wife" from these
villains. Of course Mr. Wawra became the laughing stock of North
America. Even amerkan television's The Young Turks eviscerated him and
his ugly wife.
Jake Pentland describes himself as "proud member of the NRA. That's
just what every Canadian likes to hear about a potential visitor to
Canada, another fucked up amerkan with a gun. I sincerely hope and
pray that Canada is never infected with the presence of Jake Pentland,
Sugar Tits Bimbo Jenn, the staff of the Jake Pentland Show or Sugar
tits' husband deputy dawg, the California pig.
Several years ago at the "medicine line" at Sweet Grass, an amerkan
asshole was caught by the CBSA trying to smuggle two pistols across
the line. As they cuffed the prick, he loudly invoked his sacred
Second Amendment Rights, which don't exist here in Canada.
Last year in Jasper a group of amerkan seniors on a bus tour were
stopped for lunch at a restaurant whereupon these amerkan idiots were
graced by a beautiful young doe eating the geraniums in the flower
beds. One man from Ojai California looked around, and said, "someone
better get a gun quick and shoot the deer." Why I asked? "This is a
national park, this place belongs to the deer not fucked up wankers
like you." I then told him, "to get the fuck home so we don't have to
smell his disease."
I sincerely hope that ole NRA Jake, and Sugar tits Bimbo never come to
Canada. I am quite sure no one wants to smell their disease.
Posted by Seren at 9:10 PM No comments: Yo Gracie!
Yo Gracie Baby!
Posted by Seren at 8:33 PM No comments:
Friday, 12 April 2013Fwd: RE Way Past High Time to sue Tell Steve
Graham and Ross Laundry they better talk to me before I talk to the
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 21:43:55 -0300
Subject: RE Way Past High Time to sue Tell Steve Graham and Ross
Laundry they better talk to me before I talk to the Parsons
To: "scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca. \"bob.paulson\""
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "steve.graham"
<steve.graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, police <police@fredericton.ca>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jamiebaillie
<jamiebaillie@bellaliant.com>, "Juanita.Peddle"
<Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bernadine.chapman"
<bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Robert.Trevors"
<Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>, ddexter <ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca>, justmin
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>, "mckeen.randy" <mckeen.randy@gmail.com>,
"mclaughlin.heather" <mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com>, acampbell
<acampbell@ctv.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
jacques boucher <jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Pierre.Beaudoin"
<Pierre.Beaudoin@gnb.ca>, "brent.blackmore"
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
January 30, 2007
Mr. David Amos
Dear Mr. Amos:
This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of
the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of
forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP
"J" Division in Fredericton.
Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health
Cpl. Scott MacRae
Media Relations
Halifax District RCMP
Cell: (902) 488-2830
Just so you know
If I see my daughters' faces in the corporate media or on this French
bastard's blog I will sue everybody twice
15:00 Grace Amos might be Mrtrolicious
by Teslabrotherhood7 • 158 views
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David Amos 3 months ago
Well Pervert your fanboyz should Google your old Nazi butt buddy
Werner Bock and Aliens to see the video you stole from me and
retitled with your UFO bullsit YOU should give your pal John Green of
QSLS in Fat Fred City a call when you get out of jail EH Dirty Dicky
Dean aka Deab Roger Ray? In the "Mean: time say Hoka Hey to you wacko
mother, dumb Mayor Samson and evil Sgt Gary Rhodes of Sylvan Lake for
me will ya? They all know you as just a nasty FED shill who
cvberstalked my kids for years
Reply ·
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David Amos 4 months ago
The RCMP in Sylvan Lake Alberta should ask their evil shill Dean Roger
Ray aka Dirty Dicky Dean who I am talking to and about what as was
recorded within this video. FYI the DUMB CORRUPT COPS BIG CLUE for
over a year has been the photo of MY underage daughter that that sick
perverts such as Dean Roger Ray, Dana Durnford, Eddy Atchem, Ryan
Elson and Mr Baconfat have loved to make fun of or threaten and
sexually harass since 2007 CORRECTStaff Sergeant Gary Rhodes and
Sergeant Michelle Boutin???
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
Looking over my old David Raymond Amos files he connects to cps!
Child protection services in Canada and the states connects to Ewen
Camerons work which was banned from the states and continued in
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
David Raymond Amos your even linked to silencing people when they were
drugging kids with attention deficit disorder. They would grab welfare
kids whos parents were on assistance and give them a nasty letter that
their child is being monitored. Then they would prescribe drugs made
by Ewen Cameron. What was that drug ritalin and some other dangerous
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
Did you really think I was clueless Amos?
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
oops forgot to put hells angels in the tags brb.
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
David Amos's kid uploads a video and even mentions a friend who
contacts her in the hideaway. She has this video on a channel she used
to stalk me. Amos you taught her well I should of added when you were
in the interview bragging how you use to work for RCMP as a shill
ratting on Hells Angels.
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
Grace I am sure Canadian tire franchise is mighty proud of your daddys work.
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
How are you Grace how is the spy life?
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
David Raymond Amos was also key in silencing farmers who were exposed
to a urainium mine and their cattle were dieing.
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
David Raymond Amos was an agent who went after Byron pryor to shut him
up. David Raymond Amos also fought Anonymous trolls stearing me onto
makaelectric then Montagraph. I decided to embarrass him showing i was
the better agent for the task and destroyed Montagraph and
makaelectric for them.
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
The voice is a bit different but in both videos there is a mention of
woods and isolation. I think the area is Chapman one of Amos safe
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Teslabrotherhood7 1 year ago
If I am right Vonhelton was being hacked! lol you have a David Amos infection.
Reply · Posted by Contributing Advocate at 17:44
From: Katy Bourne <Katy.Bourne@sussex-pcc.gov.uk>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 04:53:32 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Chief Rick Hanson how could your corrupt
cops be even dumber than the RCMP or the mindless cops I talked to in
Halifax and in the UK today?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your email.
I will respond to your message as soon as possible. However, I do
receive a significant number of emails, letters and telephone calls
each day and my scheduled commitments keep me very busy.
If you require a swift response please contact my office who will be
happy to assist. Email: spcc@sussex-pcc.gov.uk or telephone : 01273
Thank you once again for contacting me.
Kind regards
Katy Bourne
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
W: www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk
T: 01273 481561
T: @Sussexpcc @KatyBourne
Kind regards
Katy Bourne
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
W: www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk
T: 01273 481561
T: @Sussexpcc @KatyBourne
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 04:53:32 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo Chief Rick Hanson how could your corrupt cops be even
dumber than the RCMP or the mindless cops I talked to in Halifax and
in the UK today?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your email to the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner.
All feedback and correspondence is valuable for informing the work
that can be done to ensure a safer Sussex.
Your email has been received and will be read. We aim to reply within
14 working days should your email require a response. Please note
that we will not respond to messages where we have only been copied
For complaints: It is the Commissioner's statutory duty to investigate
complaints against the Chief Constable of Sussex Police only. If you
have a complaint and are unsure where you should direct it, please
visit the complaints section of the PCC website:
Please note that the Police & Crime Commissioner would like to keep
you up to date with her progress through a regular email newsletter.
If you do not want to receive this then please reply to this email
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E-mail is not a secure communications medium. Please be aware of this
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Crime Commissioner may be subject to recording and/or monitoring in
accordance with relevant legislation.
Although the Office of the Sussex Police Crime & Commissioner has
taken steps to ensure that this e-mail and any attachments are virus
free, we can take no responsibility if a virus is actually present and
you are advised to ensure that the appropriate checks are made.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 00:53:34 -0400
Subject: Accusé de réception / Delivery receipt
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
**English version will follow**
Madame, Monsieur,
Au nom de l'honorable Steven Blaney, député de Lévis-Bellechasse,
j'accuse réception de votre courriel.
Soyez assuré que votre correspondance sera traitée avec considération.
En vous remerciant, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur,
l'expression de mes sincères salutations.
On behalf of the Honourable Steven Blaney, MP for Lévis-Bellechasse, I
would like to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Please be assured that your correspondence will receive careful consideration.
Samuel Simard-Michaud
Assistant parlementaire / Parliamentary Assistant
Bureau de l'honorable Steven Blaney / Office of the Honourable Steven Blaney
Député de Lévis, Bellechasse et des Etchemins / M.P. for Lévis,
Bellechasse and les Etchemins
Ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile/ Minister
of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 01:53:28 -0300
Subject: Yo Chief Rick Hanson how could your corrupt cops be even
dumber than the RCMP or the mindless cops I talked to in Halifax and
in the UK today?
To: patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, pol7163
<pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
"rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "David.Veitch"
<David.Veitch@edmontonpolice.ca>, deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
eachtem <eachtem@hotmail.com>, themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>,
mayor_ford <mayor_ford@toronto.ca>, ruby <ruby@rubyshiller.com>,
"Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "leanne.murray"
<leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
austin <austin@blacktoppaving.ca>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
sallybrooks25 <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, evelyngreene
<evelyngreene@live.ca>, sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,
"Marianne.Ryan" <Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, mclellana
<mclellana@bennettjones.com>, justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, merricra
<merricra@gov.ns.ca>, msegal <msegal@murraysegal.com>, frankffrost
<frankffrost@hotmail.com>, glen <glen@glencanning.com>, Glen Canning
<grcanning@me.com>, dexterdyne <dexterdyne@gmail.com>, PREMIER
<PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, jamiebaillie <jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca>
Cc: contact.centre@sussex.pnn.police.uk, "Wayne.Gallant"
<Wayne.Gallant@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Katy.Bourne@sussex-pcc.gov.uk,
mervin.dadd@sussex-pcc.gov.uk, mark.streater@sussex-pcc.gov.uk,
spcc@sussex-pcc.gov.uk, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
"bob.paulson" <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "scott.macrae"
<scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Grant.Fiander"
<Grant.Fiander@halifax.ca>, merv <merv@northwebpress.com>, radical
<radical@radicalpress.com>, "foghorn.leghorn_175"
May 20, 2014 | 3:11
Glen Canning death threats case set over
By Staff The Canadian Press
HALIFAX – The case of a young man accused of making death threats
against the father of Rehtaeh Parsons has been adjourned until June
Police have not publicly disclosed the name of the alleged victim, but
Glen Canning, Parsons' father, says the charges relate to online
threats he alleges were made against him last year.
The RCMP have said they began investigating last Aug. 2 after
receiving a complaint from a 49-year-old man.
The 19-year-old man, who was arrested last month and faces charges of
uttering death threats and criminal harassment, appeared in provincial
court Tuesday before the matter was adjourned.
Parsons' parents say their daughter was cyberbullied and died after a
suicide attempt.
Philip Rose • 15 days ago
Glen Canning set up bogus identities online and sent the messages to
himself. The police have been notified of this. It's a scandal.
Glen Canning Philip Rose • 2 days ago
Well, if that's true (which it isn't) they haven't done anything.
Philip Rise is actually Chris Rowe of Sussex, UK. The police here have
a file on him. He is linked to the Amanda Todd case.
Philip Rose Glen Canning • 2 days ago
They have been notified - twice. Rose not Rise. Police do not
have a file on anyone in Sussex, and I am not linked to the Amanda
Todd case. Apart from that, you are very accurate.
Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
Sackville House
Brooks Close
East Sussex BN7 2FZ
Philip Rose is Christopher Rowe
Update: Philip Rose is Christopher Rowe. IP is
As much as I hate to give a troll attention sometimes it's warranted.
In the case of Carol Todd's stalker, quite likely the pedophile who
tormented her daughter Amanda, this is a troll I don't mind writing
He goes by the name Philip Rose but that is guaranteed a fake name.
David Sanders is a possibility, but his true identity is, like most
trolls, hard to peg down. What is for sure is the Philip Rose name is
a play on an online predator going by the name perso365. That person
trolls online chat rooms looking for underage teens.
❝For the record, Philip Rose is the pedophile who screen capped Amanda
Todd and he admitted to being one of the cappers mention, perso365.
Not a stretch when you consider his fake name p rose and anagrammed
spells perso. ~ Social Media Today
perso365 has caused Carol Todd a lot of grief with his frivolous
claims that she is responsible for Amanda's death. At one point he
suggests she get a handgun and shoot herself in the head. He even
claimed Amanda was not dead and this was all just a huge conspiracy. A
conspiracy to do what isn't made clear but you get the idea. He is,
like all trolls, a very sick man.
Yesterday he found out Carol Todd was going to talk about Amanda to
the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights in Ottawa and took
it upon himself to write numerous Canadian government officials his
disapproval of her appearance:
❝(Members of Canadian Parliament).
On Tuesday, May 13th, Carol Todd will be appearing in front of you as
part of a panel.
I am writing to express my doubt as to the wisdom of having her as a
witness in what is a very serious matter.
I am sure that, by now, you are aware that the common belief is that
Amanda Todd was in some way tricked, coerced or extorted into
producing child pornography, but you will also know that this is
No proof has ever been offered for any of perso365′s statements
despite his repeated claims to be the only person who know's what
happened to Amanda. Fits the "narcissism, Machiavellian, psychopathic
and sadistic" trait of a troll perfectly.
He has posted on this site a couple times to challenge me, but his
comments quickly degenerated into pointless dribble once he was asked
to explain his position. Yesterday he took it upon himself to report
me to the Canadian Centre for Child Protection for being a pedophile.
As a photographer I have done photo shoots with various models; all
over 18 or in the presence of their parents (see the galleries below).
I don't hide that fact and never have, it's up there under my name –
Photographer. perso365 found some of my shots online and claimed to
have called the police about them. He did this because I dared "to
question the all-seeing eye of Philip Rose."
At least when he's focused on me he's leaving Carol alone.
99.9% of anyone he contacts will just ignore his nonsense and move on.
To the other 0.1% I'm asking you to do the same. perso365 is a very
sick man looking for his time on this earth to amount to anything —
even if it's just a pile of dung. No one focuses on a dead child like
he does unless he has something to hide. No one stalks a grieving
mother hoping to expose "the truth" — he's hoping to keep it hidden.
I have enemies. Good — it means I stood for something.
❝He stalked Amanda all over the net and you can see he is still
obsessed with her. Since he cannot harm her anymore he turned his
hate to her mother Carol, whom he is still stalking and has suggested
she take a gun and shoot herself because it is her fault she died. It
is his fault. He was so obsessed with her that he is still targeting
her and he still thinks she is alive. He mentioned three places where
she was put which he claimed he knew for a fact and one mentioned,
Riverview, had been closed for quite awhile. He has repeatedly posted
pictures of Amanda and her family and friends on wordpress blogs
because he was removed from Facebook for stalking and bullying. In
fact, he made a point of going to every group or page with Amanda's
name on it and posted she was not dead. Her mother saw them and was
devastated. He is king of the trolls and has admitted to sexually
abusing over 9000 boys and girls online. He admitted he is perso365
and he stalked Amanda. He is dangerous and still targeting other
young girls and boys online for his obsession. Just google his name
and you will see how crazy this pedophile really is. Almost sixm
months since her death and he is still targeting her and her family.
He is the obsessed pedophile who started her journey to her death.
Currently gathering info on him to provide to the police who are
asking. If you have his IP we would be interested in that. A few
other sites have given that over after reading what he posts. Thanks.
My Photography:
John Golden
May 8, 2014 at 4:33 pmVery familiar with this Philip Rose, he just
goes and on and on like a broken record. He even makes up names on his
blog and has conversations with himself. He must have nothing better
to do and if he used his real name, he knows what the end result would
be. I don't even go to his blog now, unless I want a good laugh, as it
is just full of B.S.
Wanda Probe
May 9, 2014 at 1:35 pmSome blogs are password protected but if you
want them, I will unprotect them. He is a very funny guy though. He
has been targeting me since Amanda's death, right from Facebook. In
the first days, he created a page in support of Kody Maxson who is an
online child predator as proven by his online chat logs. He then
created a page specifically targeting young girls who were feeling
suicidal and pretended to be a girl. He also had a page directly
targeting Amanda. I find it odd he gets angry that someone is arrested
for the online stalking. I still believe he was one of the first and
has been obsessed with Amanda from when he contacted her in a chat
room under another false name. He goes by David Sanders a play on the
name from Winnie the Pooh, by the name Lord Lucan who is a wanted
murderer from the '70′s for murder of a young girl, he also uses Lady
Lucan, Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhez and has claimed to have tea with
Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Elvis and others. His buddy Colin
Connolly admits to having many fake accounts on the net which include
pretending to be a woman in chat rooms. Philip J Rose is a fake name
so don't worry about posting it either. He claims his name is Chippy
Minton but that's fictional too. He has never presented actual proof
of anything and I believe he is obsessed with Amanda which is why he
paid to have hosting for a blog dedicated to her and makes such
outrageous claims about her being alive and worse yet pregnant and
that Carol was the one who beat her to death on the chest so no one
would know and they would just blame the paramedics. He is one sick
little puppy and yes he fits troll to a t. I also have an ip on him so
I will check to see if it's the same as yours. He's banned from my
blog too. Have a good day Glen and thanks for seeing through him too.
Philip Rose
June 4, 2014 at 11:33 am Honestly. This post just sums it all up
really. Hysterical nonsense.
FYI Interesting news popped up out of Moncton while I was posting this
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ingrid Holst <IHolst@calgarypolice.ca>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 05:10:24 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: FYI The corrupt Edmonton Cops American Eagle
Outfitters even Marks Work Wearhouse and their Canadian Tire bosses
knew all about Mr Baconfat before Rehteah Parsons died
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I'll be back I'll be back Tuesday May 27, 2014. For immediate
assistance please call reception at 403-428-5900. Thanks. Ingrid.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
David Amos' "Brother and Son" Are Very Late
David Amos promised Patrick Doran and myself about a week ago on Mad
Shangi's You Tube Channel (the comments are still there) that his
Brother his Son were going to "look us up" and kick our asses. We're
still waiting. In those same comments he tells us he has sent e mails
to report us to the police, again. And once again the police has
ignored him as the insane animal he is.
David Amos has reported Patrick Doran to the Calgary police and RCMP
Detachment. He has over seven years reported me and my blog to the
RCMP J and K Divisions, The RCMP Civilian Complaints Division. CFB
Gagetown Military Police, and the Commanding Officer of the Garrison.
David has told the Commanding Officer of CFB Gagetown that he was
going to sue him. David Amos has complained to the Edmonton Police
Service to no result. David Amos telephoned CFB Edmonton's Military
Police O/C to whine about this blog. Amos called Lt. Col. Errington
CO 3 PPCLI to complain about me to him and promised him that he would
"c him in court." David has complained about me to Premier Redford,
Premier Alward of New Brunswick, and to David's self described "butt
buddy" Stevie Boy Harper.
After seven years of this insane, unproductive, and self destructive
behavior...no one, repeat no one ever approached me about this blog.
And Patrick and myself are still waiting for Amos' dumbass Brother.
No one reads David Amos' blog, so he resorts to mass e mailings of
whining complaints about me and this blog. But alas David no one, ever
listened to you, nor ever will.
Here endeth the lesson David
Posted by Seren at 1:30 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 04:52:54 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: FYI The corrupt Edmonton Cops American Eagle Outfitters
even Marks Work Wearhouse and their Canadian Tire bosses knew all
about Mr Baconfat before Rehteah Parsons died
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Oh dear, You have been calling folks for years, and NO one thinks I am
doing anything wrong. What a "revelation!"
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "patrick_doran1" <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, "pol7163"
<pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
"rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>, "David.Veitch"
<David.Veitch@edmontonpolice.ca>, "deanr0032" <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
"eachtem" <eachtem@hotmail.com>, "themayor" <themayor@calgary.ca>,
"mayor_ford" <mayor_ford@toronto.ca>, "ruby" <ruby@rubyshiller.com>,
"Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "leanne.murray"
<leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>, "oldmaison" <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"austin" <austin@blacktoppaving.ca>, "andre" <andre@jafaust.com>,
"sallybrooks25" <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, "evelyngreene"
<evelyngreene@live.ca>, "sunrayzulu" <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,
"Marianne.Ryan" <Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "mclellana"
<mclellana@bennettjones.com>, "justmin" <justmin@gov.ns.ca>,
"merricra" <merricra@gov.ns.ca>, "msegal" <msegal@murraysegal.com>,
"frankffrost" <frankffrost@hotmail.com>, "glen"
<glen@glencanning.com>, "Glen Canning" <grcanning@me.com>,
"dexterdyne" <dexterdyne@gmail.com>, "PREMIER" <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
"jamiebaillie" <jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca>
Cc: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "merv"
<merv@northwebpress.com>, "radical" <radical@radicalpress.com>,
"foghorn.leghorn_175" <foghorn.leghorn_175@zoho.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 11:10:06 PM
Subject: FYI The corrupt Edmonton Cops American Eagle Outfitters even
Marks Work Wearhouse and their Canadian Tire bosses knew all about Mr
Baconfat before Rehteah Parsons died
Listen to the voicemail from the Edmonton Pollice Commission as the
bastard admits knowing of my complaint against Trolls and their death
threats etc in 2007/
Imagine if the god damned cops had done something about all the cyber
stalkers seven years ago instead of just laughing at peple like me
because we expect them to do their damned job? How many kids would
still be alive today??? To HELL with Harper's sneaky Bill 13 There are
already lots laws of the books to use against cyber bullies
Well the evil litlleTrolls out west such as Mr Baconfat, Dirty Dicky
Dean, Ryan Elson, Dana Durnford, Alex Hunter, Patty Baby Doran and all
the crooked cops who have supported them ain't seen nothing yet. They
think I don't know how to file lawsuits and argue lawyers. YEA RIGHT.
Best go to about page 134 of this old file and check the cout date stamp
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com ; motomaniac333@gmail.com ;
rod.knecht ; police@fredericton.ca ; edmonton.centre ; premier ;
Cc: Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
oldmaison@yahoo.com ; andremurraynow@gmail.com ; andre@jafaust.com ;
evelyngreene ; sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca ; acampbell ;
jacques_poitras@cbc.ca ; sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 7:36 PM
Subject: Fw: New VM (1) - 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 7804213333
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: David Amos
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 1:35 AM
Subject: Fw: New VM (2) - 0:36 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 7809946831
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: David Amos
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:12 PM
Subject: Fw: New VM (2) - 0:15 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 7809946831
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Is that an invitation Mr. Pentland?
Am I to understand that you are inviting me, and Shangi to appear on
your "show?" That would be problematic. It appears you censor your
guests with the "mute" button, make rude farmyard noises, and
basically behavior with a lack intelligence and civility. Is that an
amerkan thing?
If you can give me your undertaking that you shall refrain from such
stupidity. I with Shangi shall be delighted to "cross swords" with you
and Jenn the Bimbo. I have no such allusions that neither Jenn the
bimbo nor yourself have the restraint and or intelligence to behave
normally for any great length of time. So when you misbehave I will
remove myself from the conversation. I however remain dubious.
Posted by Seren at 7:50 PM No comments:
Jake Pentland, Bimbo Jenn and the Chattering Classes
It is amusing to watch Jake Pentland, Bimbo Jenn and the chattering
classes wail, gnash their teeth and wax vitriolic about, the man with
a more read blog than them. It appears that entire staff of the Jake
Pentland show is vexed and sorely outraged about this humble blog. I
am so "proud."
My dear, silly Mr. Pentland, my blog has more hits than yours. It
would appear I am more relevant than the likes of you.
Posted by Seren at 6:18 PM No comments:
Liars, Damned Liars, And Glen Canning And Jake And Little Jenn
About a year ago in a fit pique Mr. Cannig emailed me for the first
time. He told me that his small blog was extremely media heavy" and he
"had already outted me." He further ranted that I would be destroyed
by the national media and anonymous for my "libel" upon little
Rehteah. Immediately thereafter little Glen posted my e mail address.
The only person that used my home e mail address was Glen himself. I
never received a single outraged rant, query for information from the
media,and or response to my so called "sick representations about the
victims Leah or Glen.
The truth is. My blog. This blog. This humble blog has had more page
views and hits over the years than both Glen Canning's and Jake
Pentlands'. No one has been able to shut me or this blog up, because
I enjoy the same freedom of expression you do. Notwithstanding Glen
Canning's anguished tears and crying about my blog being "sick" and
"libelous" I would remind the punk of two indisputable facts. Rehtaeh
is not only dead, you contributed to her tragedy. And, it is a legal
impossibility to libel...the dead.
The truth is a complete defense Glen!
Little Jake and the bimbo, mute and censor their guests on their less
than well known pod cast. They wouldn't recognize the "truth" if it
bit them in the ass.
Posted by Seren at 5:58 PM No comments:
Jenn Lew and Glen Canning ...Cyber-Trolls
Bimbo Jenn, co-host of the Jake Pentland show, is the same sort of
garden variety miscreant Glen Canning is. Little Jenn the bimbo
threatened Patrick Doran with contacting his "employer" inform on
Patrick's "misogynist tendencies," and his "Mother issues." Jenn will
make a fine Mother in Law one day.
Glen Canning has already impersonated me on the web to make fraudulent
Face Book account in my name and harass Lori and her extended family.
Mr. Canning in a fit of pique over a post I wrote harassed Lori at
work. At the same time Mr. Canning emailed me to say he called my
bitch at work. That she didn't like it, and he not only was going call
again, but call her boss as well.
You do that Glen.
But alas little Jenn Lew is and Jake Pentland are obviously the same
sort of animals.....Quick Jake you hit that mute button! This is the
great problem with the United States of Amerka....too many dumb ass
Posted by Seren at 5:32 PM No comments:
Jake Pentland and Glen Canning
South of the border in the United States of White Amerka is just one
of the proliferation of computer "radio" pod-cast "shows," called the
Jake Pentland Show. Mr. Pentland while having a perfectly melodic
radio voice, doesn't have much of anything else, including
intellectual wherewithal. Jake Pentland is also cursed with being the
son of the penultimate stupid woman, Rosanne Barr. Jake Pentland, and
his co-host / girlfriend Jenn attempt to air a public affairs / call
in talk show each Saturday afternoon. Mr. Pentland like many of his
ilk producing "pod casts" is less concerned with getting at the
"truth", and more interested with enjoying both a captive audience,
and the joys of abusing the "mute button" to run roughshod over guest
and caller alike.
Unlike a journalist, or even halfway intelligent person attempting to
produce a real "talk show," Mr. Pentland and twitter troll, and bimbo
Jenn do NO research or preparation or fact seeking about their "broad
band" guests" before airing their nonsense once a week. What can one
say, they are "amerkans." His "show" leads one to wonder if Rosanne
Barr give him really fun drugs as a small child, or dropped him on his
head as an infant.
Some time ago, Canada's most criminally culpable "bad Dad" Glen
Canning was a guest on Mr. Pentland's "show." Where Mr. Canning
trumpeted to the six people listening to the show and the
"cyber-planet," that he and his drug abusing ex wife Leah Parsons
were, and continue to be "victims" of their daughter's ersatz "vicious
gang rape", and their daughter's suicide two years later. "Pease keep
those cheques and cash coming in." These two are Canada's own Jim
Bakker and Tammy Faye Bakker.
At the same time Mr. Pentland's paramour and ersatz co-host had been
sending threatening tweets to Patrick Doran threatening to "expose
Patrick to his employer as a misogynist, and his "Mother issues." That
is indeed interesting. Both Jake Pentland and the bimbo Jenn support
and laud the behavior f Glen Canning, who also sends threatening
tweets, emails, telephone threats, and uses anonymous to abuse and
harass any and all critics. Or as Jake Pentland said to Paul
Elam..."boo fucken hoo."
I support and defend Mr. Pentland and the bimbo Jenn's right to free
speech and stupidity to the death. But that certainly doesn't change
the fact these two intellectually deficient amerkans must both be the
products of incestuous intercourse .
Oh yes, Rehtaeh Parsons was indeed the prototypical "good time girl at
fourteen. Rape in a pig's eye!
Posted by Seren at 2:51 PM No comments:
Monday, June 2, 2014
Rehtaeh Parsons Was Not A Victim Of Rape, Rhetaeh Parsons Was a Slut
Rehtaeh Parsons was not the "victim of a vicious gang rape." Witness
statements claim she took the boys dicks out of their pants," and
happily fucked their brains out, together. Face it Glen, Rehteah was a
highly promiscuous fourteen year old slut! You can cry rape all you
want, but the police, and Rehtaeh's school and classmates knew
precisely what she was, and let her know it.
It is a good thing Rehtaeh is dead, dead dead. She was a welfare
recipient and two bit hooker in the making, Glen and Leah did such a
"fine job" of parenting! I am so grateful for Rehtaeh's suicide as it
is, or was, an example of "creative deficit reduction." Canadian
society hasn't lost a thing, another dead welfare parasite.
So Glen, are you going to phone my wife again? Are you going to call
her boss? You have already called Nova Scotia law enforcement, and
they told you there is NOTHING I can be charged with. Writing in my
blog is NOT harassing you or libeling little Rehtaeh. Little Rehtaeh
is dead, dead, dead, and you can't libel the dead. I have the absolute
right to write whatever I want here. If you don't like it, don't visit
this site and read my blog.
What are you going to do Glen, say I made a bogus death threat against
you, frame me, impersonate me? You pathetic excuse of a man! Rehtaeh
was a twat and so are you!
Really fun twitter insults, little man!
Posted by Seren at 8:32 PM No comments:
Glen Canning"s Escalation To Violence, Lke Marc Lepine
Glen Canning and Leah Parsons have long been what they accused the
kids of Rehtaeh's school of being...cyber-bullies! But now I and
others fear Glen Canning has escalated from cyber-bullying, to falsely
accusing people of death threats towards him, to uttering violent
threats (I have guys from CFB Edmonton looking for you)to calling an
innocent wife at work to threaten her.
What we see here are those same "red flags" police and mental health
professionals missed with Elliot Rodger. Mr. Canning has last night
taken to harassing and complaining about a You Tube Video detailing
Glen Canning's cyber-bullying of more than a few people, Glen
Canning's impersonation of people, and threats upon women at their
place of employment.
Glen Canning is just one level removed now from Marc Lepine Its just
a matter of time.
Posted by Seren at 4:18 AM No comments: Sunday, June 1, 2014
Hey Davey Baby, where are they?
Hey Davey Baby, Yo asshole! Where's SEAL TEAM SIX? Where's the RCMP,
or the RCMP Civilian Complaints Commission, The Calgary police and
your "butt buddy" Rod Knecht and the Edmonton Police Service? Where
your imaginary brother and his son? When are they coming to "kick our
nasty arses?" Yo, asshole, when are you going to learn to actually
write and spell . What is it you like to say to me and scores of
others, "C'yall in court?" Are you once again going to "double dawg
dare" me? Say hi "to the White House, " and your "butt buddy Stevie
Boy in Ottawa.
Posted by Seren at 1:20 PM No comments:
Saturday, May 31, 2014
David Amos' "Brother and Son" Are Very Late
David Amos promised Patrick Doran and myself about a week ago on Mad
Shangi's You Tube Channel (the comments are still there) that his
Brother his Son were going to "look us up" and kick our asses. We're
still waiting. In those same comments he tells us he has sent e mails
to report us to the police, again. And once again the police has
ignored him as the insane animal he is.
David Amos has reported Patrick Doran to the Calgary police and RCMP
Detachment. He has over seven years reported me and my blog to the
RCMP J and K Divisions, The RCMP Civilian Complaints Division. CFB
Gagetown Military Police, and the Commanding Officer of the Garrison.
David has told the Commanding Officer of CFB Gagetown that he was
going to sue him. David Amos has complained to the Edmonton Police
Service to no result. David Amos telephoned CFB Edmonton's Military
Police O/C to whine about this blog. Amos called Lt. Col. Errington
CO 3 PPCLI to complain about me to him and promised him that he would
"c him in court." David has complained about me to Premier Redford,
Premier Alward of New Brunswick, and to David's self described "butt
buddy" Stevie Boy Harper.
After seven years of this insane, unproductive, and self destructive
behavior...no one, repeat no one ever approached me about this blog.
And Patrick and myself are still waiting for Amos' dumbass Brother.
No one reads David Amos' blog, so he resorts to mass e mailings of
whining complaints about me and this blog. But alas David no one, ever
listened to you, nor ever will.
Here endeth the lesson David
Posted by Seren at 1:30 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Glen Canning and the Feministas, On the Turnip Truck Together
There is an appalling lack of intelligence or academic rigor from the
feminists, and their Quistlings in regard to the incoherent, shrill,
unintelligible din they are raising about a nonexistent culture of
rape in North America. They all seemingly shout and screech
absurdities whilst drooling uncontrollably at so called "rape
apologists." Which is defined as anyone they take issue with, or
isn't seated with them onboard the turnip truck.
Slut Walk Edmonton Director and head Bimbo, Devonne Kendryk says! "
unified consensus by both men and women of what constitutes rape is
necessary." There exists now a "unified consensus of men and women of
what constitutes rape." Not only of what constitutes rape specifically
but what constitutes a crime generally, for men and women alike. Its
called the Criminal Code of Canada. Rape, and or sexual assault are
clearly and more than adequately defined. No cogent, valid or
intelligent argument, or suggestions to how the C C of C ought be
amended re rape or sexual assault has yet to be made by the "women's
lobby," Fem-Nazis and or any or all Provincial Law Societies.
Cristina Stasia a "professor" of so called "gender studies" at the
University of Alberta (academe is not what it used to be, it seems)
says! "Rape culture is often manifested by the hypersexualization of
all forms of media. Rape culture is normalized and encouraged at every
level of our culture." I am quite sure the argument in any criminal
court in North America, by an accused of rape, "after a good rape as
described in the beer commercial, it was Miller Time," will not hold
any water. Pop culture and its sometimes anti-social ideas have never
been an excuse for criminal behavior, and its not now. Some Negro in
some urban cesspool in amerka "telling it like it is" (tongue firmly
in cheek) does NOT equate to a culture of rape in Canadian society.
Ersatz member of the intelligentsia Cristina Stasia, blubbers and
cries crocodile tears, how: "Its heartbreaking, but is infuriating,
because its a hate crime--but we don't treat it that way. We don't see
sexual assault and violence against women as a hate crime." The bimbo
is right! We don't see sexual assault and violence against women as a
hate crime, because it isn't! Men are raped. Boys are raped. Men are
violently assaulted, shot and robbed by criminals just as "hate
filled" as those that rape women, and assault women. In the final
analysis, any violent crime is a "hate crime," so what's the
The difference is, so called academics like Cristina Stasia and the
feminist lobby have a political agenda. They advance their radical
political agenda with the systematic demonization and diminishment of
men. To wit: Any assault on a woman is a "hate crime." whilst an
assault or violent crime perpetrated on a man is a lesser offense.
These lesser intellectual lights cry out to parents to not "raise a
rapist." and yet forget these very same parents raise the girls, who
these same "turnips" claim can, and will "change the world." The idea
that we "raise rapists," we "raise mass murderers to subjugate women
is insane. Elliot Rodger murdered four men and two women yet
intellectually challenged women like Cristina Stasia say this a "hate
crime" perpetrated upon women.
The Feministas, and their bum boys like Glen Canning have coined new
buzz phrase. Men, real men, honourable men are being called "rape
apologists" because it sounds good in a twenty second sound bite . But
nobody has a clue what a "rape apologist" is. No normal human on the
planet thinks rape is good, rape is cool, I gotta get me a bimbo to
rape and a beer! What a "rape apologist is, someone the feminists and
their shills don't like, can't defeat in debate, makes perfect sense,
and is a threat to these passengers in the back of "turnip truck."
Rehtaeh Parsons was not the victim of a "hate crime" against women. No
one was charged with sexual assault or rape. What Leah Parsons
described as that "fateful party" was not Rehtaeh's first rodeo or
first session of consensual group sex. This is not was not a "hate
crime" perpetrated against women, or any other visible minority. I am
NOT the only one saying this. That doesn't make myself or others a
"rape apologist," just a target for Glen Canning and those lesser
lights of the "women's lobby."
It is well past time for our ersatz feminist intelligentsia to realize
those parents they claim are "raising rapists," are raising women and
feminists as well. As for Glen Canning, its just past time for our
violent friend to shut his pie hole.
Posted by Seren at 7:55 PM No comments: Nazi Brown Shirts, Feminista
Propaganda And the Erstaz Rape Culture in Canada
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil" And there is our boy Glen in his
little Nazi uniform next to a coterie of high ranking Fem-Nazis and
their 'Der Fuher " on a stage in front of the assembled tame media to
tell us all about the "rape culture" here in Canada. There's little
Glen in his little Nazi Brown Shirt exhorting all of us, not to "raise
a rapist." All the while the very vast majority of Canadians know
better than to accept advice vis a vis child rearing or maintaining a
strong family, from the ilk of Glen Canning.
The existence of a culture of rape is a myth, abject propaganda, an
example of the Nazi and Soviet "big lie," and an addled attempt to
advance the Feminista political agenda, by the diminishment and
demonization of men. Self-described "sociologist" Heather Hlavka a
student at Marquette University produced a paper where she says.
Females between the ages of three and 17 saw sexual violence as normal
and harassment and abuse as standard behavior. "Dr. Goebbles further
said and I quote. " Young people are socialized into a patriarchal
culture that normalizes and often encourages male power and
aggression. Hlavka's "report" also states. "As men's heterosexual
violence is viewed as customary, as too is women's endurance of it."
What a load of under-grad bafflegab! What "normal sexual violence" do
three year old infant girls endure? What exact abuse and harassment
are our children betwixt three and 17 are enduring?
Critsina Stasia University of Alberta gender studies professor and
author of Lipsticked and Loaded: Feminism, Femininity, and the Female
Action Hero (I do not think we will find that on any bestseller lists
anywhere) says. Canada's, "rape culture excuses and encourages the
objectification of and sexual assault of women." But alas the good
professor neglects to tell us just how Canada's rape culture does
that. Ersatz professor Cristina Stasia of "gender studies" says.
Canadian culture, "glamorizes sexual assault and doesn't take it
seriously. She further prevaricates that Canadian culture, "dismisses
the severity and jokes about the issue." It appears the only joke here
is the presumptive assumption that there is a culture of rape in
Canada, or that "gender studies" is considered to be scholarship in
any sense of the word.
Every year literally scores of Canadian men are wrongly accused,
wrongly convicted, and wrongly sentenced to lengthy prison sentence
for crimes they did no commit. Over fifty percent of men accused by
women of rape are innocent. These cases are being re opened and the
male victims of women criminals are being exculpated. You're right
about one thing "professor" Stasia this is indeed no joke, just ask
Gerry Gaston Barton of Morinville Alberta. Yet, notwithstanding these
facts ersatz "professor" of gender studies Cristina Stasia blubbers! "
It's heartbreaking, it's infuriating because it is a hate crime-- but
we don't treat it that way. We don't see sexual assault and violence
against women as a hate crime." That's because it isn't a hate crime.
Its just a violent crime. Prepetrated against just another citizen.
And its perpetrators are innocent until proven guilty in a court of
law. That is called equality of the sexes, whether you folks like it
or not.
Slut Walk Edmonton director Devonne Kendryk says." A unified consensus
of both men and women of what constitutes rape is necessary." My dear
woman, Devonne, "a unified consensus of what constitutes rape" already
exists. It is the section of the CC of C that deals with rape.
It is instructive to reprise the Rehateah Parsons non rape. Witness
statements to police report that Rehtaeh actually unzipped the pants
and took out the cocks of those " vicious gang rapists" to have sex,
consensual sex with them on the bed at the party. That constitutes " a
unified consensus between both men and women" to have group sex. No
legal code on the planet would call that rape.
Here endeth the lesson
Posted by Seren at 1:42 PM No comments: Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Glen Canning Asks Is He A Cyber Bully
Well Glen those 6 emails and 7 obscene laden hate filled blog comments
you sent me telling me how your were going to call Lori's boss, and
keep harassing Lori at work, say that you are a cyber-bully and a
liar. Those have been made into "screen shots" and sent to the Police.
You lied about trying to beseeching Lori on Face Book to "get me to
stop." But what you actually did was impersonate me and fraudulently
create a Face Book as Barry Winters and then make friends with her, so
you could hunt down, and harass her family and even long lost cousin
Krysta Ink.
Today you even took to taunting Patrick Doran, about your deceit on
twitter. Well Glen, they say "the apple doesn't fall too far from the
tree." In addition to being promiscuous, and a substance abuser, I
assume fourteen year old Rehteah was as patently dishonest, as you. No
"vicious gang rape" occurred, when pictures of Rehtaeh consensually
fucking her brains out came from the woodwork a week later, little
Rehtaeh cried rape. She lied. Just like Daddy does. A ever growing
number of Haligonians tire of your repression of those in Halifax with
a differing view than your own.
Your dishonesty and self centredness seems to rival Elliot Rodger. The
red flags drawing attention to your escalation to violence are exactly
what law enforcement and mental health officals missed with Elliot
Rodger. For an example why don't you show us where I said in any post
on my blog that you "murdered" Rehtaeh.
Glen, it is a very delicious irony that you, "man" crying assiduously
that parents ought not "raise rapists", while yourself committed an
act of violence against a women by harassing her at work, sending
threatening emails to her home and a year ago gaining access to her
Face Book friends her Face Book account, impersonating me.
So Glen are you a cyber-bully. Indeed and your daughter was a liar,
just like you are.
Glen, you asked me last me..."is your daughter still fat?" Glen, your
animal is still quite dead.
Posted by Seren at 6:23 PM 1 comment:
Glen Canning's Insane Jihad Against Us Infidels!
Glen Canning and his ex wife Leah Parsons have been waging a
relentless Jihad of sort against anyone that does not buy the "family
Parsons /Canning " propaganda about the life and martyrdom of "Saint
Rehtaeh of Parsons." Glen and Leah's Jihad against myself and others
has taken strange turn in the last few weeks. A few short weeks ago
seemingly one of the parents of the principles of the Rehtaeh Parsons
tragedy emailed me to complain the "antics of Leah Parsons and Glen
Canning." Glen Canning sent 7 emails and six obscene hate filled
epistles to my blog comments. Also Gen Canning made a threatening and
harassing telephone call to my wife's place of employment. And today
things got "curiouser and curiouser" when Mike Gorman of Halifax's
Frank Magazine emailed some questions for me, as he is reporting about
the Rehtaeh Parsons" media circus of the last year or so. Is Mr.
Gorman a mere shill for Glen Canning?
One of the questions Mr. Gorman posed to me was, "was I going to
defend myself and launch a lawsuit. After I answered his query, it
occurred to me that "those four boys" vilified, slandered, outted by
anonymous, Team Parsons / Canning, and the Feministas, would have a
very good case to litigate against all of these parties. These lads
were never charged with a crime, never convicted, their identities
protected by law, were abused, exposed, threatened, and their lives
ruined by a "lynch mob" fomented and directed by Glen Canning and Leah
Parsons using social media.. It seems to me these people have been
grievously wronged and injured by the Canning, Parsons duo and are
entitled to considerable legal remedy. Glen Canning and Leah Parsons
ought to pay recompense to the collateral damage victims of their
"Holy War."
Mr. Gorman was entirely ignorant of "Rehtaeh's Law, that deals with
cyber-bullying, harassment by posting, and distributing humiliating,
and or naked pictures on social media. The behavior that some say
drove poor Rehtaeh to suicide is now illegal. The ignorant Mr. Gorman
wondered what effect would Rehaeh's Father "suing" me under Rehteah's
Law would have on me. "Rehtaeh's Law is a CC of C section. So Mr.
Canning has no input in the laying of such charges. I further educated
Mr Gorman, that no one can "cyber-bully" Rehtaeh Parsons because she
is dead as a Mackeral. There are no naked or pornographic pictures of
Rehtaeh, nor of Mr. Glen Canning for that matter, if he is considering
saying he is a victim of a miscreant violating Rehtaeh's Law. In fact
I haven't harassed, bullied, sent unsolicited email, or communicated
with anyone. I write a blog. A blog Glen Canning frequently visits and
reads very much on his volition.
Glen Canning and his ex wife Leah Parsons have been impersonating
people on the world wide web, harassing them, and threatening them,
because there is money to be made being "poor victims. And they would
NOT want or let anyone jeopardize that. Mr. Canning has NO legal
options, recourse, or means to shut me or others up.
That's game, set and match, Glen!
Posted by Seren at 1:35 PM No comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Its Nice Rehtaeh Is Dead.
Hey Glen, asshole, here is some much needed elucidation, enlightenment
and education for your edification. You whine and claim you and the
slut Rehteah are being "libeled by others and myself. First issue is,
you can not libel a dead person. A dead person has no reputation,
standing, position in the community to libel and or damage. That's
because Glen, they are dead! Most people have been taught "not to
speak ill of the dead." In fact in my family we were taught to say
nice things about dead folks. Therefore, it is very nice Rehtaeh is
Criminal Libel charges even before were rare and now not pursued by
the country's Crown Prosecutors. Sec 301 of the CC of C has been
found to be unconstitutional, rather contrary to the Canadian Charter
of Rights. Now NO charges are laid in Canada under Sec 301 of the CC
of C. There is no criminal libel.
The next issue is everything I have written about you is true. "The
truth is a complete defense.
Our uneducated, ignorant little "friend "David Amos constantly drools
all over his computer keyboard pounding out poorly written and spelled
screeds about how I am guilty of "hate speech." So now we are
compelled to attempt to illuminate that closed and insane mind of
David Amos. Sections 318, 319, 320 forbid "hate propaganda" This means
"any writing, sign or representation that advocates or promotes
genocide or the communication of which...."
The CC of C defines genocide as the destruction of an "identifiable
group" Whereas an identifiable group being " any section of the public
distinguished by colour, race. religion, ethnicity or sexual
orientation." So David, what "hate speech?" Writing injin or faggot is
not "hate speech" nor a crime.
Wee Davey Amos has been frenetically emailing everyone from the human
rights commissions to his MP to Robin Reid, that I have committed a
"hate crime" for at least five years. In that time he has never
succeeded nor gained any purchase with that notion. With that you
would think even David Amos would have a scintilla of intelligence and
figure out he's wrong.
David Amos and those of his ilk can't even any longer try to con
provincial human rights commissions because sec 13 has been repealed
by The Commons, thus making "hate speech" entirely within the purview
of the courts and the CC of C .
So Glen Canning with his whining that myself and others are libelous
are pure fantasy. David Amos' is just fucking nuts.
Here endeth the lesson children!
Posted by Seren at 3:23 PM No comments:
Monday, May 26, 2014
Stupid David Amos Says
Stupid David Amos says! "Say hello to my Brother will ya pervert. Tell
him what you said about his Mother and my children. I double dawg dare
ya!" Our mental and intellectually deficient "friend" is talking about
his pretend Brother and his Son who David has dispatched, to dispatch
Patrick Doran and myself. Its all so very delusional.
Our uneducated, little "friend" is still blithering about Owen Foster
of Nottingham after a couple of years. Owen Foster is or was a young
college student in the UK, that David Amos harassed, called his
teachers, headmaster, MP, and Police to destroy the reputation of a
young man. For no other reason that David Amos is insane. No
justification exists that would make this sort of insane pettiness
acceptable. Then or now.
Canada would indeed be a more salubrious place if David Amos was
incarcerated in the US, where there are outstanding warrants for his
Posted by Seren at 9:21 PM No comments:
Faggots, Trans-Genders, Lesbos and Toilet Seats
To all the berzerkers, crazoids, aficionados of political correctness.
I don't mind fags. I like fags very much. Some of my best friends are
fags, But I wouldn't let my daughter marry one. Our society "loves and
accepts" our fags lesbos, queers trans-genders and garden variety
wannabes. We all just "love and want to include" that 3 to 6 % of
nature's anomalies in our society. And if we don't, the "activists" of
the LGBTQ "community" will try to make us.
They say Canadians love good government and lots of it. That is
especially true for the faggots and queers. Everyone in Canada wants a
programme for some damn thing. The LGBTQ community for years wanted a
government programme to make normal people "love and accept" them. Now
these "people" want the government to provide "safe gender neutral,
transgender friendly bathrooms. Because as trans-genders or gender
creatives say, taking a piss in the can is a traumatic experience. I
wonder, is that because real men usually piss all over the toilet
seat? It begs the question, if fags can give each other blow jobs in
public conveniences why can't some trans-gender freak take a piss?
In the United States school segregation was upheld for a while because
the US Supreme Court opined that states were required to provide
separate but equal education systems for blacks and white in amerka.
Will that be the case here? Will the Supreme Court rule we need
separate yet equal pissoirs for Canada's "loved and accepted" LGBTQ
community? Will there be a Criminal Code law, "to be like Dad not like
sis, lift the lid when you take a piss." And what if you miss?
Yes sis, Canada loves its natural anomalies....The mind boggles
Posted by Seren at 1:55 PM No comments:
David Amos, Glen Canning And Their Role Model Elliot Rodgers
Elliot Rodgers killed six, two women and four men, yet women's
"activists" call this "an attack on feminism." Thirteen people were
injured. Another story, another amerkan story of a crazoid expressing
his Second Amendment Right to have guns, and kill people. Because "the
Constitutional Framers" said he could. Subsequent You Tube videos show
an extremely angry Elliot Rodgers, severely pissed off at the women of
the world because he couldn't get laid, (Rehtaeh Parsons would have
helped him out) and all the men in the world, because all of us with
the possible exceptions of David Amos and Glen Canning are getting
laid. Never discount the positive and therapeutic effects of regular
good sex, or even bad sex for that matter.
Today in amerka all the morning "news" shows are crying about how "we"
meaning the authorities could have seen this coming, and prevented it.
How "we" meaning everyone else could have seen Elliot Rodgers as the
hate filled angry individual he was. We here in Canada have unbalanced
hate filled individuals. David Amos and Glen Canning are hate filled
pathetic little men escalating from aberrant behavior on social media,
(Face Book, Twitter and mass emailing) to harassing phone calls,
threatening phone calls, stalking women, fraud, impersonation and
intimidation. All these behaviours and more have been exhibited by
both Glen Canning, and David Amos.
David Amos who has been incarcerated in a mental health facility
more than once, and claims to own several firearms. It leads one to
wonder how a "man" like David Amos who has been institutionalized,
sent literally hundreds of insane emails to every police service in
Canada, has several outstanding warrants for his arrest in the US, is
in possession of firearms. When one looks at David Amos, they are
looking at a future Marc Lapine. Scary, very scary.
David Amos has telephoned the RCMP K Division, J division, the RCMP
Civilian Complaints Commission, The Edmonton Police Service, the
Edmonton Police Service Professional Standards Office (internal
affairs) the Military Police, several Mark's stores, a Shopper's Drug
Mart, my favourite pub Teddy's, the Mayor of Edmonton, the Premiers of
New Brunswick, and Alberta et al....all to vociferously whine about my
humble blog . He has even telephoned the Boston Field Office of the
FBI and the US Marshall's Service in Washington DC. David Amos has
telephoned his "butt buddy Stevie Boy Harper" the Prime Minister of
Canada to complain about my blog.
That begs the question, does any of this sound remotely normal? And
yet this psychotic future mass murderer claims to have firearms. The
mind boggles! Allison Menard, Scott Agnew, Linda Duffet-Leger, and
scores of others in New Brunswick must be terrified of this animal.
Rehtaeh Parsons is dead. Rehtaeh Parsons would have been removed from
her parents by Child Welfare Services before that so called "fateful
party" in any Province in Canada because Leah and Glen were criminally
negligent parents. It took Rehtaeh two years to progress herself to
suicide, in which time she was truant from school and Glen and Leah
didn't know it, nor care. The "family Parsons / Canning was
dysfunctional. I would imagine Rehtaeh killed herself as much to
escape Glen and Leah's problems, as anything else.
After all this, Glen Canning has taken to impersonating people,
harassing people, using social media to silence critics, and now
threatening people. He deliberately misrepresented a humorous post by
the Mad Shangi to "tweet the Calgary police and then was outraged when
Nova Scotia Police was tweeted with "screen shots" of Glen's
threatening emails to me.
Glen Canning appears to be on the brink of violent behavior. He is an
angry hate filled pathetic article like Elliot Rodgers. He already
last Saturday called to threaten my wife at work. He sent 7 hate
filled emails to me, and 6 threatening obscenity filled comments to my
blog that same day.
These are the red flags, the signs that our amerkan cousins were
looking for from Elliot Rodgers. I do NOT know if Glen Canning has
access to firearms, but there is no trick to getting an illegal
firearm in Canada.
All I do is write a blog. If you don't like the blog don't read it.
David Amos couldn't find Alberta on the best day he ever had. Nor rise
to the purchase of a ticket "on the Hound." Glen Canning is too addled
to be a threat with a firearm. But then again, that's what they said
about Elliot Rodgers, isn't it.
Posted by Seren at 7:42 AM No comments:
Even as Maritimers go David Amos is not too bright
Last night I receive another spam mass emailing from David Amos. As
did scores of other victims., which no one will read, listen to or
care about
"Hoka hey!" an "yo everyone" as our mental defective little "friend"
David Raymond Amos would say if he were here "C'yall in court." David
Amos is so fixated and distracted by my humble blog that over the
years he has telephoned to complain to the RCMP, both J and K
divisions. The Garrison Edmonton Military Police, and the Military
Civilian Complaints Commission. He complained to CSIS, CSEC, the Prime
Minister's Office, and the Edmonton Police Service. He has also
complained to the Boston Field Office of the FBI, and the US
Marshall's Service in Washington DC. He has called the corporate
offices of Canadian tire that owns Mark's where my wife works. He has
called the manager's where Lori works several times.....all this, over
several years, to no avail. All this because David Amos does not like
my blog.
If you don't like the blog David, don't read it.
Posted by Seren at 4:09 AM No comments: Sunday, May 25, 2014
Insane Glen Canning and Insane David Amos
People learn one of three ways. Some people learn by reading. Some by
watching others. And some like Glen Canning and David Amos have to
piss on the 'lectric fence to find out for themselves.
I write a blog, children. If you don't like the blog kiddies, don't
read it. David Amos in his hundreds of mass e mailings tells all that
"he is not a spammer. He is not a troll." About a year ago David found
out the email address of where Austin (Lori's son) works, and decided
to not only post that work web site but spam Austin's work e mail
with literally reams of spam. Notwithstanding David Amos' loud
protestations and justifications otherwise, I think Allison Menard,
Scott Agnew, Austin Ink. Linda Duffet-Leger and hundreds others would
call David Amos a cyber-bully and troll.
Friday Glen Canning called Lori at work and threatened her. She was
dumbfounded and hung up. Lori immediately told her boss. She told him
about the blog I wrote and how an unbalanced individual Glen Canning
has been sending e mailed threats of physical violence, pretend
litigation. and obscene rants. The supervisor called Mark's security,
and then the Edmonton Police Service. He told Lori, if Glen calls
again to tell him it not appropriate nor right he should call here,
and that the police have been informed, and hang up.
That was the point she called me, and I called the EPS, and went to
the Downtown Station, made complaint and received a file number. When
I got home I e mailed all the threats from Glen, in fact every e mail
he has ever sent me.
Friday was a significant escalation for Glen Canning. From merely
fulminating, huffing and puffing to what many would construe as
violent act upon a woman. I would suggest to Glen Canning's current
wife or domestic partner that they be afraid, be very afraid. Glen has
escalated to threatening women, YOU yourself may well be in
significant danger.
I later emailed Glen Canning and basically related to him, what I have
here. He sent an email that said...."LIES LIES LIES!"
Glen Canning is outraged over what I write about Rehtaeh. David Amos
said in one of his thousands of e screeds. "YOU ARE ATTACKING US!" No
children. I am writing a blog. The Halifax police have already told
Glen Canning I am doing absolutely nothing illegal or actionable.
I am merely writing a blog. You can see what Patrick Doran, and many
others have to deal with here.
Posted by Seren at 3:55 PM No comments: